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Issue Comments posted by CoffeeFueledCurmudgeon

  1. 15 hours ago, anitamui said:

    had it been fixed for 23??


    "DETAILED_FUTURE_REGEN" "First Name" "Common Name" "Last Name" "(dd/mm/yyyy)" "Nation" "Favourite Team" "Ethnicity" "Skin Tone" "Hair Colour" "Height" "Weight" "Preferred Foot" "Preferred Position" "Fav Number" "Birth City" "CLUB ID" "CA" "PA"

    You can either create a new *edt file or add it into the support staff file as suggested above.

  2. 1 hour ago, Skalisz said:

    This is really important and I would really appreciate an answer, has this been fixed in FM23 or do we have to wait at least until FM24?



    I can't get it to work in FM23, the chap that said it worked in the Editor thread was still playing an earlier version. Shame really, even if it was fixed, it would only take a few minutes for someone from SI to share some info as to how it should work.

    This is a wonderful way to bring back legends or legendary teams in newgen form, without manually creating a faceless entity in the editor.

  3. Can confirm, but appears visual. In my game in 2032 England and Scotland are 1st and 6th in table. but several previous years figures are missing.

    Edit: not Visual - can see the Scandinavian clubs involved in the reenabled Royal League are down at the bottom. 

    Anything created in Europe does appear to clash with existing European rankings.



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