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Posts posted by 이지현

  1. Can you also just check if this issue occurs with any other games or programs or anything else?
    ::Of course. I sleep with the FM20 on every night. I'm testing to find a solution. If you give me time, I will test it with another game or program.

    Are you running a network game or single player?
    ::I'm playing single and network games. I am the host of the network game. But both single and network are problems.

    Are you using and mods (skins, add-ons, match engine mods etc)?
    ::Pr0 Roster 01.October.2020 / Heffem skin V2 / megapack cut-out / Trophy / kit - 2d Uniform / Logos / mini stadiums
    ::I've removed all the modes I've installed and reinstalled FM20. But the problem has not been solved.

  2. What game platform are you using?

    What OS are you using?

    When exactly does this issue start to happen?
    ::This problem occurred after memory expansion from 16Gb to 32Gb.

    Are you running other programmes simultaneously with FM20? If yes, which ones?
    ::The most popular program at the same time is Chrome.
    ※ Usually, no other programs except FM20 are run overnight for memory leak testing.

  3. Before the expansion, we were using 16Gb memory.
    When using memory 16Gb, running FM overnight did not cause any problems.
    However, memory leakage occurs after extension to 32Gb.
    I tested it because I thought it was a hardware fault, but there was no problem.

    Crashdump files are not generated. Only folders were created and no files were created in them.

    So I attach a screenshot.







  4. 메모리를 16Gb > 32Gb 로 증설 이후 메모리 누수가 발생.
    4~5시간 플레시 진행시 메모리 부족 경고 발생.
    리그를 적게하던 많게하던 결과는 동일.
    메모리 사용량이 40%를 넘게되면 게임이 멈추는 일이 많다.
    제발 게임의 질이든, 기술적 문제든 뭐라도 좀 고쳐서 내놔라 싀블것.

    Memory leakage and unresponsive phenomenon occurred after 32Gb memory expansion
    Problems with average 4 to 5 hours of play
    Whether you choose fewer leagues or more, the result is the same
    Games often stop when memory usage increases (more than 40%)



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