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Posts posted by pbrobyn

  1. On 08/10/2020 at 22:39, Sebastian Szlenkier said:

    @pbrobyn Thank you, please let us know if you still encounter this issue then.


    @Ricboard Are you both on Macs? How long into the session does it usually kick one of you? Finally, what gaming client are each of you using?

    Hi Sebastian,


    Sorry for the long gap in between replies but it's hard to get everyone together to play as we're in different countries etc.

    I did the following and everything seems to have resolved and working normally.

    - Copied the save game to from the cloud to local storage and used that save game file (was originally saving the game to cloud storage now saving locally)

    - Turned off Avast Antivirus while playing

    -Turned off Mailwarebytes scanning while playing

    - Turned off all cloud storage (one cloud and Google) while playing


    Not sure if doing any of the above was the actual solution or if there was an issue with Steam during our game that had issues but everything is back to working fine again.


    Thanks for the help.

  2. I'm currently hosting/playing an online game with 2 friends where we are 2 seasons in, recently when we have tried to play the other 2 keep getting kicked out of the online game. We tried to play recently and the other players we're kicked out 3 times within a 7 day in game period and once in the middle of a match.  Game freezes for 30 seconds then they both receive a message saying "you have been disconnected from server", host is still connected to steam and has a network connection. Both are unable to find the game straight away but can find the game after 2-3 minutes, host does nothing during this time.

    We're all running 20.4.4 the Host is running windows 10, 1 player is running Windows 10 the other on a Mac, all running the game on Steam.

    Never had any issues with the online game until recently, no crash dump for any of the games as the game doesn't crash.

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