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Posts posted by iSpoon

  1. 23 hours ago, FuSS said:

    Team Talks
    Do them yourself, seriously, assistants are just rubbish at them, even the best assistants (although at least half you will ignore me through sheer laze and then blame me afterwards)
    • Be harsh! Ask yourself what the stereotypical Sir Alex Ferguson would have done (NB: there is no "kick boot at head of captain option" - pull your finger out SI!)
    • Before I match: I usually aggressively expect a result, followed by individually assertively telling them I have faith (even if I don't have faith, because most of the little primadonna are spoilt sods)
    • At half time: (even if my teams winning) if most of my team have below 7 performance I will aggressively tell them it's not good enough, those that don't respond to that (or respond badly) I will individually tell they were not good enough assertively (there you go, despite it being the tactics sharing forum I have spoon fed you, there will be no more from this teat mr!)

    These seem to really help.

    In regard to after the match, what do you tend to go for?


    23 hours ago, FuSS said:

    As with all my previous tactics I'm a big fan of control - now renamed "progressive" (is that in and of itself progressive?).

    Do you mean "positive" in FM19 terms?

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