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Posts posted by leeisted

  1. On 19/05/2021 at 02:34, Panneton0 said:

    Strange. There seems to be no problem here.

    I can't really help unfortunately as the file is hosted by sigames and the format itself is locked by the FM standard :P

    I linked the 21.4 version here, maybe try this? If it doesn't work, you'd better check with the moderators :| 

    TotalControlV21_4_0.fmf 43.86 kB · 23 downloads

    Have heard a lot of great things about this tactic on a few different sites and I know it’s annoying but I beg can someone please share the player instructions to this tactic the main version as I have to play on FM 21 touch on iPad as I don’t currently have access to a laptop or PC so can’t download any tactics, I have to manually input them so need the player instructions for this tactic, anyone??? Would be massively appreciated so I can give this a go and build a legacy of great football 😁

  2. 16 hours ago, Bob elliott said:

    Sorry can’t do that on my iPad  I think the best thing is to forget it not happy with game didn’t have all these problems on fm20 touch the whole game needs a serious sorting out you have our money provide a working game you have a whole year to develop a new game if it can’t be done in a year I suggest you look at finding people who can 

    cheers Bob Elliott 

    Couldn’t agree more with you Bob!! It’s an actual joke how many errors this game has and they still aren’t sorted out, they can’t even use the COVID excuse as even the touch game is even more stripped back than last years game, so many features missing from this years version!! I worked out I’ve brought fm 29 times on all different platforms and devices, such as iOS, android, mobile, PSP, Xbox, stadia, steam and epic games store but I’m seriously considering never buying it again after the joke of a version this year!!!

  3. On 21/01/2021 at 08:45, leeisted said:

    I still can’t make any loan signings in any league at any time, even purchased no transfer windows or loan restrictions but still can’t make a loan signing, the game has been out over 7 weeks now this is a joke, means it’s virtually impossible to do a lower league save now, especially with the COVID affected finances, I’ve reported this several times but still nothing has been done, I’m using an iPad 2019 10.2 with literally no problems with the iPad at all except from when I play your bugged/error riddled game, I’ve attached a screenshot as you can see the loan option is greyed out, you can’t even press it.


    As I’ve previously said I don’t currently have access to a working PC or Laptop so can’t upload a save but it’s irrelevant as don’t have any saves currently because your game is full of errors so can’t stick to a save an I CAN’T LOAN ANYONE OR MAKE A LOAN OFFER FOR ANYONE IN ANY GAME THAT I START IN ANY LEAGUE AT ANY TIME

  4. Mate I’m still waiting to be able to do something as simple as make a loan offer for a player, games nearly been out 2 months it’s an absolute joke, I’ll show the pic you can see it’s greyed out so can’t even put in the offer I’ve brought the no loan restrictions and no transfer windows to see if that would sort it an tried in literally every country but still can’t loan anyone in, yet they don’t even reply to me, also have this issue with different scores, also sometimes in a game one of my players is suddenly not playing an not injured or sent off they just disappear an then they are available again next match 



  5. Another error can’t move players in the Portuguese b teams to the main squad, tried this with every team an it doesn’t work, the option does come up as you’ll see in the attached screenshot but the players don’t go into your main squad which is ridiculous as mentioned several times using an iPad 2019 10.2 nothing wrong with it except your error filled game!! Been out 7 weeks now an pretty unplayable still, that ain’t on even with COVID!!! I’ve brought every single fm since 05 an the last 4 fms ive brought on more than one platform, but this is by far the worst one an I’m seriously considering never buying another FM game again as the way you’ve dealt with the issues in this game, just ain’t on, especially Miles, tried to make me look like an idiot on Twitter saying everyone loved the game, even though it had a 2.5 out of 5 writing an was very rude!!!


  6. I still can’t make any loan signings in any league at any time, even purchased no transfer windows or loan restrictions but still can’t make a loan signing, the game has been out over 7 weeks now this is a joke, means it’s virtually impossible to do a lower league save now, especially with the COVID affected finances, I’ve reported this several times but still nothing has been done, I’m using an iPad 2019 10.2 with literally no problems with the iPad at all except from when I play your bugged/error riddled game, I’ve attached a screenshot as you can see the loan option is greyed out, you can’t even press it.


  7. Posted this before, but it was ignored, can't sign anyone on loan at all or even put in an offer to loan someone, tried this in 10 leagues with 20 different teams, can't even put the offer in as the option next to transfer is greyed out an can't be pressed, please sort as getting sick of 10000000 bugs on this game

  8. New update, a lot of the same issues!! Also my game doesn't stop at half time, literally 90% of the time now so this bug has actually got worse for me, as used to be a rare occasion that the game would just continue through the game without stopping at half time

  9. So there's been an update, yeah great I can now instruct my players but now I can't bring any players in at all on loan, even in the very first transfer window, quickly tested this in 5 different leagues an it would not work.


    You literally can't press the loan offer button next to transfer to even put an offer in.

  10. This is exactly what I was trying to explain in my mail box button not working, whatever you press it just continues the game, this is actually getting ridiculous now, I am losing count with the amount of issues this game has with no date for when they'll actually sort it out :( would of rather a delayed release than a release on time that is unplayable. Also the most frustrating thing about all these bugs is that so many of them are spotted within 10 minutes of loading the game up an I'm not even exaggerating when I say this.

  11. 95% of the bugs reported in this forum were noticeable within the first 10 minutes of playing the game, allowed to be annoyed that a game, I've spent money on is unplayable, if they were deeper hidden bugs, fair enough I'd understand but so many of them are so obvious, so obviously didn't bother testing the game before releasing it, just because you aren't bothered, doesn't mean others can't be bothered about wasting money!!!

  12. Sorry I thought I explained it pretty well myself, I'm controlling transfer responsibilities myself and you know there's an option to stop getting any offers for a player whether it is a loan offer or a transfer well even if you select the option to stop getting loan offers you still continue to get them 

  13. You get loan offers for a player you don't even want to loan out so you reject and then press the reject all loan offers for that player and you just keep getting loan offers for that player every single in-game day, I'm seriously losing the will to live with this game, I've had every single FM since 05 an I've never had a game with so many bugs/errors, this year's version is almost like they didn't even test the game before they released it, I expect a few, that goes without saying but this version is littered with bugs and can't get an answer as to when it'll all be fixed.

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