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Everything posted by alian62

  1. Might depend on the injury ? Leg injury then speed is affected . Stamina depending on how long the player is sidelined for . Decisions would be a confidence issue so a long time injury would lower the confidence. Etc etc
  2. The crowd noise actually has become worse . Its another Post FM17 issue. When scoring at home the crowd noise would erupt but when scoring away it was noticeably quieter . Now there is no difference at all . If any game needed to be refunded it was FM18 with the sub standard graphics and interface .Even when players kicked the ball the sound was out of sync . Im guessing once the female version comes it will change .
  3. Well I hope they don't change it too much . I dont see that many long balls at all .
  4. I had a player that forgot his lunch after I told him to bring it the next day .
  5. In 3D you just click on the score ? Maybe the same in 2D
  6. The editors both Pre and in game will have changes. Usually refinements but you never know
  7. Now with 2 platforms being delayed are we expecting the PC version release date to be put back ?
  8. Dont see why they would bow to the 1% ers who get on here and complain . Im happy the way the game is thanks
  9. Well it should be 3-1 dont you think. L means latest score but tge score is incorrect ....
  10. Sounds quite normal . The last throws of a game teams will push for a win . You only have to look at real results of teams scoring at 90 minutes plus . I always find that too .
  11. yeah same here . i made a whole new country so im waiting as well
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