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Posts posted by Grez

  1. Nothing that I'm aware of, although I've never looked up ways to cheat so if there was anything I probably wouldn't know.

    The host can definitely cheat through the use of an editor, but the other players don't have that option.

    What I would say is there's a lot unethical things that you can do that isn't necessarily "cheating" but is still a massive advantage that some people might take advantage of. For example looking up wonderkid lists or online player stats to help with transfers, pushing transfer debt to ridiculous limits, downloading optimised premade tactics, deliberately unsettling opponents players before important matches etc.

    But in terms of actual cheating I can't think of anything.

  2. I suspect there's little desire from SI to increase difficulty.

    The game is almost certainly balanced around new players who don't know how to play yet, and I really don't blame SI for that. The worst possible outcome for SI is a new player picking up the game for free during their end of year promotion, losing every game, getting fired, and then never coming back - so these players need to be protected and made to feel like they're doing well so that they keep coming back.

    I think the issue is not that the game is too easy, it's that there's only one difficulty level. The current difficulty is absolutely fine for new players, or for players who just want to play out a fantasy, but it's not fine for experienced players who want a challenge. I don't think you can ever cater to everybody with only one difficulty level.

    One thing I disagree with is that AI is the problem. The AI has flaws, but that's not what sets the difficulty. In reality this is a numbers game - It's wages, transfer fees and budgets. It's club reputations, team cohesion and tactical familiarity. It's player attributes, morale and condition - it's all numbers - so as such the difficulty can be changed by adjusting the numbers. Want a slightly harder game? Make player-managed clubs slightly worse at all of these aspects - Imagine if your player interactions resulted in slightly worse morale, your training was slightly less effective, your team cohesion dropped more from new signings, your players demand more wages, your players play as if they have lower attributes, your fatigue rises faster and condition drops quicker etc - There's dozens of scenarios that are decided by comparing and incrementing numbers, so if you apply a difficulty modifier to these calculations you modify the difficulty. No complicated AI changes, no changes to the way the game flows, no need to alienate new players - just an optional modifier on a few numbers that would allow infinite difficulty levels to keep everybody entertained.

  3. It's always happened to an extent, I've had AI managers complain and had players recalled on previous versions of FM due to players being in the incorrect position or role, or just due to their playing time. Whether it happens more or less this year I don't know though.

    To be honest I don't mind it though, because I would do exactly the same. It's one of the reasons I dislike loaning players to the AI - they often train players badly, play them out of position etc - I'd recall them too. I wish we could set stronger rules for loans, for example sending a player out with a "Suggested individual training plan", or at least see what individual training a player is being given.

  4. 3 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

    If it's finances you want to jigger, use the editor to burden the club with debt, no transfer budget and a wage budget that forces you to start by offloading your highest-paid players.

    Yeah I've had a look at adding debt before and it could definitely give you a tricky start. I figured once you get past the initial debt you're just going back into the normal flow of things though, and I was looking for something that adds a more permanent challenge to the save (which is why I looked at chairmen attributes/resources). I guess if you made the loan payments persist long term that would make it a more permanent problem though.

    That gives me an interesting idea - adding debt repayments that increase every year, so even though you're growing and improving the club every year, the debt repayments are increasing too. It would be a race between how quickly you can improve the club and raise money vs how quickly you fall into administration due to the ever-increasing debt.

    I like the sound of this for a save idea, it'll just be hard to know what level to set the debt payments at so that they're not irrelevant, but also not impossible to deal with.

  5. 14 minutes ago, phnompenhandy said:

    Interference wants to be 20 I think. All the others 1. You can also set the chairman/board's objectives which can be nightmarish.

    Ah yeah I meant 20 interference, my mistake!

    Custom board objectives could be interesting, I'll have to take a look at that too. Thanks for the suggestion!

  6. How do I create the worst possible chairman?

    Once the official pre-game editor is released for FM24 I'm looking at creating a challenge save where I give my club the worst possible chairman, and give the other teams in the league a perfect chairman, hopefully creating a save where the league is hard to climb due to the mismatch in club finances.

    A chairman has 4 attributes

    • Resources
    • Patience
    • Interference
    • Business

    Resources, Patience and Interference seem fairly straightforward - putting them all at 1 should give me a poor chairman who likes to interfere and fires me at the first sign of failure, but I'm not entirely sure what "Business" does. Does 1 Business mean we'll be poorer as a club due to less sponsorship/merchandising sales? Does 20 Business mean he runs the club like a business rather than a football club - so it doesn't let me invest in players or put the club into any debt? I suspect setting it to 1 is probably the correct move, I Just want to be sure I'm not misunderstanding what the attribute does.

    Also - is there anything else I should consider when editing the club/board members?


  7. You're allowed 25 players, BUT..

    • 4 have to be trained at Rangers
    • 4 more have to be trained in Scotland (any club, including Rangers)
    • 2 have to be goalkeepers

    So because you only have 5 players who were trained in Scotland, the remaining 3 slots in your squad can ONLY be filled by players who were trained in Scotland. Because you only have 2 players trained at Rangers, 2 of those 3 players must be players trained at Rangers.

    Because Tom Lawrence was trained in England from 15-21 he's not eligible, so the squad is considered full. If you don't have enough players to fill the home-grown slots you just have to leave them empty, which is why it complains when you try to add Tom Lawrence.

    You have to place extra value on home-grown players. It's worth specifically scouting for home-grown players and keeping hold of them, even if they're only average squad players. Fortunately for you most good Scottish players come from either Celtic or Rangers so there will be a lot of decent options out there. I recently did a save at St Mirren and had a tough time finding anybody at all!

  8. Anyone else seeing multiple clubs go into administration?

    Not sure if it's a bug because I don't know enough about Belgian football, maybe these clubs are actually in financial trouble, but it seems very suspicous because I've almost never seen clubs go into administration on FM before.

    Oostende went into admin after 1 season with £38m of debt. Google does suggest they're in some trouble - but administration so quickly, and such a large amount of debt?

    Eupen seems very suspicious - they actually made a profit this season in game and their costs were only a couple of million in total, but they're in administration with over £55m of debt after only 1 season. Google suggests they're owned by Qataris after having some debt issues around a decade ago - so it doesn't really add up for them to be in such big trouble.

    Any Belgian football experts know anything about these clubs finances?

  9. 2 hours ago, kingjericho said:

    @Grez if the newgens would not be generated to be similar to the real players, how would the game create balanced squads, similar in quality to the real clubs? Or would clubs have random CA/PA? I think that a completely randomized newgen database would be hard to do, not based on real life players.

    Yeah that would be a bit of a challenge, but it's not impossible.

    1. You could continue basing the newgens on real squads, but change the values a lot more when they're converted to newgens. Randomise the age, randomise the hidden stats, increase/decrease CA/PA randomly by up to 10% or so, maybe pick a random player template - so instead of having an Andy Robertson clone, maybe you start with Robertson but he becomes 23yo, his CA drops by 10% but his PA increases by 7%, his hidden attributes become completely random, and he could stay at left-back but becomes a No-nonsense Full Back instead of whatever he is now. So you end up with a team of players that has a similar balance of positions to the real life squads, and a similar overall CA/PA level, but the players feel a lot less predictable. Some players become better, some become worse, some get older or younger, some change roles slightly - But overall it should balance out pretty well and feel much more like a random database than it does now
    2. Instead of basing each player on a real player, look at the average CA/PA etc of the real squad, and then generate completely new players based on that. You would probably give the team a randomly generated manager first, and then give it 2 players per position for that managers preferred formation, plus a few youth prospects. So if for example Liverpool's real squad had an average CA of 150, and an average PA of 160, you'd set that as the baseline and generate 22 players that fit the managers formation, each one randomly falling into a range of something like 135-165 CA and 145-175PA - so you'd keep squads at a similar level, and you'd always have a squad that the manager can use because it's built around them

    There's obviously other considerations, like you'd need to generate a bunch of free-agents to pick up, and you want to randomise the contract lengths so players are coming up each year, but that seems like it would be easier to do. You do need to be careful of squad registration rules and nationalities when generating players, so changing nationalities comes with some challenges. I'd probably be fine with option 1 - it's not the end of the world if we keep using the real players as a template, but way more needs to be randomised so the players aren't so obviously recognisable.

    Obviously the more you change the more you affect database creation times, but honestly the kind of people who would want to play this game-mode aren't going to care if the initial loading time takes a while. I've literally left my game holidaying overnight to create newgen databases to play with, so a longer initial loading time really doesn't worry me - you just stick a warning on it and let people make their own decision.

  10. On 11/10/2023 at 21:11, Brasilia88 said:

    A bit tedious, but it helps a ton:

    When you're low on money and want free agents, wait for the season to finish (30/06/20xx) and July 1st you hunt down every free agent by trialing them.

    (For Southern Hemisphere teams it's January) 

    Simply go to a league above you, click on transfers and find released players. You now have a whole batch of candidates. Trial 30 of them for 3 weeks and there you go. 

    The same can be down for youth players. 

    Note, this isn't affected by your scouting knowledge or your scouting package.

    Surely, you might already know a bit about the player, but when you're the manager of FC KeepItSimple, a Premier League team most likely has something good to offer. 

    Even better - you don't have to wait until the season ends, just offer them a trial while they're still at their club. Clubs will accept your trial requests if they don't intend to keep the player.

    For example if you're managing in Scotland or in a lower league English team on a smaller budget, instead of wasting money on a UK-wide scouting package and waiting to get scouting reports back you can just offer trials to any premier league youth kid on a short contract.

    I literally click on Man City, go to "Squad" and "All players", sort by contract expiry date and offer a trial to everyone with less than 6 months left. Immediately cancel the obviously bad players and repeat for every team in the prem until you're full on trials, then repeat a few weeks later to work your way through the league. There will be a few you can't get on trial, but you can scout those later if you need to.

    I think the real tip for free transfers though is to save some money for October/November - I know it's tempting but don't spend all your money in August unless you really need to. Every season there will be a handful of really good players released that were previously at a bigger club and are still expecting really high wages. They'll sit unemployed for a few months until finally, around October/November, their demands will drop by enough that you can sign them. You can sign some absolute gems this way, and they still have 2/3 of the season left to be involved in.

  11. I've played a bunch of multiplayer saves and we've never put any restrictions on tactics, I think if you banned 2-AF formations it would be sad when you find two good strikers and you're not allowed to use them together. It's also a little problematic when you're behind and need a goal - can you not bring on another striker to find a goal? I don't think I would put restrictions on tactics personally, I think there's better ways to limit yourselves.

    As for set pieces - I think that's a little more reasonable. Nobody enjoys doing set pieces anyway, they take ages to set up and edit, so just agreeing to play with default set pieces speeds up the game and might reduce the human-controlled-team dominance a little bit.

    The main thing we put a restriction on is transfer instalments. It's entirely possible to pay £0 up-front for a lot of transfers and kick the instalments several years down the line, so we ban that. On our multiplayer saves at least 50% of the transfer fee has to be paid up front, and instalments have to be paid in a reasonable amount of time (2 years max on our current save) - with no abusing anything like sell-on clauses to reduce transfer fees). It doesn't make a huge difference but it just means that squad rebuild might take an extra season or two to achieve when you can't stretch your budget out 3-4x further than intended.

    We also have certain fair-play rules in place, for example not deliberately unsettling each others players, and not interfering with anybody's transfers by declaring interest/bidding unless you really mean it.

    Other ideas we've had are things like custom squad registration rules - for example you could randomly assign each player a country, or set of countries, and your squad has to contain a few players from those countries. Maybe you're playing in Scotland, so your Europa league squad already has to contain home-grown Scottish players (which is already a problem when there's a few of you competing for the few good Scottish players that exist) but then you also have a custom rule in place that mean you have to have at least 1 player from each continent too - it can make squad building a little more challenging, rather than just sending a bunch of scouts down to find the best South American wonderkids every time.

    I'd be interested to know if you come up with any other interesting restrictions.

  12. 3 hours ago, XaW said:

    Red cards for goalkeepers are in the game. You know why I know? Well...


    Hah that's amazing, I love it. I guess this specific kind of red card should be rare, you don't see many GKs getting sent off for hand-ball.

    The obvious changes I'd like to see would be red cards for

    1. Bringing down an attacker outside of the box
    2. Second yellow card offences

    We'd probably need to add more yellow cards for things like time-wasting and dissent too, if they're not already a thing, because I'm not sure if I can remember my GK even picking up yellow cards, nevermind reds.

  13. Hi,

    Following on from the recently announced extra "game-modes" - there is one extra game-mode that I think would be an excellent addition - newgen only mode.

    In order to do it at the moment you have to create a game and send your manager on holiday for 10-15 years to let the newgens take over, which takes a long time. It's something I already play, and so do a few of my friends. I think once you've already played a save on the regular database it actually makes the game better for new saves, as you get a more diverse pool of players with more varied personalities, and it ensures that you have to properly scout and sign new players rather than relying on signing the same old players every time. It's also great for multiplayer to ensure people can't cheat by using wonderkid shortlists or googling player attributes/potential.

    I'm aware that you can select an option to "Use fake players and staff" when setting up your database - but this doesn't actually work. This option turns existing players into newgens rather than generating a new pool of players. For example if I start a new save at Arsenal with this option enabled I have the following player:

    Mohammed Farid - a 29yo Egyptian ball winning midfielder who can play both CM and DM and has 139 CA and 155 PA

    This is suspiciously similar to:

    Mohammed Elneny - a 29yo Egyptian ball winning midfielder who can play both CM and DM and has 139 CA and 155 PA

    It does make SOME changes to some players, for example some young players don't have exactly the same CA, and for some reason Thomas Partey disappeared and got replaced with a 22yo from Burkina Faso, but generally for 95% of players it's pretty obvious who they are. You may as well just be playing a regular database rather than pretending Liverpool left-back Cameron McDonald is a new player and totally not Andy Robertson.



  14. It's actually crazy that they don't already. I suspect this will have been suggested before, but I did search and I couldn't see anything specifically about it.

    I have thousands of hours across several iterations of FM, and I've never seen my goalkeeper get a red card or an injury during a game. Anyone who watches football knows this is unrealistic - several GKs will get a red card across a season, and several more will take an injury. Most people I know don't bring a goalkeeper on the bench on FM, because you don't need to unless the competition rules force you to.


    1. Adds realism
    2. Makes backup goalkeepers more relevant / worth thinking about during transfer windows
    3. Increases chance of us using and developing our youth/backup keepers, which is rewarding for the manager when you see the development
    4. Makes bench choices more interesting as you have fewer spots on the bench for outfield players


    1. Non-GK players playing in goal might need looking at to ensure they don't cause anything weird in the match engine - eg. does having an extremely poor GK cause opponent strikers to turn into prime Maradona?

    I suspect injuries would be an easy first step as the logic / need for new animations would be lower than it would be for GK specific fouls.



  15. 38 minutes ago, Jack Joyce said:

    Actually yes there is, it's just not 'super' obvious at first glance.

    • If you've told your team to do long throws, they will only do them if you have a long throw taker from your takers list on the pitch.
    • If one isn't on the pitch, your team will instead revert back to doing a short throw-in routine.

    So if you have a long throw setup with only one good long throw expert, when you sub him off your team will automatically start doing short throws instead of forcing a bad taker.

    Ah amazing, that's perfect. Does it do that already or is that new?

    It's a while since I've used long throws but I remember having issues with it in the past, but maybe it was my own fault for setting "backup" throw-in players.

  16. One thought - is there an option to only do long throws if I have somebody capable of doing it?

    Long throw specialists are fairly rare, so what often happens to me is I'll set up my long throws and then when my long throw specialist isn't playing it defaults back to some guy with 7 Long Throws and we make a mess of throw-ins until I remember to go into the options and turn off long throws.

    It would be nice to be able to assign a list of long throw specialists, and only do long throws if one of them is on the pitch.

  17. Looks solid, setting up at pieces at the beginning of a save was one of the most tedious tasks - and having the set piece roles react more fluidly makes a ton of sense. Pretty happy with this.

    I do have a few questions.

    1) What exactly does the set piece attribute do? Hopefully it's only related to the staff members ability to coach and improve "set piece familiarity", not their ability to select the correct players for each role?

    2) Is set piece familiarity lost if you change set piece tactics? If so - doesn't this discourage players from experimenting with set pieces once it's set up?

    3) Do set piece coaches preferences matter if I select my own set pieces? Does it affect their ability to coach or does it just affect the set pieces they'll choose if I delegate set pieces to them.


  18. 15 hours ago, wazzaflow10 said:

    You can control who's covering for who based on roles and positions so long as its somewhat logical. If your goal is to create some extreme variant of total football it should fail spectacularly ever time. But SI doesn't have the time to test every single possible thing a user could do to find weaknesses/exploits. 

    The adjustment of the DM to move across if there's an IWB on their side and a vacated area from a DM pushing forward is a massive, massive improvement. The effectiveness of that movement probably depends on the player too. I don't think you could have a player with poor positioning/OTB movement and poor physicals play that kind of role. 

    You don't have total freedom because the AI isn't capable of creating a tactic with total freedom. WIBWOB in theory is the best answer but it doesn't work in practice because the possibilities are infinite. Give enough people enough time and someone will break the match engine. The tactics page is meant to keep users honest to a degree so that SI can create an AI that is competitive and a match engine that provides repeatable feedback. The other alternative is SI allows the AI to see the match engine under the hood and work out in game what the best tactic is with total freedom. It wouldn't take very long before the AI converges on a game breaking tactic that no one can beat. 

    What SI is trying to do is keep the user and AI honest within the context of the match engine they've created. As the game evolves they'll evolve the engine like they've done with Pep's new tactics or the Raumdeuter 10-15 years ago. You're never going to create a never before seen tactic in this game. Its just not designed to be a free for all simulator. Maybe one day in the future with enough data on player movements and patterns of play from real life they'll tell us to go hog wild. And I'd expect unbalanced/unrealistic tactics at that stage to be severely punished.


    I don't think it necessarily matters whether the AI can make use of the changes or not. The AI doesn't make use of everything that the current tactics page provides either, it clearly just chooses from a list of preset tactics. There's no reason why having split offensive and defensive tactics would need to function any differently - give the AI a long enough list of options to choose from and they'll provide a decent competition.

    As for "game-breaking" tactics, I don't really see any point in worrying about that. We shouldn't be avoiding making progress just in case somebody finds a tactic that's too strong. Even if somebody did - so what? It's mostly a single player game, there's no real competition or money on the line here, it doesn't matter if somebody finds a game breaking tactic as long as it's not *every* tactic or something the average player is likely to find. People who want to ruin the game for themselves already do by save scumming or using the editor, so an overpowered tactic to download really shouldn't be a big deal (especially since you can patch it out later anyway).

    I get what you're saying about it not being a free for all simulator, I just think the game would be better if it was. I'm not necessarily saying that it's a bad update, it's just we've come so close to adding the ability to assign proper offensive/defensive cover but taken it out of the hands of the manager, which is a real shame.

  19. 18 hours ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    Call me crazy, but actually watching the games and seeing how the roles interact with each other, particuarly during pre-season, would be the most sensible method. Then you can tweak until you get something you are comfortable with. 

    Putting a sandbox tactical instruction where you can do whatever you want might sound nice in principle, but remember, they would have to give every single AI manager the same tools, and the game would just become a mess. At least until AI is advanced enough to handle it. 

    I think the current tactical set up is fine. On a personal level, I would much rather users actually be restricted to the default formations in the game, as this would be a proper challenge vs the AI, but I suppose you can do that yourself anyway, and we wouldn't want to upset people, would we? :lol: I would one day like to see the end of the downloaded tactic, and all the cheap exploits they create. 

    Yeah I think my main issue is just that in certain scenarios your players are essentially just ignoring your tactics. You can't have an IWB and Libero pushing up together. Why not? Because it doesn't align with some arbitrary set of rules for what football should look like? Maybe it's a bad tactic that will leave me defensively weak - but surely that's my decision as a manager. Any change that automates positions/tactics rather than putting it in the hands of the manager is a bad change that risks making every tactic feel the same.

    I like the idea of players adjusting their positioning to cover for each other, it's fundamentally a good idea, but I feel like you should have control over how that happens and who covers for who. Perhaps these current rules would make a good default, but the fact that you can't change them is disappointing. Deciding on the offensive and defensive team structure seems like a core decision for management, so the fact that we can only choose one side of it seems a little crazy in an update that is supposed to be focused around player positioning.


    The animation, physics and lighting stuff looks nice. There's always going to be a limit given we're still on the old graphics engine, but I think it looks pretty good from what we can see.

    I'm a little torn on the positional stuff. I like what you're trying to do with it and I can see myself trying to make use of the role changes, but I can't help but feel like it's a bit of a missed opportunity when this could be achieved by offering the ability to split offensive and defensive formations into two. It wouldn't have to be mandatory (to avoid confusing new managers), but it would let managers achieve this kind of positional fluidity in a more customisable way.

    It feels to me like there's going to be a lot of new rules and interactions attached to player roles that you just have to know. How well documented in game will the interactions between a libero and inverted wingback be? How obvious will it be to new players that a CAM will move over to accommodate a marauding Segundo Volante? What if you have two Segundo Volantes, does the CAM stay more central in a more crowded space, or do the Segundo Volantes go more wide? What about a Segundo Volante behind a CM-attack, does the SV progress less in order to stay in a separate space from the CM-A? These interactions are not all entirely obvious to me and I doubt the tactics screen goes into this kind of depth.

    It also potentially takes away a level of creativity from managers if your players automatically move - what if I WANT my CAM and Segundo Volante to move into the same space to create an overload and potentially draw more defenders over to that area - I can't because my CAM insists on drifting away into another space. What if I want my Libero to take priority over my IWB when moving forward? I can't do that because it's hard coded into the game.

    I think having these new movements as a default is a solid first step, but the logical conclusion to all this is to provide an option of a split defensive/offensive tactics page where you can set up two formations, and instructions for each phase of play, so that I can tell my players exactly what I want them to do rather than the players assuming or me having to guess how two roles interact.

  21. These come from your recruitment focuses.

    What seems to happen is as follows:

    1. You create a recruitment focus
    2. Your staff take some time to decide who to scout
    3. Initial scouting happens in the background away from your scouting priorities, and any bad or near-miss players are filtered out
    4. The remaining players are scouted for 2 matches each via your scouting priorities
    5. The recruitment focus is complete (or restarts if its set to ongoing)

    Step 3 gives you what appears to be a fully extensive scout of each player, so this is the key part of the recruitment focus.

    Step 4 gives you an extra box on your scouting report which shows some stats about the player's performance in each game, and the ability to watch a highlights package of the player.

    So if you don't care about the information from step 4 (and let's be honest, nobody really does) you might be better off just cancelling the recruitment focus and starting a new one back at step 1 rather than having all these players scouted for an extra 2 matches.

  22. On 22/09/2023 at 18:11, Iggy Hassan said:

    Jeez, and I thought selling players in FM24 was supposed to be easier...:confused:

    I think the wording they used was "less frustrating".

    I don't think having a bit more information would make it particularly hard / difficult, it just turns a fairly arbitrary decision into an informed decision, which I think is better game-play.

    I think if you have 6 intermediaries and very little information about any of them, you're just going to pick the highest price unless it's the deadline day and need it done quickly. I just don't see a lot of point in presenting the player with that decision, it's not very meaningful.

  23. Generally sounds OK, my initial impression on Intermediaries is that the decision making process around selecting your intermediary feels a little arbitrary.

    Perhaps it'll play-out different in-game, but if you give me a list of 6 intermediaries I'm just going to pick the one that promises the most money (minus fees of course).

    I think the selection screen would feel much more meaningful if it contained more details, for example a few ideas:

    • More detailed a area knowledge - Is the intermediary a specialist in France or Germany? Perhaps if I have a French player, a French intermediary might be a good option. Just saying "regional" or "continental" feels a bit too vague for me to do anything with.
    • Expected player salary - it might affect how likely a player is to leave, or any compensation I need to pay to the player for them to leave
    • Expected level of football - for example does the intermediary expect to offer Champions League football, Europa football, a top-5 league, a top-20 league etc - this would affect the players decision and therefore mine
    • How long the process will take (if better intermediaries are quicker, give me an estimated timeline or a deadline for each intermediary)
    • Intermediary confidence level in making a sale - one Intermediary might think they have a small chance of selling your player for 30m, whereas another intermediary might only expect to get 25m but they're very confident in making it happen. This gives us a real decision to make depending how pressed for time and desperate we are to sell.
    • An estimate of the player's chances of wanting to accept a move from this intermediary - similar to above, it gives you a decision to make based on how desperate you are to make a sale (Although maybe you can infer player the chances yourself if you know the regions / salary etc, and skip this column)

    If you give us this kind of information, and the outcomes vary significantly enough between intermediaries, it would feel like a meaningful decision. Just seeing a list of prices and fees doesn't feel like a decision, I'll just pick the biggest number. Or maybe I'm wrong, we'll see how it plays out in game.

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