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Posts posted by Redwinevino

  1. Hey,

    Why sometimes is clubs history loaded and sometimes it isn't

    eg Ryan Giggs Man Utd appearance leader, Wayne Rooney top Goal scorer etc

    I am sure I am being thick not being able to work out what is causing the issue - or failing that how do you reach this screen.

    Records has competitions won, but not player history.

    Hope this makes sense - thank you for any help

  2. 23 hours ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    If you were able to get one in that range that met the minimum requirements? I'd say no. You'd be severely limited in how many leagues or nations you could run, how many players you could have in the database of your save, graphics for the matches would look poor, and it'd take a while for the game to progress as its processing things. I'd only ever suggest a laptop around the £600 range minimum, or a laptop of that level of quality that's on offer at a lower price.


    12 hours ago, Smurf said:

    AS @JordanMillward_1 points out that price range will severely limit  your playing experience.


    Probably best you can do.


    Thank you both, you've given me much to think about.

    I normally do just need it for internet / word stuff but have the sudden huge urge to play FM again - so don't really want to go too expensive when it's likely not worth it for one game just incase the notion passes

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