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Posts posted by Kovacs

  1. Contract negotiations are really poor this year. Can we please get some of the different incentives put back in? Competition bonuses, goal (and assist like full version has got, and really doesn't seem a big thing to include) bonuses (10,15,20,30 etc) etc. The stuff that was removed this year compared to previous years is a touch excessive, especially since contract negotiations are a pretty big part of football in general, restricting us to fewer options seems completely backwards. 

    Additionally, myself and my mates all keep getting sneaky £X per game played added in the corner without it actually being an option anymore to negotiate with, which heavily inflates transfer costs and leaves you shafted without it being immediately obvious. 

  2. Just realised I posted on wrong game tab. Assistant suggestions vanish too quickly in match. No analysis tab to be seen unlike previous version. Assister no acknowledged in game either.  

    Another huge issue I have is the stripping back of bonuses and clauses within the contract menu. There's no TOTY bonus, competition bonus, landmark goal bonus (5,10,15,20,30). A new feature of FM this year was a goals AND assist bonus, and rather than add that into touch, loads have been removed instead. Unsure if it was intentional, but it's a horrendous oversight. They're incredibly handy for contract negotiations. There's already a lot left out from touch, and according to a mate, there used to be the 'classic' version which was an in between of touch and full which I really think needs to make a comeback. Unsure if this is the right place for the suggestion, but I feel quite let down by the release with these omissions of features that have been available for the past 3 FM Touch games 

    Arsenal v Brighton.pkm

  3. Saw someone complain about this about 2 FM's back, and someone else had an interesting point of adding in an option where you can suggest the non negotiable release clause is a deal breaker.

    "In practice "I won't offer you the pay rise you want unless you start being realistic about the minimum fee" is a perfectly valid negotiation strategy that doesn't represent a broken promise on the part of the manager, and I doubt minimum fees are ever the aspect of a contract that negotiations break down over IRL."

    Having a non negotiable release clause seems a bit unrealistic. I'm sure super cheap release clauses do happen, but it's changed figures 5 times now across half a season, ranging from £6m to £12.75m, and I feel you should be able to at least contest the release fee with them. I haven't played full FM, only touch, so this could very well be on the full version, but I wouldn't know

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