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Posts posted by zetup

  1. So... A short update on our mod. We found that we can change nation's continents and it helped a lot. Also we generated 75000 new players, so the chance of getting a "real" player in your team is extremely low. Our player generating code allows to set a team for a player and everything looked fine at first. But we found a problem with merging.  We can "add" world db to players db (players db will be main in that case), but then players aren't added to clubs, they are free agents. If we do the opposite (world db is main), it adds only 1 player, who is the last in players db. Merging files by Sublime Text 3 didn't help either (Notepad++ can't open such big files).  Another problem is that despite we have more or less playable db now, it freezes during loading up the save and it shows a popup message that the pc/laptop has not enough RAM (i tested it on 16GB RAM laptop). I think the problem is  that during the test i had "add players to the teams", "add staff too the teams" and all players with necessary nationalities (these 75000 players) options enabled. Theoretically we can add players to clubs by hand, but putting 75000 players in around 760 clubs will take several hours or even days. (If we don't add all generated players, nations get the original names and surnames)

    If you want to see our db: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aaoVaxziTphLXDTqQ8_3x7ldJu2rJCSJ

    Also we wanted to convert the mod to fm22 and we will do that when we manage to add players properly

    @Wolf_pd I asked my more experienced colleagues for help, they said that only you can help. If you need our generator code to find the solution, let me know

  2. I hope I understood you correctly. FM Editor says that the alternative jersey number must be greater than 0 to override the official in-game jerseys. Probably that causes showing only the editor 2d kit in club info. 

    On 07/02/2021 at 16:39, KayKay1986 said:

    Is it possible to update the clubs kit colours in the editor and kits via the config files/ graphics folders so they are aligned?

    It must be possible. The kits you have in folder are only 2d kits, so they will override only club info kits. The kits you made in the editor will be shown in the dresing room, office and on the pitch.

    Hope I answered your question

  3. I made 2 db - in the first they were 99 y.o., game changed their age to normal. In the other, they were 50 y.o. They managed to play for 3 years (I also made a db with 700 people to check theory).

    Also we had an idea of making smth like person_name_changes.lnc to change all original surnames to new. But as I understand, it changes only part of surname and is not connected to original surnames db.

  4. My brother and I are doing a conversation mod and we have troubles with surnames. We know how to add surnames, but we cannot delete basic surnames. We managed to cut down the chance of regen with original surname (by adding 3500 people for big countries, like Algeria). But that solution causes "real-time" simulating for atleast first three years of game - each week is simulated for 40 minutes. That's why we have a question, is it possible to delete basic surnames, or if it isn't, is it possible to make "surname players" retire at first day of the game?

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