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Posts posted by cellist92

  1. Hope none of the injuries were too bad!

    I just had this one! Player's body language was "anxious and lacking match fitness" when I brought him on as a sub - and so with 2 weeks break before the final 4 league games, I thought I'd get some minutes into him by making him available to play for the under 18s against the youth candidates. What harm could possibly come of it?

    Am now going to watch the highlights to find out which youth candidate broke my striker's leg, so I can make sure not to sign him! :lol:



  2. Has happened to me today - I have rolling auto save on a journeyman career (now in 2037, so seems like I have made it further than some). Every time I take a new job I rename the save game, so I have maybe 18 save game files. It's pretty unpredictable - I've had "the game could not be saved" a hand full of times, but mostly when I try again it's ok. Never had "the save game could not be loaded" until today. 

    tag is cellist92#9953

  3. They can affect what jobs you get an interview for - sometimes I've been turned down because although a preference for signing young players fits with the clubs vision, a reluctance to make the most of set pieces means I'm not a suitable fit! 

    I managed to get "title specialist" as one of my traits due to sticking around in Sweden for too long on a journeyman save which I hadn't seen before - hoping that will open up some more opportunities in the future.

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