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Posts posted by Mercia

  1. 2 hours ago, Marko1989 said:

    And increase chance for injuries with that

    To be honest I've played this way for years and never found it to be demanding injury wise. 

    8 friendlies in pre-season - 4 for the first team, 4 for the 2nd team. Key highlights to see the occasional nice goal. Everybody ready for the season bar the 3/4 hanging around on the fringes who pay the U23's friendlies. 

    No mass substitutions, no ball ache. 

  2. Does he fit in role wise to the tactic being played in the U18's? If you go to Dev Centre, U18's tactics, you can select if the team plays your first team tactic or the U18's managers preferred, could help. 

    Despite being 17, is he classed as O18 in the squad? Depends on their date of birth not their listed current age. If playing in a U18 comp he will be limited to the amount of these he can play (think it's 2 or 3). 

    Couple of guesses if that helps. 

  3. Yeah I have to say as a returning player from '17 it was disappointing to find that there's nothing really been added to set piece options since then, I don't recall anything different about it in '14 either, and we could keeping going back...

    Still has limitations in picking takers, I can't select a list of options and it picks randomly, it's either the first name, or it'll pick from the whole team, making as you say setting up individual instructions for corners etc. more of a hassle than it really needs to be. 

    I do still enjoy putting together a successful corner routine and watching the goals fly in but boy, could this part of the game do with some love and attention at the first opportunity. 

  4. I'd have to say, and others have touched on it more, but keeping a general level of fitness high is worth putting time into. 

    Make sure your senior players who aren't getting much game time are playing for the U23's, so when they do need to come in they're not coming in at 50% sharpness. 

    Have the best fitness coaches x2 and medical staff you can get or afford, you should always be aiming for best in division in all areas but those especially. 

    I remember moving from a team I had managed for a long time to Newcastle in February, and I was shocked to find players their were jaded and in need of a rest, in February! I'd never had this ever at any stage of the season before, and it was 5/6 first team players at a time.

    Emphasis on your fitness coaching staff and medical team really makes a big difference. 

    As does resting for short, 2 day periods. A game 3 days after this one? I tend to rest anyone 70% or under condition so that they're 90% again come game day. It makes the world of difference in keeping your first team on the field for runs of tightly packed games. 

    Sometimes you will just get shafted, multiple hard injuries at once, it can happen, as it can in real life. But I think if you pay attention to your fitness and medical teams you can mitigate this 99% of the time.  

  5. Really depends what you want, as the titles suggest, the full game is far more in depth with more options, more leagues, more detail to everything that's going on around you. 

    Touch is for on the go, mobile play, have never used it so couldn't tell you its quality but it has a good amount of players using it. 

  6. Default free kicks are overpowered in 20 IMO, you can see that in the amount the AI score from them. They look great mind, so I can't complain too much. 

    Corners have always been a bit more difficult and require some tinkering to get the best out of, I notice when you do they tend to come in clusters. 

    Currently in my save I have redone my corners and in 11 matches my 2 CB's have scored 5 and 7 respectively, even overturning a deficit and winning a game through just corners. 

    but I do expect a dry spell still with that, and not see any for a while, so it may balance things out in the background? I don't think so though. 

  7. Yes you can delegate most tasks, training etc. and still be successful, it largely comes down to tactics. I'm afraid you will have to pamper to players needs from time to time, you don't get to delegate that. 

    Everything you're wanting there is all in the game and a lot more and again, you can delegate to your own staff that you can bring in and organise to your hearts content. 

    There will still be a lot to learn however, but if you're up for the task, playing here probably 20 years, it offers more entertainment and depth than any other game in history IMO. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, Footix said:

    I just realised it's possible to add a column to the squad view, called "injury risk" or something (don't remember the exact wording and I don't have the game open now). 

    It's great. Whenever I see someone marked as "high" I do a serious re-think "do I really need him for this game?". 

    Helps with squad rotation. My injuries have plummeted after I started taking notice to this. 

    Indeed, I don't know if it's level of club related but you also should be getting an injury risk update before games to alert you to the same.

    Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 14.26.20.png

  9. 6 minutes ago, leviathan1904 said:

    It is the same for scouts. Does anything other than judging abilities really influence their effectiveness? described the problem here: 


    I thought determination influenced how many players they find on searches and adaptability aided in this when searching in a new country?

  10. I found the best way to learn is to hit the steam workshop or the tactics downloads on other sites. Find tactics similar to what you are looking to do and try them out. What have they done that you haven't? What works and what doesn't? Use the knowledge to adapt the tactics to your own styles. 

    Can see straight away your back line is far too deep for a high press for example, but have a look what others with a lot more experience do to get these things to work, learn and adapt. Don't be afraid to simply take what works or that you like for yourself, totally realistic lets be honest, haha. 

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