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Posts posted by TIFO07

  1. Hello,


    I'm the type of a FM player who attends almost (99%) every pre and post match interview with the media, I love it because it makes it more realistic for me to attend as much interviews as possible between every match and so on but it becomes boring to answer the same questions after a while, so what I would love to see in the upcoming versions of Football Manager is a more immersive pre and post match interviews, by this I mean:

    - add more questions from the media/press, for me there's not enough questions! I want more and more!

    - add more answers for us to choose from, not enough answers for us to choose from! MORE PLEASE!

    - PLEASE make it so that the answer we choose has more impact on the match, on the relationship between managers or players or even staff and fan base! I want to feel the consequences of what I say in the interview!

    - make it random, right now you can go to an interview and just click the answers on the left and be good, mix the positive answers with the negative answers in the UI, so that you have to read carefully what you click on.

    - just like in real life, be able to choose a player or staff who will go to the interview with you to answer questions as well.

    - (optional but would be so cool) cinematic? a small cinematic of our manager walking up to the table and sitting down with a player/staff of his choice by his side, right now you get an image of empty chairs and table...


    These are some of the ideas I thought of but the main feature that I would love out of all the ones I've mentioned is the consequences/impact of the answers we choose on the upcoming match/players/staff/fans etc. that's the biggest feature I would love to see, I'm aware it's already there but for me it's not enough, it's not as much as I would've wanted it to be, it's not as impactful in my opinion, make it so that people want to actually attend the interviews instead of sending the assistant.


    Kind regards

  2. Hi,

    In 2015 I created a fictional country for Football Manager 2015 based on ArmA II Chernarus. I never published this as it needed improving and I didn't have as much free time as I have now.

    I decided to give it another go but this time for Football Manager 2022, it's still in early progress but it's playable, I'm uploading this so that hopefully I can get some feedback and perhaps any new ideas, for now it's a simple basic version without any graphics, although I'm working on logos and 2d kits so you can expect them soon.



    What can you expect in this version?

    - 3 leagues, 1. Liga, 2. Liga, 3. Liga and Chernarus National Cup.

    - National team of Chernarus.

    - 46 new teams.

    - 34 new stadiums, some teams share stadiums when in the same city/town/village.

    - 35 new cities from all over the Chernarus not only from the Zagoria region. ( Used all maps I could find, even DayZ ones.)

    - Derbies between Stary Sobor and Novy Sobor perhaps? Big rivalry, as there is a big political tension between these two close to each other towns.


    Things I will try to improve and add in the near future / Still to do:

    - local media based on Chernarus regional names.

    - new logos, new 2d kits for all teams and competitions.

    - improved league systems, for now it's very basic.

    - more teams, youth competitions.

    - I'm planning on creating few players for each team, born and bred in the regions of where the club is from (region), perhaps they can be used for the national team as it's lacking players at the moment.

    - more influence from Czech Republic and Russia.

    - Derbies, derbies, derbies, we need rivalry, the war may be over but the rivalry will always be there since some of the clubs are influenced by the so called ''Chedaki Separatists''.  

    - more cities.

    - For now all teams are professional, this is to change in the near future as most of the teams in lower leagues will be amateur or semi professional.


    Any feedbacks, opinions and ideas are welcomed.



    Chernarus Football v1.0.fmf

  3. I know they let you choose but what I meant by this is that you should be able to choose from which country you want the affiliate club to be from. I know they give you sometimes clubs from other countries but they are chosen by the board and I think it would be cool to have an option to choose from which country you would like the club to be from.

  4. Hi, few ideas I thought about, I don't know if anyone mentioned these before:



    - I think it would be great for pre and post match interviews to be more challenging, to make every question have it's own positives but also consequences so that we the players have to be extra careful which answer we choose, I know this is in the game already but I think it's not as advanced as it could be. For example, if your team is doing really bad you get bigger and bigger pressure like in real life from the media asking questions that can make it even harder for you.

    - MORE QUESTIONS AND MORE ANSWERS, I think we need this, I always participate in interviews, whether it's pre match, post match or single questions asked during the week by some reporters. I think it would be great to have a lot more questions and answers than there are now, answers and questions that can have an affect on your save/game like I mentioned above.


    3D Match Engine:

    - I'm a big fan of 3D Match Engine, I always play 3D but like every year since 2015 I been very sad with the lack of improvements to the fans/stands/stadiums, I really liked the fans from 2012-2014, they looked way more realistic, now, the fans are scattered across the whole stadium, when you have low attendance it looks hilarious when you have a stadium of 20000 capacity and 8000 attend the match they are scattered all over the stadium which looks very unrealistic, PLEASE, take a look at FM2014, I really liked the idea of the fans being seated close to each other, especially with low attendance teams they were realistically seated close to each other in the middle of main stand.

    - Please consider, making cinematics to things like taking a corner, or preparing for a penalty take, better cinematics to winning a cup/championship, better cinematics to winning a match against your biggest rival, better cinematics before match starts. Things like that would make it more enjoyable for people like me who are playing in 3D. I don't mind the graphics, I enjoy the graphics, so the graphics can stay as they are as they are not demanding but more cinematics would make it a lot better experience, maybe also more close ups to players when they score or are shown a card?



    - Better negotiations, more complex, more advanced, make it so that you can really negotiate the price you want with the AI, make the negotiations longer, right now you can easily fail a negotiation over a small thing, make it longer so that we can negotiate, perhaps if the negotiation fail, make it so both teams can still get back to the negotiation table and negotiate a price that suits both teams.



    - More board options please, more options regarding building new stadiums, I don't mean 3D options, I mean options where you have a say on how big the stadium should be, not to decide for a board but to give them a recommendation or advice more like. 

    - Same with training grounds etc.

    - More options to choose where to go for winter/summer training camps.

    - More options to choose when choosing an affiliation/feeder clubs, like from which country your board should look for a feeder or affiliation club.


  5. Hi,

    I'm in progress of creating an 8-province-league system in one of the European nations, it's 90% done, I'm just having a bit of a problem.

    I have created 8 leagues consisting of teams from 8 different provinces, each league has 10 teams from the same province, the winner of each league gets promoted to a 1 round championship league where they battle for the champion of the country, everything works well but when the league ends the teams in the final championship play off round do not get places in European cups, some of the teams do get them before the final play off round starts, so they get picked randomly when they finish their province league rather than when they finish the play off round based on their position in the final play off round.

    Does anyone know how I can get this to work? 


    This is how it looks like:

    8 Provinces > 8 Leagues > 10 teams in each league from each province > 8 winners of these leagues gets promoted to a championship play off round > championship round has 8 teams that play with each other once > the team that finishes 1st becomes the overall champion of the country.


  6. One of the things that I would love in Football Manager series is to actually use the money you earn from your contracts, what I mean by that?

    I don't mean to be able to spend that money on personal things etc. like in FIFA Manager, no, that's not what I mean, what I would love is to use that money to buy a club for example, you already have ''Create a club'' feature so why not make it the same but actually be able to buy a club or create one yourself from the money you earn through your career!  It would be fantastic as then you would really consider whether to move to a ambitious club for less money or actually go to a club which offers you more money but then you would earn money to buy yourself a club, right now the contracts are useless, if we were able to earn this money and then be able to do something with it like buy a club or create one then it would be fantastic, yes you would be a chairman but also a manager, it's the same thing with ''create a club'' feature.  Then when you buy or create a club you can use that money for transfers, stadium build, academies, youth facilities etc. just like your chairman you work for is doing now. 

  7. Big issue for me in the recent versions of Football Manager is the way the crowd looks and behaves, I used to love the crowd in FM12-14 where the crowd was way realistic than it is now, when you are playing in a club that has a decent sized stadium  but doesn't have much fans the crowd looks terrible, they are scattered on the whole stadium rather than being in a huge group on one stand or two stands, they also get excited even if there is nothing happening while in previous versions from FM14 downwards they were all seated and just excited when there was a goal or a shot or a foul, I even remember there was some flares lighted up in the game which was so cool to see, I know it's a small detail but details like that made me love it even more, wish that in the next versions it could be improved. 

  8. I was wondering if it's possible to make clubs of a certain league use just national players or at least limit them to signing foreign players maybe by changing club vision in the editor? I just would like to see a certain country develop stars from their nationality rather than after two or three seasons have a team mostly made of foreign players.

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