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Posts posted by cap997

  1. Core question, then some details below. Does a player need to continue to reside in a country while "Awaiting Paperwork" in order to get the new passport?

    Specifically, I am managing Vaduz and Liechtenstein, and trying to convert players to play for the country. I have a group of player who will hit the passport date on 2024/06/28, the FIFA eligibility date on 2024/06/29, and currently have contract expiring on 2024/06/30 (just over 1 year from now). I intend to let the contracts expire, unless I need to extend to guarantee the passport.

    Any insight greatly appreciated.


  2. I'm creating a custom database to add Liverpool U23's to Welsh League.

    I created a new team "Liverpool U23" registered as Liverpool B Team w/ age limit and placed in JD North Division. So this team plays in Welsh league structure and cup. Also assigned to play in U23 International Cup by editing the team pools. We also have a reserve squad assigned to play in the English U23 Premier division that they play in regularly. Functionally, the same squad will cover both sets of games. 

    All of this works great, the one issue I have is I cannot get the new team attached to the Leasing.com cup. I've tried editing the cup rules but haven't found the right set of team selection rules. 

    What happens once started is the game creates a Liverpool U23 team exclusively for the purposes of playing the Leasing.com Cup. On Liverpool proper, turned U23 to "not used", "never used", but it appears anyways when the Cup spawns in August. If I can't get the new team attached to the Leasing.com cup, I'd like no Liverpool team attached so it's cleaner.

    Any guidance appreciated, I'll keep poking around tonight.

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