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Posts posted by Inter61

  1. Bit of a grumble….

    Twice now, I have bought players only to find out afterwards that there had been some kind of last minute sneaky small print switcheroo with the date of the player actually joining us, ie a year later than expected.

    Now, I understand the train of thought that says ‘buyer beware’ etc, BUT, if the goal of the game is to be close to a real world experience, then this sort of thing is utter nonsense. Can you imagine Messi or Grealish finalising their transfers, only to be told that they’d been tricked in the small print, and would have to stay at the selling club for another twelve months? Ludicrous!

    Two possible solutions:

    1- if the date of a transfer is mysteriously changed during the end stage of a negotiation, then a pop-up box should warn before you proceed. After all, these boxes already appear in many other circumstances throughout the game.

    2- alternatively, a ‘buy now’ option should be accessible in ALL transfers which are delayed for twelve months or more.

  2. Hi

    I’m still playing FM20, and have noticed a strange anomaly concerning the Match Preparation reports in Inbox.

    When I initially click on the Match Prep report, it gives the usual overview of familiarity with the tactics being trained. However, if I then click on the next item in my inbox, and then return to the Match Prep report, the familiarity rating for the second or third tactics has changed significantly.

    Has anybody else noticed this?

  3. 2 hours ago, Baodan said:

    If you initiated the offer then it probably did default to an immediate purchase but maybe the selling club changed the date when they renegotiated your offer. In any case it's on you to pay attention to details when negotiating.

    I've previously been able to get a player earlier by paying a relatively small extra fee. I don't recall if the option was available right away, since I only needed to move up the purchase later on due to injuries. Naturally this will not be possible if the selling club isn't willing to do so.

    Thanks for this. Sounds like I’m just going to have to wait!

  4. Hi

    At the end of the season I have just signed a player, but afterwards noticed that the joining date is incorrect - an entire year in the future from now! As the player is 22 years old, I am curious as to why the transfer negotiations didn’t automatically default to an immediate purchase, but most importantly would like to know if it is possible to amend the joining date? The option to do so is currently greyed out in Contract Details.


  5. 1 hour ago, HUNT3R said:

    Do you anything in these matches based on what you're seeing or what's happening? Do you learn from the previous playthrough and adapt or do you do the same thing over and over?

    Pre-game stats mean nothing. Goals mean everything. If you lose/draw that regularly, it's either something your doing or not doing, how you've set up tactically, player selection or a bit of everything.

    I’ve sampled it both ways, with no changes and then using different tactical set ups.

    Interestingly, when using no changes, there were large variations in shots and shots on target. In fact the only constant appeared to be the end result, which would vary between 0-1 with one shot on target, to 1-5 with 11 shots on target.

    And therein lies the suspicion that ‘greater forces’ are in play.

    It reminds me of that old joke about football being a game of 22 men kicking a ball around, and then the Germans win.

  6. On 06/07/2021 at 00:12, wazzaflow10 said:

    There are lots of examples of older games where the developer allows the AI to "cheat" because its easier to program shortcuts for the computer than build out human logic. I don't know if SI does this in any part of their game (maybe transfers/contracts?). The ME is/should be the ME. Maybe someone could argue making the match engine harder on human players makes the game more challenging b/c of the potential to break the ME in a way the AI never would. Given the desire to sell as many copies as possible I'd agree it'd make no sense to have the human lose rather than win. It definitely feels good to rant though.

    I’d argue that it isn’t as simple as ‘have the human win or lose’. Both of which would be potential negatives for the game developers. Agreed that a constant losing experience would put people off playing, but so would the reverse if it seemed too easy. If I was building a game, and my primary economic requirement was to retain players, I’d want to engineer it to be difficult but not impossible, occasionally successful but mostly near misses. Highs and lows, disappointments followed by minor triumphs.

  7. - Playing at home, second game of the season, against Everton.

    - Both sides are evenly matched, as evidenced by the level bookies odds.

    - Finished two places above them last season.

    - Now replaying the game for the 14th time.

    - Current record is: 9 away wins and 4 draws.

    Utter nonsense.

    Perhaps the makers of this game should have spoken to a statistician before releasing it…..

    (Edit: 9 away wins and 5 draws)

    (Edit: 10 away wins and 5 draws - Game 15 was hilarious- winning 1-0 in the 90th minute, only for Everton to score in the 91st and 96th minutes)

    (Edit: 10 away wins and 6 draws)

    (Edit: 11 away wins and 6 draws)

    (Edit: And Finally……. 1 home win, 6 draws and 11 away wins)

    So, 1 in 18 is a home win. Interestingly enough, in the real world Norwich City are 18/1 to win at Manchester City on the opening day of the new season.

  8. I’m primarily interested in playing this game from the viewpoint of statistical comparative outcomes when compared to ‘real’ football. 
    The biggest ‘blind spot’ appears to be what I originally assumed to be some kind of narrative building element deep in the game programming. In other words, when the probability of outcome seems to depart significantly from ‘real’ football. However, according to some earlier responses in this forum, that would not appear to be the case?

    As an example, I’m currently playing as a home team in 19th position in the Championship versus a team in 4th place. Current form is pretty comparable, and so is team morale.

    Via scum saving, I’m now up to 17 straight losses, played across many different tactical set-ups. If the home team is winning with 5 minutes to go, as has happened several times, then the away side will inevitably score two goals in added time.


  9. Resets were only back to the match preview, immediately before playing the game(s).

    I note your comment about the game not ‘warping reality’.

    Back in the real world, Leicester lost 2-4 vs Newcastle last night.
    As an outlier, this was a surprising but not unthinkable result. However, the notion that Newcastle would beat Leicester at the King Power on 6 out of 8 occasions is obviously nonsense.

  10. I love the game, but there are times when it is just toe-curlingly bad. This seems to be mostly down to an overly intrusive game engine attempting to build narratives.

    As an example.......

    I am currently playing as Newcastle Utd, decent season, 8th in the Prem, 3 games to go, on a good run of form with confidence high, same team as previous 3 games, no new injuries etc...

    playing at home against West Ham Utd, ‘woeful’ form, lost last 5, injury problems etc....

    betting odds are 1/3 for a home win....

    You can probably guess what happens next.....

    it took 8 attempts to beat them!!!!

    Six losses and one draw!

    Now, there are of course always ‘outlier’ results in football, that’s the beauty of the game - the possibility of anyone beating anyone on any given day, BUT.... when the game engine attempts to ‘warp’ reality into effectively reversing the natural order of probability, then that’s just a bit silly.


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