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Make me get fast

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Posts posted by Make me get fast

  1. Hey guys, I've not played a new version of FM since 2007 and 2008 (apart from a brief look at FM14 I think), I played everything from CM Italy in the mid 90's, through to 2007/08; but got stuck there for ages, as I had some mamouth career games, world-wide journey man style, for 70 years or so. Since then I've never really had a good enough system to handle the newer versions; and travel/running/house-buying got in the way.

    Anyway, I'm about to take the plunge and buy a desktop that can handle 2020, and get back up to date; and was hoping to get some advice on a whole mix of questions? I know some of these are technical and some as gameplay, but hopefully it's ok to lump all together?

    1. What are the biggest differences between the game now, and how it was around 2007/08? Huge question to ask obviously; but be great to hear from long term players on how it's developed.

    2. I'm looking at a Ryzen 9 3900x if I can stretch to it, would that be sufficient to run a high number of nations and league? How about a Ryzen 6 3600x? Say with 16GB of fast RAM in each setup.

    3. What level of graphics card is needed to play the 3D engine on full detail at a good rate? My only gaming will be FM and possibly CS:GO, will a mid range £150-£200 card do the job, or do I need to go high end? I'd be inclined to save the money, go for a lower/mid range card, and spend more on the processor; best option?

    4. How does the adding and removing leagues work? Can you also add/remove whole nations, and from new continents? Are there any downsides to adding a league say 10yrs in?

    5. Is the graphics scene still active? I always used to like to have club badges and kits for all teams - are there more now as licenced defaults, or do most people use 3rd party files?

    6. Are there any setup tips for someone looking for a deep journeyman game, starting at the bottom? I'm interested in keeping things balanced in to the future, and I like to see long term variation of how the league's develop

    7. Are there any new league's in the game now? Am I right in thinking people now create other countries league's that are not there by default? How on earth does that work with continental qualifying etc?

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