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Posts posted by tolgacansezer

  1. 2 minutes ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    No, it won't. It has a processor that'll only run it at a half-decent level when it's doing it's full turbo speed (which it may well not do, due to temperature), and the processor is not one designed for much gaming - more doing work and watching Netflix. It doesn't have a dedicated graphics card, which will mean you only running the game in low/medium graphics, and it doesn't have a huge amount of hard drive space. You can honestly get a laptop significantly better than that for the same price, which is the same as I advised when you asked this same question a week ago.

    If you're getting this wanting to play FM on it a lot, you're going to end up frustrated.

    Thanks again.

  2. Hi,

    I'm looking for a MacBook and I have two options due to my budget. My quesiton is that which one can run FM 2020 effortlessly? I also want to watch movies and take basic action on Photoshop on my new MacBook.

    Option 1: https://www.walmart.com/ip/New-Apple-MacBook-Air-13-inch-1-8GHz-dual-core-Intel-Core-i5-8GB-RAM-128GB-SSD-Silver-2017-Model/788533857

    Option 2: https://www.apple.com/us-hed/shop/buy-mac/macbook-air (left one)

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