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Posts posted by Kevinho7

  1. It isn’t only effective when you have very technically gifted players with high flair tho…

    When playing in the lower leagues, where players aren’t that good in general and they already have some difficulties in following your tactical instructions in a disciplined manner, you can use be more expressive to let them try things out and just play their game. 

    Think of it like letting them think outside the box.

  2. 58 minutes ago, XaW said:

    Oh, I don't disagree that SI should be more informative, but it's important to portray things fairly. Thanks for the clarification.

    For what it's worth I think the game needs more polish too, as I posted a few pages back. While I am excited for the move to Unity in FM25, I hope the main "features" of the new game is, well, none. If they just move to Unity and spend the rest of the time fixing older issues and give the game a more polished look and feel, I'd be very happy. That's just my opinion though, and I have no inside info or anything. I'm just expressing my personal view and hopes.

    My thoughts exactly. There don’t have to be a bunch of new features everytime which make it susceptible to flaws and bugs. The game is the best out there for years already anyway. Perfecting the craft is also a major accomplishment when done well. Just try and make this game as perfect as it can get as it’s already very extensive

  3. You know I respect the devs being busy with the game. I don’t even want to know how time consuming it is to work on these projects. 

    But we got promised a number of things, and the way I was brought up is that you if you make promises, you have to keep them. 

    Where is our roadmap for example? Amongst other things ofcourse…

    Yesterday I’ve read in here about the fixture scheduling issue, which I hadn’t even noticed myself but can’t unsee it now as it happens everywhere. (Doesn’t seem like a hard thing to fix but then again i don’t know the slightest about game development).

    The only thing I know is that we got promised things which weren’t delivered. And guys like RDF and others spending a hell of a lot of time to give detailed explanations and examples… but for what really?

    Would love for SI to come up with a clear communication message as to what’s to come, and what isn’t to come anymore for this iteration.
    At least we then know if we can still hope for improvements, or that we just have to suck it all up for now and play this dodgy version of the game until the end of the year, and all efforts people make for reporting bugs is wasted for this version 😅

  4. 8 hours ago, RDF Tactics said:

    In Brazil. Fluminense and Athlético Paranaense. We both have AMG, GOI, FLA, ATM, GRE, CEC, INT, VDG, SEP and SPO

    That's the same TEN teams back-to-back in the exact same order.

    There's likely to be other teams with the same fixtures but I'm not spending any more time on this. I spoke about this stuff being time-consuming before. It's clearly an issue for years. Little to no point in spending any more time on this if there's no intention of doing anything.

    It is what it is. Football Manager.



    My god. I hadn’t even noticed this at first, but now I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it… Having the exact same issue where all teams play the exact order of teams back to back in their schedule. 

    Never noticed this because I manage in Holland where you play with the IRL match fixture list in 1st season. 

    Don’t want to start a new save again and untick the box of using real life fixture lists, so I hope this is just something that only occurs during the 1st season and hopefully vanishes when starting the 2nd one…

  5. I don’t know if this is too far fetched or that it isn’t entirely possible, but personally i think it would be cool if there could be more transfer activity for view-only leagues. Not only for players, but for staff as well. 

    I think not everyone has a very good rig with which they can play the game with a lot of leagues playable, so they set many leagues as view-only. 
    And leagues that aren’t playable for example don’t get new coaches when the original manager is sacked. 

    I’ve seen teams in my saves that went on for many many seasons without even having a manager present. 

    Personally it feels like it breaks the immersion quite a bit. 

    Then again, I don’t know if it’s even possible but it would be so nice to see this changed, especially the no manager present thing. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

    As a brazilian, Dutch football has always been a favorite of mine in Europe, since it was similar to Brazilian football in terms of how they valued the technical side of the game. I haven't been following the league at all, but that 2009-10 FC Twente squad had great players. I've learned that AZ has been doing a great job with the academy, but I'm not familiar with the league these days. Portugal on the other hand has been putting out the best generation of players I've seen, with the Big 3 always selling great portuguese players to the big leagues. 

    Oh wauw that’s actually pretty cool that our dutch league is a favourite to you as a brazilian! Many great brazilians played over here as well ofcourse 🙏🏻

  7. 21 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

    The Dutch and the Portuguese leagues in FM are similar in this sense, they are hard to win as a small club but not hard to finish around 4th~7th in the league. 

    On this part i’m actually very much in agreement tho. Used to be harder for newly promoted sides to do well in the Eredivisie, but this doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Shows how the league is digressing in overall quality unfortunately :(

  8. 6 minutes ago, Rodrigogc said:

    I don't want to be that guy, but ADO Den Haag is not that small. They have won 2 Eredvise titles in the past, but it is the same number of titles that AZ have won for instance. They were coached by Ernst Happen (one of the best coaches of the past century) and won the Dutch cup in the 60s as well. FC Twente won only one Eredvise title and it wouldn't surprise anyone if they finish 3rd in the league. 


    Mate ADO won 2 eredivisietitles in the early 40’s when Holland was taken over by the germans during ww2. 

    Ado, for the most part during history, has always been a club switching between relegations and promotions, with only just a couple of highlight seasons on top level. Last year they had the 4th biggest budget of the dutch 2nd division with only 2.7 million. 

    But, nevertheless, i don’t want to go out explaining dutch footballing history over here. That wasn’t really the point of my reply to Rdf in the first place. It was more about how fm can create storylines by the game not always being a exact copy of irl, which personally, i like 🙂

  9. 4 hours ago, RDF Tactics said:

    But you are. By saying "13th as Sampdoria that just got promoted. Easy." That is suggesting you shouldn't be where you are. This is what I mean by people are just ranting off for the sake of it. That Sampodoria statement isn't constructive. This all leads back to my point of empty statements - people just saying things because it's easy rather than constructive.

    I made points that COULD justify the win. But as I stated, he did not post the win so we can not conclude that result. Was it a lucky win? Did he have 30 shots to Inter's 4?... You don't possibly know if it was an "easy" win. We're just assuming that he picked Juve, did not use an aggressive tactic in order he wins, then complain he won. Because we can not see the win.

    The AI not being good is something we all know. Everybody and their pet wants that to be improved. It doesn't then mean that everyone's "game is too easy" complaint carries the same weight. Some say it in moments where it's not entirely the case for them.

    If the results in FM would always be a one on one copy of irl, it would make the game a bit boring to me 😅 I love the storylines that unfold within the game. Small clubs overperforming and big clubs falling down the ladder. It creates your own world. 

    Funny anecdote… I remember back on fm10 i saw ADO Den Haag (which is a very small club in dutch football) finish in 5th or 6th place in the dutch Eredivisie in my save. I was like come on how unrealistic is this?! 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

    Then one season later in real life, 2010/11, ADO ended up finishing in 7th place in the league qualifying for european playoffs 😂

    Suddenly not so unrealistic anymore.. lool

  10. 17 hours ago, RDF Tactics said:

    Best to post your tactic either in the tactic forum for an actual discussion or maybe here for quick-fire replies (this thread is for feedback though so maybe not best received).

    I'm currently creating a Man City tactic and whether I try Haaland as a PFa, AF or P, he just bags goals because the system makes sure he's the main threat, created space for him and plenty of supply.

    This is the tactic.

    His supply is both wingers, CM on support and Regista in DM. That's 4 creators.

    CMa can, he has take more risks with passing but on attack, is there to be an added scoring threat so it's not just one player, but the main scoring threat has plenty of supply.

    Making sure he has space, only one other player is moving into the channels (my CMs). So if LCM takes up one channel, Haaland can take up the other. Maybe limited channel space if two players are attempting to attack one channel. Or if they rotate with moving into a channel, would mean my ST won't always be moving into a channel if he's "channel sharing".

    Wingers look to always open the channels by staying wide (attracting opposition FBs) - again, making more space for the striker to move and space exploit.


    New video coming up? 👀

  11. 6 minutes ago, RDF Tactics said:

    The point being, that nobody should be trying to convince others to change their opinion on their experience of the game.

    Understand that everyone plays differently. What bothers one person, the other people may not even notice. Something so big to one, is so small to the other.

    I think it's one reason why many play FM. They're not forced to play a certain way. Some people would still love the game to death if 3D got removed tomorrow. Me being one, but some won't be able to play without it. It's why you get some people so passionate about recruitment focus - made it hard for them to enjoy scouting. Some didn't even comment on the recruitment focus because they don't even touch it.

    I don’t even play 3d 😂 Always have and still play with the 2d classic! Just GOAT 🙏🏻

  12. 1 hour ago, RDF Tactics said:

    How much do you trust, or rely, on match ratings in Football Manager?

    And does it affect your decisions? Example, 2-1 up, do you take off the CM that’s playing a 6.6?

    If i’m 2-1 up late game.. Hell, i would even take my cm off when he has a 8.5 if he’s spent 😂 Cm is a vital position within my tactic so i can’t afford to have someone without any lungs running around and lose the midfield battle when protecting a narrow lead.

    But then again it’s totally dependant upon the match situation. If i’m 2-1 up and all i’m doing is camping in the opposition half, and my cm is getting a 8.5 while being spent i could also leave him on, because he doesn’t need as much fitness when we’re camping, but then his match rating might suggest he could be the one playing that key pass in the end because he’s doing well. 

    So yeah, very much match dependant 🤷🏻‍♂️

  13. 1 hour ago, steve.bs69 said:

    Just the fact you're defeating Man City that easily and they're playing like a whatsover Sheff Utd (with all respect) is simply ridiculous 

    Infact i'm not playing anymore from one month now and counting............


    Remember this? Didn’t seem all to difficult for them back then. Probably should’ve won by more than one even.

    I mean, these things can happen irl as well…


  14. Actually play all matches on comprehensive, always. But then again, i’m also someone who may take the game a bit too seriously and treat it like the irl job i could never get 😅

    Setting up every training week manually, doing my own opponent analysis where i watch highlights and analytical data of my opponent’s previously played games or games they’ve played against teams of similar statue lik my own. 

    Litterally micro managing about every facet the game has to offer.

    Also the reason why it takes me around 90-100 hours to finish just one season… It’s the way I get the most immersion out of playing fm

  15. 1 hour ago, Litmanen 10 said:

    The main things seems to be that Dr Benjy and other Youtubers doing everything wrong and watching key highlights while talking about something else will still perform better than AI Guardiola and Klopp. Because that is what sells, I guess. 

    Completely off topic here, but everytime i see your username passing by i just get a good feeling 😂

    Jari Litmanen, my all time IDOL since i was a young kid going to the old Ajax stadium De Meer in our glory years! 🙏🏻

  16. 10 minutes ago, RDF Tactics said:

    I'm sorry but how do you compare different teams within the gameworld when the difference between teams with their OPPDA isn't larger than one. You can't possibly establish a difference between teams if the most intense team OPPDA is 4.35 and the least intense is at 5.53. Just about a difference of one pass. So everyone in the league is high intense?

    If OPPDA is a great example of a stat that can be interpreted and implemented in a hundred different ways, why is there then no glossary of how FM are recording the data? It's all good having your own way of recording it but not telling the people who are using the data just doesn't make sense IMO. Every football data platform would have a glossary so you can understand their interpretation.

    And still, nobody has or will tell us how OPPDA is being recorded (not that I've seen).

    From the graph below, you can't possibly conclude anything about a team's defending style here. Barca defend high and high OPPDA. Girona defend deep, and has more intense press than Barca.

    Getafe, whose manager plays wing-play and has less often pressing has a more intense press than Barca. Without being told what OPPDA is FM, it's impossible to then actually understand and comparing different teams within the gameworld.


    So true. Told you, right?
    Nothing more to add to this and you’re bang on the money right here. 

  17. 17 minutes ago, RDF Tactics said:

    I need to understand what the hell tempo even is on this game.

    i mentioned in my Thiago Motta tactic. I’m using mid tempo in a heavy possession tactic. But when I boost my tempo, my possession and pass % didn’t drop and results got better.

    it felt wrong using fast tempo in the Thiago Motta tactic so I said in the video, if you want to get better results then just wack the tempo high.

    possession football in FM, and I don’t actually disagree, falls down to mostly your roles and formation selection. Just wished the instructions helped complement things better and make things very detrimental.

    using control with very high tempo, you still often see your team recycling possession and being patient if you’re using a IFB with CBs for example. 

    I still feel that shorter passing coupled with a higher tempo should only be used effectively when you are a very high quality side. Not like in fm where it just works on about every team. 

    If you take a look at almost all Team Sequence Style scattergraphs you’ll immediately notice how there are almost no teams in the upper right quadrant (meaning short+fast). 
    Only Liverpool in England and PSV in holland somewhat jump out. 
    Teams usually sit in either the upper left quadrant (direct+fast), and lower right quadrant (short+slow). This just goes hand in hand and seems very logical.

    So FM letting high tempo and shorter passing work together so easily and in such a effective way, just isn’t a good reflection of irl and irl data. 



  18. 9 hours ago, Matej said:

    Ill put my formation and tactic. Its nothing special. So please can anyone from SI explain to me and others how im much better then AI controled teams and they have much better squads? i simply dont understand and all i can think is that game is rigged, that game gives much advantage to human player. I have no other explanation. 


    4231 fm24.jpg

    It’s far from playing the control possession preset tho.
    Standard passing lenght, higher tempo, counter, counter press, high press, high line and more often pressing. 

    These are all the ingredients to get almost any tactic working on this game unfortunately. Your tactic looks well distributed in terms of roles and duties. So yeah, coupled with those ti’s it’s almost always the winning formula. Particularly anoying how using a higher tempo always let’s you outperform, no matter your team’s quality. 😅 It defo shouldn’t be quite this easy… 🤷🏻‍♂️

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