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Posts posted by CaptCanuck

  1. 32 minutes ago, mhaffy said:

    Only just started a long term save since winter update patch came out, despite having FM21 since beta release - decided to abandon initial save very early on due to the numerous bugs which I am hoping are largely fixed now.....

    Is there any way to see history of your player conversations, quick chats etc like there used to be in FM20 etc? Cannot seem to find this very useful option anywhere.... help appreciated...

    I'd forgot the list of things that weren't there anymore or bugs - no, no you cannot

  2. 18 hours ago, John Wood said:

    Hi All, I realise this is frustrating all of you so to gauge how important this is can I ask each of you how important it is to you when you play the game?

    What specifically do you use the feature for and what decisions do you hang off the passing combos map?

    What do you use as an alternative in the current game as it is not working?

    These questions are not meant to judge but more to add significance and weight to fixing the problem you have for future releases/ updates. 

    Thanks for the question:

    - Scouting upcoming matches, seeing the passing combos in the analyst report enables me to decide on my starting 11, how I will initially set up opposition instructions, and whether or not I start man-marking from the off. During matches I use it to see how those things are working and/or if they are still applicable. Also use it in match/post match for my own side to see if passing movement, combos are going as expected for my tactic. You can watch matches on comprehensive and see a decent bit, but only on full match and then not always really copping on, to how your players are interacting with each other. Passing combos and heat map were my two main analytics options for scouting, judging who well my tactic is working from a distribution and defensive POV.

    - Nothing. I can look at the total passes to get a sense of the volume/concentration of passes, but still not know the combos or where they are taking place on the pitch. And Xg is simply pointless. It does not necessarily correlate to what I see on the pitch IMHO.

    Again I appreciate the question, but this was a fully functional feature in previous releases, that is now fully broken. If SI isn't going to fix it, it wold be better to comment out the code IMHO, then leave this burnt out shell there to frustrate us/me. Thanks!

  3. 7 hours ago, Sharkn20 said:

    What are you talking about?

    The highlighted role don't have any PIs hard coded. 

    The PIs you add will provide those instructions.

    PIs only will be represented in the first screen if they are hard coded in the role.

    Really? I could have swore that you should have two different variants of green under 'Instructions' - one to indicate the default/hard coded ones and one to indicate those you have added. Maybe I've been looking at it wrong all this time, lol

  4. 10 hours ago, Christopher S said:

    Another update, still no fix. 

    Like, really? I realize that from the outside, we might not understand the degree of complexity behind the issue, but it would be nice to at least have some news regarding it. This bug was here in beta, and SI confirmed they were aware of it. It's been 4 months. 

    They have the data - you can see the total number of passes for player passing combos. And if you select all it looks like they can still draw all of the passing lines where you have that way too busy view. So it can "only" be a rendering thing?

    Maybe because I (we) used it a lot I (we) think it's an important and meaningful feature, but we're in the vast majority? Seems they fixed a lot of other things not nearly this important and especially since they introduced this regression, fixing existing things they break should be prioritized more, no?

    Ugh, well ya whatever, I am getting annoyed like before and there's not point in that. Guess I will continue on with my save after taking a break hoping improvements would come :-S

  5. 35 minutes ago, BrickCommo23 said:

    Thank you - that is useful. 

    I am still playing around with it and funnily enough, since that post have moved the IWB to a Defend duty for the very reason you suggest. 

    Ya I just know from experience ;-)

    I use an IWB-S in my 523 to help give me a 3 man midfield and build overloads on the left side and he'll get pretty far up there when given the chance.

  6. 8 hours ago, BrickCommo23 said:

    Hi all,

    I am struggling to make the '1' in the 3-1-6 system work effectively. So I think I am heading towards making a 3-2-5 in possession instead. 

    If I can get this lad at the IWB position to work out it could be lovely:


    How is Camavinga moving versus Rice and Henrique? IWB-s is going to move up too much, the longer in possession you are, he could end up sitting around the 18yd box, depending on where the Mez goes.

    IWB-d (or FB-d with stay inside) + the CD + BPD with get wide, is the typical attempt at a back 3, without simply having a back 3. And with Camavinga you could easily retrain him as a BPD if you wanted to go that way. Although I am guessing you didn't buy Aarons to not play him.

  7. Just now, zindrinho said:

    I certainly didn't mean to imply that I am playing the game the correct way and others aren't, I was trying to give people who felt the game was broken to the point of unplayable a possibility/workaround to enjoy FM even with broken/incomplete stats and match analysis.

    Sure no prob :-) We're all mostly in the same space in regards to how FM21 is at the moment anyways.

  8. 33 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

    My point was, and still is, that you CAN fully understand how good or bad a player is doing, you simply watch the games. I've read that thread and the answer isn't that the game isn't registrating key tackles f.ex, its just that it defines a key tackle as a tackle that stops a clear cut chance. I agree there should be stats about "normal" key tackles as well, the ones stopping smaller chances (<0,3xG) is a stat I wanna see. But I dont agree that it ruins the game, the workaround in this case is watching your matches, comprehensive highlights works perfectly for me.

    I know we go around the houses on this here, but the point I am sure we can all agree with is that we play the game differently. If comprehensive and the rest of it gets you 9/10ths and your happy with it, then that's great and you are good to go, but it doesn't mean you are doing it right and others wrong :-)

    Lots of people want to dive into all those metrics to confirm what's going on in matches - whether it be individual player data or passing maps and all the analytics that are STILL broken - and for a myriad of FM tasks from matches to players transfers, contracts, morale, etc...

    • For me I watch comprehensive and it isn't enough to build and tweak tactics to the degree I want to, without having fully functioning match data.
    • For me that lack of analytics data also makes it harder to setup against your next opponent, with incomplete and faulty data, which can lead to worse results and less fun obviously.
    • For me I don't believe someone can 'fully understand' how players are doing solely from highlights - even comprehensive ones - without a different definition of the word "fully" than me. But that's fine I'm not going to tell you, it's a bad workaround just not fully sufficient from my POV.

    Personally I am parking my long term save after two seasons, as the mighty Seagulls finished 3rd in 21/22 and could challenge for trophies in 22/23, but we'll need all the help the game should provide us to so. Keep enjoying your Twente save, they have a bunch of really interesting looking kids there!

  9. 10 hours ago, Geordieboy52 said:

    Whenever I struggle with a save, I look at loading up holidaying for a decade of so and picking up there. Seeing the lay of the land, is there a fallen giant to rescue? Is there an interesting project? Can you break a monopoly?

    I like this. I tend to only have 1 save from the start, as I wouldn't want to repeat - largely - the same clubs doing the same thing. So either a 'sliding doors' save after 8-10 seasons where I keep my original going and also resign from my starting club and then take a new job. I get the fun of a new club, while also comparing my first clubs continuing efforts but with a new manager.

    I think if I do a totally from new second save, I will do the 10yr holiday :-)

  10. 4 hours ago, Exoseed said:

    Ok so I did try to experiment with a 5212 yesterday. I used Rony Lopes as an AP(S) behind my forwards with my BWM in CM next to my B2B and a higher defensive line. It worked quite well and I had my two first wins of the season 2-0 in Ligue 1 and a great 3-1 in Europa League. I did see a lot of improvement in the way we played, more movement, better passes. We conceded a lot of occasions though, especially towards the end of the games, so I definitely feel like I should address that somehow.

    Here is the tactic I used:


    Thanks @Jervaj and @CaptCanuck for your answers, a lot of things to think about there! I really like the idea of the 523 in theory, but I was afraid to be a bit weak in the midfield. I tried to think about it and came up with this:


    I really like this on paper. I think that the libero could balance the fact that there are only two midfielders. I swapped by BBM for a CAR who I think could offer more passing solutions to both CWBs and the IF/IW? On the left flank I would hope for the CWB to move up along the line while the IF would go more towards the center.

    I thought it would be more interesting to have one IF on one side and an IW on the other side to allow for more variety but I may be mistaken there, maybe it's best to have two IF? I kept a false 9 behind, because I think he will create spaces in which the IF/IW could move. I think I will try something in that style tonight.

    Nice to get some results :-)

    I've played a season and a half with an L-SU and TBH he hasn't done much and in Ajer or Dunk playing that role I have players who could excel at it. When teams press, their striker stands on him and the ball goes to one of my BPDs. So while I like the idea of that support in MF, I don't see a whole heckuva lot. Except as a possible recycler when you have built up possession in the attacking zone, I wouldn't worry too much about what you can get out of him. That said I also use an IWB to have a 3rd person in MF along with my two CMs, so that could crowd him out.

    In regards to getting opened up by the opponent, a BWM even in D form is supposed to go chase down the ball. With two CWBs bombing down the pitch, if the BWM makes the wrong choice, they can get caught out and leave lots of gaps. A CM-s or CM-d would likely be a safer choice and provide a more consistent defensive presence. Even two CARs as your double pivot, which I have used in a 523 and seen them work pretty well together.

    Even if you don't want to do that by default, once you've got a lead and want to settle the game down, you could have a second tactic that can still use the same players, in largely the same space and similar roles, so the familiarity would still be there. For instance:


    This could be too passive, but if you need to see the last 15mins out or are playing against stronger opponents, something less open could be beneficial, again just brainstorming/reflexion, so would need to see how everything works together with TIs, PIs, and specific players.

  11. 8 hours ago, eXistenZ said:

    Yes FM21. But it's nt just blocked crosses, also shots get blocked a lot.

    Would raising the tempo to extremely high urge the players to shoot/cross faster?

    I see Exp got the second question :-)

    Blocked shots is also an FM21 behaviour. I've gotten some really nice movement and throughball goals, but lots of blocked shots still happens, but in fairness for both me and AI, so that's another one you have to get used to - to one degree or the other

  12. Some food for thought...

    I use a 523 and have had some decent success with it my first two seasons in the Prem, but I've never really used a 3-5-2 before as I've not seen the need to push the WBs up a level.

    But for a quick test I took mine and changed it quickly to largely fit what you were trying - but with some 'improvements' ;-) - to see what happens and I ended up using this against Everton:


    Ended up winning 2-1, the goals were from a cross and an over the top through ball; however, we did have some nice pinging it about amongst the midfield three, but to get it up the pitch, going out to the the wings was how it mainly happened. You just don't have many players who will naturally being in attacking areas in/near the box for goal scoring chances, unless you can have a really deliberate build up and let the BBM or CAR get to the top of the box. As ExpDef points out less bottom heavy is a requirement, so pushing the CM to AM/SS and going double CARs or going single striker with two supporting IFs or IWs would likely be needed to get more thrust.

    There are some PIs in there: DCL, DCR, WBL, WBR all get Stay Wider for example, but largely WYSIWYG. Of course this is a one-off match, where I didn't put too much thought into it and with less than optimized players for the roles, I might actually try some more tweaks later and see what happens, but I think I'll stick to my 523 ;-)

    Nice have a bunch of quality technical players - big fan of Gouiri from my FM20 save - so you definitely have the squad to make a possession focused tactic work.

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