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Posts posted by SMEWYLIE

  1. There is a mod you can download which replaces any newgen images with real faces - it just so happens that the facepack actually uses images of ice hockey players, but you can't tell the difference. Only issue being, you could have a 16 year old who then has the face of a 40 year old - or a chinese youngster with a western face. Still, it's better than having near cartoons for faces, personally. 

  2. Not to knock your idea, mate. But you can nearly achieve this in FM already by tweaking the 'staff responsibilities'. You can select your Assistant Manager to take control of Tactical Briefings, Opposition Instructions, First team training etc. The only bit you can't hand over control of is the first team tactics as a whole - but if you want to be in-charge of which players the club buys, you'd probably want an element of control with how the team plays - ensuring the player you want can actually fit in, if that makes sense?

     Regarding contracts, you can have this full control as long as the board aren't forcing you to operate with a Director of Football - however, even if this was the case, you can deselect them from Contract Renewals in the Staff Responsibilities. 

    Cheers mate

  3. On 06/02/2020 at 13:18, UKFA said:

    How would you feel about getting a list of retired players, and you could pick one of them as your profile? eg David Beckham is retired, so you can use him and his traits are automatically given to you as a manager?

    That's a good idea. That sounds like it would be easier technically speaking too. Considering the difficulties that may occur when selecting a custom history. For example, if you say you were Liverpool Manager in 2018 - it would conflict with Jurgen Klopp's data (example only). Great idea mate.  

  4. I am pretty sure we used to be able to start as an U21/18s club manager - but now it seems you can only do this on the international level? Correct me if i'm wrong.

    Considering that you can't add your own manager job history/playing history - I think starting as a youth manager and working your way up is a good way to fix this. I used to do this in FM16 I think it was. 



  5. 100% agree. Especially when you have been at the club for nearly 10 years. No team talk, no players trying to persuade you to stay (I know FM20 has a board prompted reconsider resignation)  - or even a player asking to take them with you!

  6. I'm surprised this hasn't been requested more to be honest.

    I am a long term save player, and I love taking control of smaller teams and build them - however, sometimes I just like to dive straight into a top flight team and make the decisions I wish the club would make in real life. Manchester United, for example. 

    However, I feel a bit daft jumping into a club like Man Utd when my manager has no credentials what so ever. Even the 'news' notices my inexperience. 

    One of the big aspects of the game I love, is the backroom staff. Do I go for the best in the role, or do I try to bring an ex-player back? Do I want first hand experience? I'm always looking at a coach's history. It then always bugs me when I look at my history and have none whatsoever - yet here I am, managing one of the top teams in the world. It's a very quick burst of the immersive bubble. How can I justify being able to manage a top club, in my own head? 

    We already have the glimmer of hope in the manager creation menu when you select your playing history - but beyond that, nothing. It doesn't add up either when you select international player, but again have no playing history to show. Surely this can be something that could be added to the in-game editor? Especially if you pay for it. 

    Just my thoughts. 

  7. I was gagging for this in Fm19. My entire aim was to build for the future and develop the young players I had, in order to lessen how much spending I have to do in the coming transfer windows. 

    This couldn't be done as i'd send out youngsters to develop, and they wouldn't even get one game - despite being rotation. I couldn't speak to the manager - yet anyone I had on loan who I hadn't played enough, i'd soon have their manager breathing down my neck and asking why they aren't playing. 

    Considering one of FM20's biggest feature was the development centre, I really hoped talking to the opposite manager would possible. Shame.  

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