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Posts posted by OddJobRob

  1. 8 hours ago, goku4 said:

    So what? I dont complain about the fitness condition of my own players, but rather of the opponent... Irl, when City or Liverpool face a park the bus team, they usually are patient and hope that the opposition will become tired and will make more mistakes... In my screenshot, you can see that SI interprets park the bus as a very stamina-friendly way of playing football...

    Why would this be wrong ? If your moving less then your opponent why would you expect them to have a larger stamina drain.   They obviously didn't attack very much and probably played with the ball around their back line alot. It looks like it was mostly Chilwell that was doing any running.  


     Still looks about right to me.

  2. It looks to me like the type of football you're trying to play doesn't match the roles/team instructions  you have selected.

     I.e - you have 3 holding players and have selected regroup whilst also asking that your team to close down the goal keeper and back line.  I'd imagine you  lack support players for a gegenpressing style.

    Your team should act as 1 unit looking at what you have done you have created a situation where the team is split into 2 with all of your defence not getting involve in any build up.

    How are you wanting your team to play? 


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