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Posts posted by KMan34

  1. Hi @knap,

    I’m currently using the 20.4 4-2-3-1 Tea For One and it’s going well; won every trophy apart from the UCL with Chelsea in the first season with no signings (not like I had a choice lol).


    I noticed though, not just this formation but others too, that you set the LB narrower than the RB. If the LB is on ‘Sit Narrower’, the RB is on balanced and if the LB is on balanced, the RB is on ‘Stay Wider’. Is this intentional? I find that the RBs always outperform the LBs over the season, no matter who’s there.


    Additionally, I’m not sure if this is a result of the full back instructions but my AMLs get outperformed by my AMRs too. This is all on FMT on the iPad

    Apart from that, it’s a great tactic. Keep up the good work!

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