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Richard Bell

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Posts posted by Richard Bell

  1. HI all,

    I am wanting to have a squad team photo image for when you click on your squad overview page. Does anyone have or know of a collection of images like this? I thought someone used to do it but I cannot find anywhere.  The type of image I am thinking of is for example, the beginning of a new season squad image with players and staff all together.

    Many thanks in advance

  2. On 09/01/2021 at 20:24, lembergman said:
    I decided to make new font for kits. For example, I made the number "4" in all sizes and inserted the original kit files from game in panels\generic, but something went wrong with my tactics

    tactics icon info panel overview.xml 6.1 kB · 16 downloads kit panel.xml 290 B · 17 downloads kit icon tactics.xml 448 B · 13 downloads kit icon.xml 1012 B · 20 downloads

    Could i please ask before i install these AWESOME files!!... Has the issue from this post been sorted?

    Many thanks in advance

  3. 8 hours ago, Rob 396 said:

    OK, I'll take down the trophy pack for now and give it a good revision tomorrow - I think I may have had a brain fart and failed to actually upload the file I wanted to upload! (lol ..)

    Bless you mate, I know how you feel, when codeing starts to blur or you get side tracked with something else for a split second then that leads to something else as so on and so on. 

    No worries mate, could you let me know when you post the new trophies config please?

    Thanks for all your hard work on this, it looks amazing!!

  4. 3 hours ago, Rob 396 said:



    Trophies - https://www.mediafire.com/file/a0eexl5m7y1gtisn4/Miscellaneous_Trophies.rar/file

    - Forgot to create the Inter Cities Fair Cup for pre-1971 UEFA Cup History

    - Some additional amendments here and there


    Example - 



    Hi there, i have just downloaded the files from 3 hours ago.  I am having to change the pic names as i use numbers not names.  in your config file, there are some missing coding lines for - 

    Deutsche Fusballmeisterschaft, FIFA Club of the Century, Slovenská liga x, yugo1, yugo2, yugocup, yugodruga1, yugodruga2, yugodruga3 and Zväzové Majstrovstvá Slovenska x

    any ideas?

  5. 1 hour ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    I honestly don't know and in addition this seems to be more like a general Skinning question you might need to open an own topic for, so that even creators not interested in this skin are able to contribute. This thread in here is all about StarAttributes - me providing updates, giving people the opportunity to formulate some kind of feedback or to illustrate some issues left, coming up while using the skin. Of course there's room for some questions too, but we'll need to be aware that this is no "How to merge skins"- or "How to implement personal preference xy"-support-thread. So please try to respect that. 

    wow.... your attributes file contains the client object broswer xml hence why i asked that question, also i have NEVER disrespected anyone or any "rules"

    i stand by what i said about your work, it is fantastic

    You might be surprised to find out just how many people would love to play with your stars in the flut skin.  Given the flut skin is by far the most detailed and downloaded skin ever created for the football manager series.  Your work and your skinning reputation would go through the roof.  Not just on here, but sortitoutsi and fmscout to name just a few.


    I wish you all the best with your star attributes.

  6. 23 hours ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    I feel like there are no "1's", but the left part of the stars instead. That's an example of what I meant concerning the different star positions in different layouts. Looking at the space available in this section, I am not that sure, whether the stars will properly fit in there. Otherwise you'll have to adjust the star sizes as well... so it is a lot of trial and error, like I said. 

    I'm not sure whether you really need the player overview popup panel.xml since I don't think I have this file in my data and the attributes in the popup are replaced in my version. Please be aware that I can't offer some kind of "complete support" in merging my skin with any other. I can only illustrate the procedure I would follow to do so. In principle the skin data I created is all you need. Next is comparing my data with the other one and trying to combine them in a clever way and it should work after some adjustments. 


    EDIT: "inbox assistant managers player training report appears to be displaying numbers, puzzled what this could be." -> inbox content with training focus panel

    I would recommend you to transfer the files I edited one by one and have a look what they'll affect in the skin. You usually get a hint of where to look in the file's name. 

    FOUND IT!!! My bad, i had forgot one file... from the folder news item panel.  I had to cross reference with flut 9.0 where it was working fine.  and i spotted it straight away.


    Thank you so much for all your help and time with it.

    23 hours ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    I feel like there are no "1's", but the left part of the stars instead. That's an example of what I meant concerning the different star positions in different layouts. Looking at the space available in this section, I am not that sure, whether the stars will properly fit in there. Otherwise you'll have to adjust the star sizes as well... so it is a lot of trial and error, like I said. 

    I'm not sure whether you really need the player overview popup panel.xml since I don't think I have this file in my data and the attributes in the popup are replaced in my version. Please be aware that I can't offer some kind of "complete support" in merging my skin with any other. I can only illustrate the procedure I would follow to do so. In principle the skin data I created is all you need. Next is comparing my data with the other one and trying to combine them in a clever way and it should work after some adjustments. 


    EDIT: "inbox assistant managers player training report appears to be displaying numbers, puzzled what this could be." -> inbox content with training focus panel

    I would recommend you to transfer the files I edited one by one and have a look what they'll affect in the skin. You usually get a hint of where to look in the file's name. 

    with regards to the client object browser, would there be any chance of putting in a code for the in game editor and the ability to change background and opacity % to be available at the top right of the skin please?


    Many thanks in advance

  7. 15 hours ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    I feel like there are no "1's", but the left part of the stars instead. That's an example of what I meant concerning the different star positions in different layouts. Looking at the space available in this section, I am not that sure, whether the stars will properly fit in there. Otherwise you'll have to adjust the star sizes as well... so it is a lot of trial and error, like I said. 

    I'm not sure whether you really need the player overview popup panel.xml since I don't think I have this file in my data and the attributes in the popup are replaced in my version. Please be aware that I can't offer some kind of "complete support" in merging my skin with any other. I can only illustrate the procedure I would follow to do so. In principle the skin data I created is all you need. Next is comparing my data with the other one and trying to combine them in a clever way and it should work after some adjustments. 


    EDIT: "inbox assistant managers player training report appears to be displaying numbers, puzzled what this could be." -> inbox content with training focus panel

    I would recommend you to transfer the files I edited one by one and have a look what they'll affect in the skin. You usually get a hint of where to look in the file's name. 

    FOUND IT!!! My bad, i had forgot one file... from the folder news item panel.  I had to cross reference with flut 9.0 where it was working fine.  and i spotted it straight away.


    Thank you so much for all your help and time with it.

  8. 3 hours ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    They should be located in the panels/dialogs-folder.

    sweet mate that has worked a treat!

    only place i have found no stars showing is in the image below, not sure why it is displaying 1's?


    Player pop up attribute numbers are still showing, i'm not sure what coding to change and what to enter for stars to show.  I think the xml file is player overview popup panel

    inbox assistant managers player training report appears to be displaying numbers, puzzled what this could be.




  9. 17 minutes ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    I would recommend you to transfer the properties folder with the person properties.xml first, chose your skin as the active one and then restart Football Manager, so the person properties.xml is able to show its effect. Then you should have a look and take notes, in which areas the numbers are replaced, and in which areas there is still some adjustment needed. This way it might be easier to tackle the respective section and if needed formulate the right question in the general section of the Skinning Hideout. If I remember correctly there are still some panels left, you'll need to manually replace the attribute values and/or you'll have to adjust the stars position to make them fully visible. 

    Afterwards you could try to transfer the data I edited, while taking notes whether there are any xml-files already edited by the creator of the other skin. To not destroy the other skin's layout you would have to manually transfer the relevant information from my xml-file to the other skin's xml-file. That's what I meant by describing the process as "creating a whole new skin". It's a lot of trial and error.

    that is awesome, it has worked.  However i cannot find the  person search dialog.xml, person search dialog staff.xml and the person search dialog nation.xml-files you mentioned.



  10. 9 hours ago, begbarros said:

    Yes..I did it as well. I managed to do it.. I also implemented preferred moves views in squad view, removed comparison (mental,physical,...) among competition's teams, removed advanced search (in which we could filter players through numerical attributes in scouting centre, added some statistics panels in flut card (player attributes panel), and some other minor but important adjustments

    Oh wow how on earth did you manage to remove the advanced search? did you manage to replace attribute numbers in favour of the stars in tactics where we choose our set piece takers? So far i think thats the only area i cannot replace the numbers.  I am still yet to test what i have managed to copy over from star attributes into the flut skin


  11. 5 minutes ago, sebastian_starttrbts said:

    Trying to transfer StarAttributes into another skin might become a little bit difficult once the "other" skin offers some kind of layout, that deviates from the default one. Most of the attributes are replaced via the person properties.xml, but on some panels I had to manually replace them as well as to move them into the right spot to make them visible. Given there's another layout, my stars might appear behind some panels the editor created and therefore the stars won't be visible. In this situation you would need to edit the other skin's xml-files, trying to manually replace the attribute values in there. 


    You can download the newest version from the thread's top post. I always update the download links in there, so there is only the updated version available. 

    i thought it would be the case of having to do it manually, thats what i did for flut 9.0 and your stars attributes.  I got it to work in most places with a couple of exceptions.

    Why don't you and flut look at a collaboration?  I'd pay you both for it as i'm pretty sure any die hard FM fans who want the game more realistic.  Honestly the results i had were/are epic, but it would be much better done by experts like yourself and flut that is for sure!!

  12. On 13/03/2021 at 15:06, balldoktor81 said:

    works fine now :thup: i'm only missing the stadium and city pics, and some other nice things which can be found in Flut's Skin, but now i have to choose between more realism or nice details...well...

    i have been working on a project for myself, combining star attributes with flut skins.  I cannot do without backgrounds etc and now also this more realistic way of playing the game.  I couldn't get it to work in all areas but perhaps either flut or the creator of these stars could work on something together because it would make FM epic!!!

    I'm working on trying to merge flut 12 skin now with stars, it wrecks my brain as i'm not great at this coding malarkey

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