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Issue Comments posted by borreicho

  1. Hi

    I know how possession is calculated.

    The thing is, tough, I've seen a lot of football matches and there aren't many were the team that dominates it (in this case makes more than 20 shots, has 12 corners, etc) doesn't also have superior possession. 

    Also, the screenshot and the game I gave as example isn't the exception. It's almost the rule. Specially in away games (altough the screenshot is from a home game).

    But I recall this being an issue previous years, or at least last year, and it got fixed in an update.


  2. To me, it's the second save this happens. Strangely, it happened in the third season on both saves.

    I timed it. It took me 8:20 minutes to advance one week in the game with nothing realy happening.

    Then I read your ansewrs. Removed the recruitment focuses and since I save after every game played, I exit the save and did the same week again.

    It took me 3:02 minutos, doing exactly the same things I had done before.


  3. 10 horas atrás, Neil Brock disse:

    Just to be clear, we've explained the current status of the match engine here:



    I understand the need to work on the next game, but... the thing is... I'm one of those that plays hours per week all year around and now I can't because the game isn't responding properly. So... do I stop playing till november when the next game arrives? A game I bought five months ago and I use to play during the year on a weekly basis? Saying you won't even look at the issue is the same of saying your're ok with the fact you're about to lose a long time costumer. I'm saddened by that.

  4. Yes, this is happening (again) since 22.3 update

    Games with 30+ shots to score a goal, where my opponent needs 2. That can happen for one game, but for five, six?

    My strikers miss crazy oportunities. I had three penalties, all missed. I have lorenzo lucca with 50 goals per season and he can't score a goal since the update.

    This isn't new, thought. Every year there's a new game release and this problem happens. And it's fixed and then comes an update and it's there again.

    Picture from Data Hub translation: scored 5 goals in 84 shots inside the area. The data is from the last 5 games.



  5. Hello.

    Thank you for the reply.

    Yes, the summer transfer window usually closes August 31th. Winter closes January 31th.

    The information is available in transfermarket. Links below.

    The first two seasons it was ok (Aug 31). My current season, after the one from the picture, is closing Setember 2th. It went backwards a day... Maybe it's because it's a Tuesday...

    This is very frustrating because it ruins the Deadline Day experience. If your market closes after a big portion of the rest, there aren't proposals arriving on Deadline Day. And for some reason nothing happens either on August 31th. It's just a normal boring day...

    Summer: https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/transfer-statistik/transferfenster/statistik/stat/plus/0?art=s&kontinent_id=6&option=0

    Winter:  https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/transfer-statistik/transferfenster/statistik/stat/plus/0?art=w&kontinent_id=6&option=0

  6. Sorry, but I really think this is a match engine problem. 

    I'm going to translate a word in the text in the image: "cinco" means five.

    There were five balls on the posts/bars in this game. 

    I get balls on posts/bars every game. So... per season, at least 50 games x average 2 balls on posts/bars, equals 100 per season.

    This is far from believible. There's no suspension of disbelief that can resist this. And it's very frustrating to play.


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