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Samurai Cake

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Posts posted by Samurai Cake

  1. 1 minute ago, Obaaa said:

    Following some discussion in a different thread, I appreciate now that "broken" isn't the same for all and you might not feel it to be true. But if you are big on diving into the details of statistics and things like dynamics bother you then it might not be worth it. The issue isn't exactly one problem from what I have been lead to believe but essentially stats aren't registering in playable full detail leagues, low ratings are present across the board and seem to particularly affect defenders. This has a knock-on effect across the whole ecosystem of the game including morale, player value, press conference questions and more.

    I am not going to sit here and tell you to buy, or not to buy, the game though. I am a sucker and I end up buying it every year. Never once been so put off starting a new save though due to the existing issues.

    Thanks mate, I found another thread discussing this. I'll wait, or likely miss out this year again. As someone who had played on and off since champ man 3 and then really stopping after FM17. It's obvious and ever present that the game just goes through the same cycle and we're mostly mugs. Beta - Release (bugs/broken) >>Patch (Still bugs/broken) >XMAS Breaks and no one is around to fix it > Jan Patch, some fixes but still broken and then resources off to the next iteration to do the same thing again. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, gunner86 said:

    A person watching a streamer play a game is very different to a first time buyer buying a game based off an advert

    Is the stream not an advert? I'd argue that twitch streaming would generate more views than the official SI youtube channel, at least for newer players. 

    Still the argument holds up. Also, what do you spose a first time buyer of FM on the Xbox Series X would expect visually and graphically? Let's not make excuses for SI, or chuck around absurd notions that they purposely show off a bad version of the game to get people interested in buying it. As has been said, how dumb do you think the FM audience would have to be to fall for that. It's a practice, not practiced anywhere else in gaming and never has been. 

  3. Just now, treble_yell_:-) said:

    The 3D engine was designed with help from the Virtua Soccer team at SEGA with them providing a lot of the mocap data for the animations. If you watch VS4 footage you can see some very familiar animations. 

    The 3D engine is dated and ugly, we all know that, but SI know the system specs folk are playing on and need to cater to that. Personally I can live with the 3D as is, yes it would be nice if it was better but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It's the animations that are immersion breaking imho.

    I undestand what you're saying. I disagree massively that anyone is playing on a device less powerful than a Ps2 XD

  4. On 21/06/2020 at 19:22, Tyburn said:

    Therefore every CM/FM that has ever been released has a broken ME?

    Yes, I thought this was obvious and not even a debate. If it wasn't there wouldn't be leagues of fixes every release and during each games release and nothing to improve on. Every release has something that is exploitable in the match engine. 

    On 22/06/2020 at 06:30, Svenc said:

    There's always been (oft illogical, and/or ridiculously aggressive) tactics that take Advantage of ME and AI weakness , which are making Player quality pretty irrelevant and fantasy overachievement the norm, and yes, FM 20 is no exception (see the download sections). I don't think there will ever be an exception to this by now. By that standard though, every release was broken, older ones even more so than current ones (Mighty Diablo et all). :D 

    Yup, see above. I wasn't complaining, if you look at my original post, but people were upset with OPs post, I was merely providing a point. 

    On 22/06/2020 at 00:35, Cadoni said:

    There is no exploit tactics for FM19 or FM20. 


    Who is correct, you or Svenc? Also, how can you lie, just straight up. This community is toxic as all hell. Hell, I'm watching a video right now from FMScout that plays with 1 defender and is beating Burnly 10-0. Jesus Christ mate, I wasn't knocking the game, I wasn't complaining, but this kind of blind loyalty is ridiculous. 


    If there is nothing to exploit in the the last 2 match engines, then FM21 won't feel the need to fix anything outside of cosmetics right? Except they will, because there is. 

  5. On 18/06/2020 at 13:21, Svenc said:

    No, I don't. I am just curious how anybody can bring up such simplistic stats as in the opening post and trigger a discussion how it were broken. It may well be broken, but none of these numbers, absolutely none in here, would show it. It's like when playing the game, developing a subjective eye has always massively trumped just looking at the stats alone. Plus, raw numbers may actually hide lots of actual bugs.

    Re: Were you can check for shots on target: It's under the "match center" tab. If you click on "match center" and "total shots" there is a break-down

    Re: I disagree that lots of SOT mean a keeper would be hammered, in particular as to FM. There were also quite a few of SOT in this vintage match for PSG (the Player is Ajaccio), but most of them are easy saves for the keeper. Indeed, one of the Problems since forever is that you can get many SOT that -- evidently -- aren't that converted that much into goals in-game, so the game cannot be perfect. :D 



    The match engine is broken by the acknowledgement and existence of many exploitable tactics. Regardless of what you think of the OPs examples. No one can really deny this one :)


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