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Posts posted by josh994

  1. On 08/12/2019 at 14:31, EdL said:

    that should be all thats needed, what is the exact path you are putting them in?

    Macintosh HD/Users/myname/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2019/graphics


    I had to create the graphics folder myself. I then have the packs as subfolders within graphics, each subfolder is just the png image collection and the config file.


    Does this sound right?

  2. 11 hours ago, EdL said:

    For FM19 its still the old location in your documents folder then "Sports Interactive" etc as per abovr

    Thank you for the reply!


    I had tried this location earlier and have moved the files back there, but still no dice. Other than the location and the clear cache/page loading times/reload skin sequence, is there anything else I could be doing wrong?

  3. I'm having more or less the same problem with graphics on my MacBook Pro (Catalina) on FM19. Here's where I'm saving them (/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2019/graphics). I'm still not able to load these graphics in game (despite doing the whole clear cache/page loading times/reload skin thing).


    Is this the correct place for these files? Am I doing something wrong? I've tried restarting, reinstalling, saving the folders under the old pathway (/Users/myname/Documents/Games/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2019/graphics), but nothing is working. Scratching my head here.


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