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Posts posted by caz

  1. I just built a new pc, and obviously the first thing I needed to do was to run the benchmarks :). The results look great....however still if I start a game myself with 50k players, then FM feels that it corresponds to 2½ Star in speed only :). 


    Type: Desktop

    Model: Custom

    CPU Model: i9 - 12900kf

    CPU Base Frequency:  3.2 ghz/2.4 ghz

    CPU Turbo Frequency: 5.2 ghz/3.9 ghz

    RAM: 64GB DDR4 (CL16)

    RAM Clockspeed: 3600 Mhz

    GPU: Asus Noctua RTX 3070

    Graphics Level in 3D: Very High

    Storage Type: SSD (PCIe 4) - Samsung Evo 980 pro


    Benchmark A: 40 sec               (41 sec the second time I ran it)

    Benchmark B: 03 min 14 sec  (03 min 20 sec the second time I ran it)

    Benchmark C: 05 min 43 sec

    Benchmark D: 15 min 36 sec

  2. Go to Inbox (left side menu) --> Social Feed (2nd tab in the top)  --> Manage (lower right corner)  --> Select the "pencil" (custom) for each of the followed accounts which has News ticked. Particularly the first line should be your managed club I believe.

    I just changed it to content level "minimum" for my club, and it has made a huge impact. Not only do I get much less news to click through, but it also seems to have made the entire game MUCH more responsive when clicking through news items. I might try to play around with that to  figure out if it is an actual measurable effect, or just in my head :D

  3. Yeah, the main problem is getting a lot of "irrelevant" news (and thus extra clicks), even if the staff is handling the things. However @Desmond Richardson, I believe you just showed me exactly what I needed by going to the Social Feed, and doing a custom setting for the news about my own club....So big thank you for that!

    This litterally seems like the setting that I have been missing always :D And my guess is that I am far from the only one who have no idea about it....seems a strange place to hide it.

    Just for clarity for others, if they are not aware of it, then it is this screen I am talking about:


  4. I already miss FMT :(

    I have tried delegated many of the things to other staff.

    But I am still forced to get all updates in my inbox? Or am I missing something?

    - I dont care what my assistant answered in different media articles/press conferences

    - I dont care about most of the news updates about my B-team or U19 team

    - I dont care getting reminded all the time about the injury chance of all my players...I can find that myself when I need it.

    - etc. etc. etc.


    Is there really no way to select not to receive specfic types of information in my inbox?


  5. In my current save I just saw something I have never seen before (I think)...While I am managing in the Danish Leagues, I just took a look at the Premier League at the end of a season...And I have never seen such a close title/top 4 race before.

    Top 4 all ending at 25w, 7D, 6L with 82 points, and goal differences of +38, +36, +35,+34 :)

    Anyway just wanted to share it, since I found it hilarious....poor ManU ending 4th with same pts as league winner and only 4 worse in goal diff :) . 

    Anyone ever seen anything this close?


  6. Like many other PC FMT players I miss the ability to include custom (lower league) databases. Unfortunately my wish for that option will most likely not be granted any time soon.  I mainly wish to play teams from lower leagues, leading them to "dizzying heights". And unfortunately it then becomes easy to get jaded, since there are not many available options for that type of save. Of the 5 big leagues, only the english offer the chance to go lower than 3rd tier. Thus if I want a single-club save lower than tier 3, then the english league it is, which very much becomes roughly "the same save as last time". 

    For support reasons I continously purchase the full fat version (with FMT included), even though it is 5 years since I made the switch fully to FMT.

    I am reguarly considering going back to full fat to have the chance for additional leaguues. I am quickly dissuaded from that notion, since my preferred playstyle these days align better with the slimmed down version, without a lot of the "tedious" features with media, too much staff handling etc.

    So if you are still reading this far....Have any of you FMT'ers experience in emulating the FMT feeling in the full fat version? I.e. letting the staff handle the majority of the non-FMT things.

    Is it possible to do? and how good/useless is the AI at handling these things? Are you cripling yourself too much by delegating these things?

    From a speed perspective, how would such a save compare in "speed to complete 1 season" with FMT? is it around the same time? 50% more? 100% more?








  7. One of my biggest "simple" wishes is to be able to search for attribute groups instead of individual attributes. When you do a player comparison, you get a nice radar diagram with Mental, Defending, Physical, Speed, Vision, Attacking, Technical, Aerial groups.

    I would really love to be able to use those groups as a first filter in my searches. I.e. search for players with 13+ in Aerial and attacking groups. This will allow you to quickly narrow your searches, before finetuning the search taking into account the distribution of skills within groups.

    Picture of Radar diagram if anyone is in doubt about what I mean:




  8. That part is relatively easy solvable for the majority of the users by having pre-defines feature templates.

    The easiest example would be to have "Full fat" and "FM touch" feature templates, with a button next to it, taking you to a screen where you can enable/disable all modules. For the majority the templates are sufficient, and if not, you take a little time to change it (and save it as your custom playstyle for later games).


    However making the game modular might be a quite daunting project depending on the features inter-dependencies.



  9. Another year, another letdown....must be getting used to it by now....I have played FM/CM since 1992, but more and more I find myself hesitant to pick up newer versions these days. I appreciate Neil clearly stating they want to take the game in another direction. Which is fine. It is their product, and they are entitled to follow their design visions...but then just dont fill us with PR BS of listening to the userbase :) Because this is clearly not the case in this regard. 


    For an editor I believe there are two very distinct use  cases:

    - People who wants pre-game editors allowing for creating custom databases/leagues

    - People who wants to edit save games, i.e. removing injuries, changing positions, giving money etc. 

    The latter already have plenty of options from third party save game editors. The former is what I believe most of the people wanting a FMT editor want....at least those pushing for it year after year :). The pregame editor also does not as heavily influence unlockables as the save-game editor.

  10. 7 hours ago, RTHerringbone said:

    Which should tell you something, surely?

    SI always aim to implement the most popular feature requests where possible. They aren't stubbornly refusing to add an editor to FMT for ***** and giggles - it's clearly a difficult thing to do.

    Just to clarify, my post was actually only aimed at the not answered community prayers regarding being able to use custom databases in FMT (like in full fat FM), not in regards to having in-game editor access.

    And no-one is claiming it is something that is implemented overnight. However it should not be an impossible task to implement (for PC). If it is, then I will claim they have some quite sub-optimal design decisions regarding their overall data architecture. However at the end of the day it is a business decision. If they felt it would improve the game experience enough for enough people then they would implement it. And looking at it from the outside it has always seemed like their  vision is to cater for the PC crowd with FM, and the tablet/mobile/cross-device crowd with FMT.  The PC fans, who for whatever reason prefer the Touch version to the full fat version does not seem a priority segment for them. And thus features which does only apply to PC FMT users is less likely to be implemented. It sucks if you are part of that particular user group, but it is their prerogative.






  11. On 30/09/2019 at 06:50, HUNT3R said:

    No one but SI will know the answer, so all we can do is wait and see what is revealed for FMT.

    Users are being listened to when it comes to feature requests. There are just obviously reasons why it hasn't been added. Maybe this year is the year? Who knows.

    Well it is a bit of a stretch saying they listen....custom db access has probably been the most wanted FMT feature more or less every year since the inception of FMT/C. For whatever reason they have purposely not implemented it despite the wishes of the fans. There can be sound logic behind not doing so, but the fact of the matter is that they have so far not listened to probably the most requested feature. 

  12. Heya, 

    I found this thread from fmt17:


    Is it possible to enable the Skin colour tab in the menu for FMT19 as well?

    The main reason I want the tab is to change the color ranges/intervals, not the colors themselves...if that is possible to do by adding a few lines in a skin setting.xml, then please share how :)

    The FMT17 file did (obviously) not work :) I assume it is due to changes in the menu from back then?


  13. On 10/28/2017 at 16:22, Ilpo_G said:

    Will there be in-game editor available for Touch and can we use custom database? If not I won't touch (hih) this.

    +1 for the Custom Database question....

    Are there any plans on allowing this for the PC version of Touch at least?

    The Touch version is just so much more suited for network games due to the decreased time to complete a season. The (advanced) option of using custom databases would make it even more perfect.

    There should not really be any technical reason for this limition (at PC at least)

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