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Posts posted by Saperlipopette

  1. Ok, I think I'm done with Football Manager 2020. Definitly. Unplayable, unenjoyable, unrealistic, unfair.


    You can't win the league, because your opponents can't loose a game, and score plenty of goals, while you're struggling to make on of your 29 1v1, despite having a 19 rated finishing striker. Defenders are useless, higher or lower on the pitch. The best way to defend this season is... not to defend, honestly. Put your defensives line the highest as possible, and let the opponents miss the 19 1v1 they're botta get.

    There is just one only single way to play this year : direct football, and crosses. Allardyce would be the GOAT in Football Manager 2020. You can't play short passes, because... it simply doesn't work, players are dumb, and unable to make right passes. There is not reason, it just doesn't work.

    Also, it's the must UNFAIR FM I've ever played. Dominating is useless, creating chances is useless, it depends on luck. You can only score on : 

    - goalkeepers/defenders mistakes

    - random crosses


    You can't ask your midfielders to hold the ball, because they will lose it.
    You can't ask your wing-backs to play high, because they will run forward, then shoot for no reason.
    You can't ask your wingers anything, because they will also run forward and shoot from impossible angles.
    You can't play with BPD, because they consistantly lose the ball.
    You can't play low tempo and short passes, because you don't create any chance, since only kick'n rush works this year.

    Please do something, this is the worst FM ever. You can't release unfinished game every year, this is so disrespectful for the community.

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