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Posts posted by pezza00

  1. 26 minutes ago, Rashidi said:

    Teams that actually score late goals in real life actually do something to make that happen. Either a tactical switch, a substitution, they don’t just sit there and wait.

    I’ve turned numerous matches  on their head where I was 1, 2 even three goals down. This game isn’t Couch Potato Football Manager.

    It actually is couch potato football.  More than switch tactics to a 4-3-3, 3-4-3, 4-2-3-1, push players forward, take higher risks, fresh subs, what else is there?  If you have the quality players it should happen sometimes or more often, yet, I repeat, it's never happens (injury time goals) and very rarely happens (comebacks) when you're down by more than two goals even when I have the stronger team on paper and I'm down against weaker opponents early in the match.  It seems, once you go down 2-0, it's game over no matter what tactical changes you make.

    I suppose, since others are saying it does happen for them, it must be me.  Maybe I don't have the Pep Guardiola cyber skills the others have.

  2. 2 minutes ago, ajw10 said:

    I've barely played this game as I've just not been impressed at all with the ME.

    Decided to play tonight for the first time in well over a week due to the new update. Instead of seeing cross shots, terrible striker movement and 1V1's missed, I'm seeing loads of shots, loads of long balls over the top and not a lot of possession football. Basically, the old problems have gone and new ones have been created.

    If I could get a refund on this game, I would. It's just not fun to play at all. I feel like SI have lost sight of the fact that this game should be fun to play

    I suppose programming certain tactical or skill blunders by players isn't easy to rectify.  My main issue is with the program forcing lopsided results no matter what decisions you change or implement on a game which realistically is the crux of what the game is all about, i.e, a Football Manager making decisions that affect a game positively or negatively.  The computer shouldn't restrict this ability.  It seems that no matter what decisions you make, you're never able to comeback from a 2-0, 3-1 etc result or score a deciding goal in injury time and rarely do you win a game when you're the underdog.  Yet, it does happen the other way around.

  3. 46 minutes ago, Mantis Toboggan said:

    nonsense, ive had countless comebacks, late tying goals, ET goals in various FM editions over the years. if you find yourself 0-2 behind then you arent going to win the game 3-2 with the same tactics you started the game with.


    it absolutely happens if you can switch up tactics, make right subs etc. 

    LOL, what a load of crap!  It never happens even when changing tactics or introducing new subs.  Down 2-0, if you score a goal, 99.999% of the times you can bet your bottom dollar the next score will be 3-1. 

  4. The beauty about Football is the emotional aspect of the game which all FM editions have surprisingly lacked.  When you play against the computer your team rarely manages to turn around results.  Once you go down 2-0 you can forget about coming back to a 2-2 or even more so, winning 3-2, 4-2...  Happens plenty of times against your team though. 

    One of the best things in Football are last minute/additional time goals in close matches.  In all these years of FM I don't think my team has ever scored past the 90th minute.  Happened against me a few times though, especially when my team were the underdogs and were winning.  Funny how the developers have never been made aware this actually happens a lot in real football games because players start getting tired after the 70th minute and they're not as reactive as they were earlier in the game. 

    Another thing are the lopsided amount of goal conversions per chances. Doesn't matter how good your forwards are, the computer seems to always have teams that can convert fewer chances into goals which also means your team rarely wins matches when it's the underdog while the team the computer manages does get this benefit.  FM20 has actually shown improvements compared to previous additions but the ratio is still lopsided in the computers favor.

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