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Posts posted by Dathran

  1. Hi,

    I can't find the appropriate forum for this, apologies.


    I've been having an on-going Network game for the past week, playing it everyday with another player with no issues, although today neither of us can see each others games, there's no option to invite either, only invite to watch - been Googling for an hour and nothing is helping, any ideas? we've uninstalled and reinstalled the game too.

  2. Hi Ben,

    Thanks a lot for the fast reply - I wish I had a previous save to help you but I don't.

    I'll give your workaround a go, I'll be happy with that as I have a few games prior to the 31st of August, so I'll be able to register an entire team that way - how strange that this has happened! Been playing since 06 and never had this before!

  3. 1 minute ago, Ben Kenney said:

    If you have a save game that shows the issue would you be able to upload it to our cloud service and we will take a look. 

    If you have a save from just before you moved clubs then that would also be helpful. 

    Details on how to upload can be found below. 




    Hi Ben,

    Unfortunately no prior save as I've saved over my 3 rolling saves trying to reload and fix this.

    Save is attached below for August 14th as Borussia Monchengladbach.

    I've uploaded the game on the link provided, but I couldn't see a link to post it here? the name of the game is my name (M****** N**** - Torpedo Moscow.fm)

  4. Hi,

    On a NON-BETA save.

    On my 7th season, just left Torpedo Moscow for Borussia Monchengladbach prior to the start of the new Bundesliga season and I have no option to register my team or players. None of them, I'm on August 14th and you can register until August 31st but there is no option anywhere.

    I got prompted for squad numbers and that's it.

    This will ruin an entire season if I can't register my team - any ideas? I'm stuck with U21s.

  5. Pretty silly how there's been no response to this yet. I even submitted a ghost goal a month back, so did a few others. It's a game breaking bug, a HUGE bug and we have no clarity on what's being done to resolve this. One given ghost goal could potentially ruin/divert an entire season/cup run. This should be a massive priority to fix.

  6. Hi,


    Just curious if I'm doing something wrong as the match stats seem to be far worse from FM20 (which as bad too).


    I've played three seasons now, and every game without fail leads to me having 25+ shots and about 70% of them on target, scoring about 1-2. The AI seem to have 2 shots and both go in each game. Is there something I can check to see where I'm going wrong? This isn't a once off, it genuinely happens every game.


    My game before writing this I had 28 shots, 19 on target and scored 2. They had 3 shots and scored 3. (I know this happens in real life, but not every game)


    So what I'm asking for I guess, is a way to find out why this is happening every match and what to fix? 

  7. It's the same here, I'm not doing a top league (I'm non league) - although I only concede from long balls over the top even if playing with a deeper line and I tried with 8 defenders (I won the league already so I thought I'd try my luck) and again, long balls over the top where the players just stand there and not move whereas their players run at the speed of light past you.

    Match engine is better for sure, although there's too many 'patterns' as you've said where you can just tell what's gonna happen as it happens 9 times out of 10.

  8. Happening far too often, 8 games in the season and I've seen it happen in at least 6 of the games, usually resulting in a goal for the opposition. Refreshing this thread so it isn't forgotten about like the other issues that have plagued the game since beta/release.

    There needs to be another proper football management game to give SI some competition, they've become far too lackadaisical.

  9. Just replying to my thread here as it's been a while. I literally did nothing and one day it just started working again with no issues. Not sure if a patch was downloaded (this is probably the fix for me), no upgrade to my computer or settings were changed. The game just decided to work randomly.

    I would still put this down to Sports Interactive's issue though as no other games/executables have ever given me this error.

  10. 58 minutes ago, Cadoni said:

    Typicall FM19. I am not the FC Porto, but FC Aris.

    I saw many posts complain about the same for FM20.



    Not sure if yours is FM19 or FM20 - but here's one of mine similar from yesterday (no I'm not St. Mirren). This happens in 9/10 games, you dominate the game in every aspect but you barely scrape a win, or you're subjected to a draw or a loss like this. You can have 30 shots on target and still struggle as their goalkeeper turns into Stretch Armstrong.

  11. Hi,

    Just a quick one.

    Just curious to know if anyone is actually watching the Match Engine and constantly dominating games, like absolutely controlling the game from start to finish, having 20+ shots on target to their 2 and still only scrape by winning games 1-0, 2-1 or even drawing? Goalkeepers on the opposing side seem to be genuine gods every game, no matter how bad they are or what team you're playing.

    FM 19's Match Engine was very spot on, something weird is going on with FM 20's.

    Before anyone says "Team's dominate games in real life and lose" - Yes I know that, I'm not opposing that, what I want to understand is dominating every game yet only just scraping by as goalkeepers seem to make 20+ saves a game yet still only get a rating of 6.7.

  12. Same happening to me and a few others, no response on this yet it seems... Can't even continue my save or play any other saves. 

    Just to add to your thread as I did mine, this problem persists even with the following done:

    1. All graphics and skins removed

    2. Virtual RAM allocated

    3. Cache and Preferences reset

    4. Verifying game cache

    5. Reinstalling

    None of those proposed solutions have fixed it. 

  13. Hi,

    I'll just preface this forum post by saying that I've already browsed Google for a good hour now trying out resolutions for FM18, FM19 and even the most recent ones for FM20 such as, deleting the cache/preferences folder, enabling virtual memory, disabling skins - none of this works and I even made a brand new save to make sure my game wasn't corrupted although the same issue occurs even on a brand new game.

    This crash happens when I'm about to go into a game, when on the choosing team screen - I can't past this screen on any save.

    Screenshot before a game (can't seem to get the game in the picture of this screenshot):


    Screenshot when loading (this happens SOMETIMES, the screenshot above happens all the time meaning I can't play):


    Memory usage at the time is around 31%-40% - I have 8GB of RAM.

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