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Posts posted by Cedrik

  1. Thought that Italy deserved their win. The beginning of the match was definitely for England, but the goal came too early. But the more the match progressed, you could feel it turn more and more in the favor of Italy. Subs on English side didn't really made a difference either, especially for the attacking players it is quite hard when your team doesn't have much of the ball. And letting Sancho and Rashford take a penalty without them having touched a ball at all during the game was a bit of a questionable decision either. Same with letting take Saka a penalty at such a crucial moment in the game. At such moments you want your best and especially a bit more experienced players to take one.  Of course props to Saka for stepping up though, obviously he is not to blame for the loss in any way. 

    Overall England had a good tournament seen how close they came to winning it, but purely seen the football there are much points that can be improved. Of course you can decide to play a bit more defensive in some matches, but I felt England took that a bit too far. Looking at the whole squad, the best players are attacking and creative players, not defensive players. It is from that perspective quite strange that players like Rashford and Sancho played such a small role in the whole tournament. And seen the map posted by Coulthard's Jaw a few post earlier concerning Kane's involvement, that doesn't look good either. When you have one of the best strikers in the world, but the only place he gets the ball is outside the box, you're doing something wrong. 

  2. I thought this was a very interesting match. Italy definitely not as good as in the previous matches, but maybe that was to be expected. Italy tries to play a rather attacking style of football where they don't shy away from having the ball, but Spain is simply better at this. Therefore Italy was forced a bit more back than they were in previous matches. And midfielders of Italy that all have a lot of movement in their play, opened up spaces for Spain to exploit. In general, Spain is simply better against a better side that also likes to attack, than against a smaller team that simply wants to sit back and defend. However, I still think Spain is quite vulnerable, as many already point out here, they definitely miss a good striker, but also defensively they do not look stable at all. With a little bit of pressure it is relatively easy to force them to make errors. 

    In the end, the overall better team definitely won I think. And also for England, assuming that they will have no trouble beating Denmark today, Italy or Spain doesn't really make a huge difference. I think they will most likely approach the final in the same way as they did the match against Germany. Quite defensive, not minding when the opposition has a lot of the ball whilst looking for possibilities to hit on the break. I think Italy will have quite some difficulties against this England. And I'm sure players like Sterling, Saka or Doden can enjoy themselves on the counter against the defense of Italy which is obviously great, but lacks pace. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Nordan said:

    England even worse imo, playing wayyyyyyyy below their station. Sweden are not that good (anymore) that they should do better.

    England is not playing very attacking, but I feel they are quite stable and do provide creativity up front. Sweden however is even lining-up rather defensive players on the wing when possible. And the obsession with always relying on old, over the top players is also quite strange. In Sweden it seems they almost structurally prefer a 36-year old over a 22-year old. 

    I would like to see something like: (4-2-3-1) Olsen, Lustig, Lindelöf, Jansson, Augustinsson, Ekdal, Svanberg, Kulusevski, Forsberg, Claesson, Isak 

    This will provide so much more attacking options. And perhaps also involve talents like Karlsson, Cajuste and Abraham a bit more. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, DJ said:

    The last time was in the 70s. After that, there were always players in the NT that no one outside the NL had ever heard of or didn't rate at all. Tactics play a huge role, as LvG proved. WC final with a defense of nobodies, basically. 

    Talking about LvG, there are some rumours that he will be asked to return. I would have nothing against it, but no longer than the WC. 

    Didn't LvG also use a 5-3-2? The formation that is now being criticized a lot? In addition, I honestly think that the squad then was better than what is available now. 

  5. 1 hour ago, GunmaN1905 said:

    Slava Ukraini!

    Go home Swedish thugs. Absolutely no football from anyone except Forsberg and Kuluševski, like they're on one of those lumberjack competitions.

    Indeed. I've said it before and will say it again: when it comes to international football, Sweden is probably the biggest disgrace out there. From that perspective, it is wonderful to see them get beaten like this in the dying seconds of extra-time :):applause:. What a dreadful football they always manage to play. And it's not that they don't have the potential to play better, they simply deliberately play this way. Very defensive, long balls, lots of bizarre tackles and some theatre when necessary. 

    I hope Biesiedin is okay, but seen that challenge, he will be out for some time. 

  6. Winner of this match is definitely a top favorite imo, and I think England is going to win. Not convinced by the Germans to be fair. They were very good against Portugal, however that was more due to Portugal's dreadful defending that match. Against France and especially Hungary, Germany seemed rather clueless at times and quite vulnerable at the back. And even though England has not been great yet, they have been quite stable and did not concede a goal in a group with teams like Croatia and Czech Republic, which provides a good foundation for the rest of the tournament. 

  7. Classic Holland again :D. De Ligt made a crucial error and Malen missed a total sitter. Also wonder if they underestimated Czech Republic here. Dutch media were already speaking about the road to the final being more or less open :rolleyes:.  Credits to the Czechs btw, they played a good match and won fully deserved :applause:.

    1 hour ago, Orzelek said:

    BTW - has Promes been cleared of that stabbing incident? 

    No, which makes it ridiculous he is called up in the first place. 

  8. 8 hours ago, GunmaN1905 said:

    Sorry about that, I was referring to everyone who just kept posting more or less the same thing over and over again.

    Fair enough.

    Then everyone who's posting this over and over again should know better than not to generalize.

    I'm sure that regular folk in Hungary all love and support Orban, right? He's in charge, so he must be universally loved?
    You had the fortune to be born in a country where democracy is at least functional, don't judge people from countries where it's not.
    Because fairytales of mass protest or anything similar are just fairytales and never work. Not without massive casualties, at least.

    I'm done for the night, sorry if I offended anyone, but I hoped that at least here I can escape all that social media nonsense and talk about football.

    No need to apologize at all. Actually good that you spoke out :thup:. I initially stayed silent as I know that there are quite some hotheaded social justice warriors here, but I completely feel the same way. It has been very annoying to see all the fuss surrounding the Germany vs. Hungary game in several threads that constantly needs to be brought up time and time again. I feel the whole thing has been laughable really and I am gay myself ffs. When I watch football, I want to see actual football, not constant virtue signalling. 

    56 minutes ago, Wiggins Top Boys said:

    Venezuela would be popular surely?

     I'd be supporting Colombia because I have friends there who bought me a shirt. Easy choice. ;)

    Haha, absolutely. Socialism!!11!! :D

  9. 21 hours ago, DJ said:

    I see a nice trend developing: this empty 'keep politics out of football' argument that many use, is easily countered by 'look up 'forbidden team clashes' and tell me again that UEFA keeps politics out of football', is informing loads and loads of people about what hypocritical arses UEFA are. Mainly the unwashed uninformed masses that are not as informed as we football nerds are. As I said earlier: consequences. 

    Well well, quite some patting on the back there. I don't think this is how it works though. 

  10. Pity Scotland lost. I was hoping to see them make it through the group stage, felt that they actually played some decent and positive football. Didn't expect that at all to be honest, but they have quite a likeable team. Biggest issue imo is that they were lacking some quality forwards that can make goals, felt that most of the danger had to come from midfielders or backs. 

  11. I am not a fan of the current format at all. In every group there are one or two teams that have a huge home advantage and for example Switzerland played their first match in Baku, second in Rome and the last again in Baku, which just ridiculous really as this is every time almost an 8 hour flight :D. Moreover, it is also unclear to me why the semi-finals and the final are then all of a sudden in the same nation.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Freakiie said:

    Yeah, somehow regardless of how poor we look, when Portugal comes around they just self destroy against us. Last time it was Pepe being a genius and getting a red card like what, 20 minutes in? Now they acted as if Germany was playing with 10 man and ignored Gosens. :lol:

    Yeah, it's interesting to analyze, there is something between both national teams that perfectly suits Germany. I wonder whether this is purely tactics or also something concerning mentality. 

  13. Sweden again looking to sit back and give the opponent the ball :rolleyes:. Now this is quite understandable against Spain, but against Slovakia it is quite embarrassing. Starting with Kulusevski and Claesson on the wings,  Isak up front and Forsberg behind him as an AMC, would already give the team much more creativity and attacking options. However, it seems that Sweden is unwilling to give that a go. Which is basically the same like every major tournament, when they are deliberately trying to play the most negative and defensive football they possibly can.   

    From that perspective it would be great to see Sweden finish last in this group, but unfortunately that probably won't happen. 

  14. 4 hours ago, Tony Garvey said:

    Hi, thanks for raising

    The option to toggle the Retina display on / off is now controlled at the operating system level rather than the game toggling it

    You can do it for FM21 with the following steps:

    Go to Finder > Application support > Steam > steamapps\common\Football Manager 2021
    Right click on FM21> Get Information > click "Open in low resolution"

    Unfortunately this does not work. The game still starts in retina. Even when I force it to start in low resolution by editing the Info.plist file, no change. 

    In previous years, the in-game option to switch off the retina display worked perfectly. 

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