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Posts posted by Ailleurs

  1. Il y a 2 heures, kiwityke1983 a dit :

    I can't believe people honestly think this ME is as bad as FM20 it's nowhere near that catastrophe. 

    That ME had multiple game breaking issues. Strikers were barely involved and when they were it was usually to miss a wide open net.

    Fullbacks would just ping 40 yard cross field balls to each others feet sometimes 10 times in a row.

    The only and I mean this only play down the middle were super accurate long balls for strikers to run on to from centre backs and keepers.

    Amcs may aswell have not been an option in the game...

    Yes there may be some balancing issues with this year's ME but good God it's massively ahead of FM20 and if this is what we get for the rest of the year at least it resembles football.


    Thanks for the souvenirs. Now i remember that Corchia was Ballon d'or in my games in FM20 because he had like 40 assists.

  2. 4 hours ago, herne79 said:

    Genuine question for you and others who see similar issues.  With regards to fullbacks / wingbacks demonstrating this behaviour, what role/duty do you give them; what Team Mentality do you select; what Traits do the players you use in this position have; and (importantly) why do you choose those settings?

    The reason I ask is my Wingbacks rarely (if ever) demonstrate this issue, but I tend to give my Wingbacks a Defend duty especially if I use an aggressive mentality and a player with the Trait to get forward whenever possible.  My Wingbacks still attack, they overlap my wide players ahead, they just pick and choose when to do it and are much more effective in defence.  I normally see around 15-20 crosses per match (in total from all my players) and shots at goal from my wingbacks are rare than hens teeth.

    If you use a similar set up then that's probably something for the Bugs forum.  But if your set up is more aggressive, why do you feel the need to be more aggressive?  Perhaps that's what the tactical descriptions are leading you to believe you need?  There's a combination of factors at play here and it's that combination which can be very important and not always obvious.

    Everybody should follow this advice ...

    It changed a lot for me in my tactics.

    My wingbacks now are in "Defend" Mentality and I still have "Overlap left" and "Overlap Right" in position, My Advance Playmaker plays now some very good killer balls to my striker rather than play to the wingbacks...

  3. 5 minutes ago, eye-switcher said:

    Atleast we dont have to pay out any juicy goal scoring bonuses to our forwards , guess thats something 😀 On a serious note, i rather have the first beta ME back than this...Atleast The forwards scored ( although not one on one ) Jimenez for over 30 in a season..now its doubtful IF Messi scores 20 without penalties 

    I totally disagree...

    My striker Moussa Dembele has scored 32 goals in 37 games. I had the same ratio with the first Beta whereas he only scored a dozen of goals in one season in 20.1. This ME is way better than the public-beta.

  4. 1 hour ago, Johnny Ace said:

    One of my main reasons my 2nd season (& most likely the save) fizzled out. The patch last week hit for me during pre-season after the first season. I posted his figures but that first season Lewandowski got something like 39 in 42, so far second season he's on 2 in 15, I tried all I could to get him back on track but it was the wide men getting the goals, all 4 of them are massively outscoring him while Rob's not getting the chances he had in season 1. Easy to say team's adapted, it's your tactics & the like but Paderborn didn't sign Thiago Silva & Marquinhos pre-season & teams parked the bus in that first season too

    This is why I try a top team in beta, as having sub standard players can mask things & you can put poor play down to the attributes

    Corners I noticed during the first few games, I shipped a few & scored a few, I conceded 2 of them in the first league game after conceded 4 goals all of the previous season but that seemed to settle down after a bit  

    Refs were ruthless with bookings in those games too, at one point in a match there had been 4 fouls & 4 yellows dished out in the opening 10 minutes  but again, that seemed to clam down a bit  

    I thought the wide players shooting from bad angles had sorted itself, I have seen it a few times but no where near as much as before. You usually get the commentary line of "that would have been some goal!" when the ball's ploughed into the side netting as if the ME thinks that where he shot from was a legitimate chance 


    I remember your post,

    It was an inspiration for my tactics and as you said, it no longer works as well.

    I think it has to do with the mentality of your tactic. I used to played with "Attacking" or "Positive" tactics, but now that I play with "Cautious" with the new patch. My striker has more opportunities thanks to the Midfielders who now play a lot of key passes (At least 10 per games)



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