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Issue Comments posted by holmazz

  1. Playing as Chelsea, I was interested in looking at Fikayo Tomori and Tammy Abraham but was a bit confused as to why their transfer values were around 10M£. I would expect them to be around the highest valued players at their respective clubs so this seems like a bug with the valuation of the players.

  2. Jorginho's english is listed as basic in-game but if you listen to him speaking it now I would almost say that he is fluent. Only a week back or two he starred in a mental health awareness discussion posted on Chelsea's youtube channel and he was very good at expressing himself there.

    Armando Broja has the player trait of playing with his back towards goal but from having watched him he's definitely more of a "rin in behind" the defence type of striker. I would suggest that that PPM is removed.

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