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Posts posted by zachalxnder

  1. 13 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    Regardless of the answer, you're not going to get a majority of people involved, rather a fraction of the people who post here, who will be a fraction of the forum base, who will in turn be a fraction of the playing base. Nor would it help push an update out. Not aimed at you, but the thread needs to step away from the "if I shout loud enough, and get enough likes/people on my side then things will go my way or my argument will be stronger" type vibe. Whether it's 1v1, crosses, throughballs, it always ends the same way

    I know and I’m not looking for that. I just didn’t have an issue beforehand, but I do now after 20.2, so I understand where you’re coming from. What I’m more interested in is hearing if people who have been unsatisfied are more so now than previously. I found the obsession with throughballs a bit humorous, but I understood the gripe. I feel now that, while certain issues have been solved, new problems are created. It would’ve been great if this could have been fixed in the beta, but it happens. I don’t remember it being like this last year. 

  2. I was very happy with the game prior to this update. However, after playing more, it’s really apparent to me that it’s not an improvement. Crosses are terrible, headers are no longer effective, passes are all over the place, no matter the settings, and the most effective way to score is to go direct, regardless of the team. Working into the box is worthless. Teams continuously score with balls over the top. I play a high, high line, but I was able to cut this out before the last update. There’s no consistency to the game now. It’s so frustrating and I hate to complain, because I was so happy with the game beforehand, but now it’s letting me down. I don’t have the time to compile pkms and screenshots, but it’s clear that I’m not the only one who feels this way. The game is back to where it was during the beta, but worse. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Weller1980 said:

    So do most people consider the balance of 1 v 1 goals scored about right?

    This update seems a step backwards. The match engine is visually more appealing and seems to run more smoothly, but the issue with 1v1s is concerning. It reminds me of the beta. Since the update, I’ve had games, winning and losing, where I’ve scored no goals and had upwards of 9 CCCs, then won games where the other team was the one with the large amount of chances on goal. There seems to be an increase in the number of errors being committed by players as well. It’s frustrating. I can’t decide if the update has made the game worse for me or just made it harder. But there does still seem to be an imbalance in the engine. 

  4. Has anyone figured out the seeding for the new Club World Cup in 2021? It doesn’t seem to be based on the plans for the one in real life, from what I see. In my save, Liverpool won the Champions League, yet weren’t in the competition. 

    EDIT: After reading, it sounds just as random as what I saw in-game. So, sounds about right!

  5. 7 minutes ago, hazzabish said:

    Does anyone else think the star rating for roles/ability change too much? I had Pepe as 4.5 stars, playing really well, went out injured for a few weeks and when he came back listed as 3 stars. No attributes changed, no change to my squad so why the big change after a few weeks? It also seems a bit too dependent on average rating and fluctuates too much for my liking, as does potential ability.

    I feel the same way. It was even more drastic in the beta, but it still seems to be a slight issue in the full game. I’ve also seen players being rated lower than expected, like Haaland, yet when I buy them, the star ratings are completely different. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    From what I've seen so far, it takes longer to manifest itself with semi-pro teams and quicker with the better teams, however I'm only basing this on two of my own saves. 

    How long has it taken with top teams? I have a save going with Arsenal and, after one of the beta updates, they appeared after around a month. Yet, since the full release, I haven’t had any new partnerships form and I’ve had a pretty consistent starting 11 for around two-three months. I remember seeing partnerships form after around a month in previous editions. I’m totally fine with it taking longer, though that doesn’t seem to be the case. And as a bug, I hope it’s being addressed. There’s a thread in the bugs forum concerning the issue that’s gotten a decent amount of replies. It’d be nice to get some clarity on this because it’s one of the few problems that I have with the game. This is the smoothest edition of FM that I’ve ever played. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Ras said:

    Apparently no unfortunately, if he continues his trajectory may be seen as a database error.  Think they wanted to give it more time, with the hype and the Klopp comments think it was worth increasing his potential and stats though as there's a good chance he'll become some player.

    Thank you. As an Arsenal supporter, I always do a long-term save and am usually fine keeping what I start in the BETA. I was wondering if Martinelli would be upgraded in the full release, so I was considering starting another save if he was, but there doesn’t seem to be a need now. And if Martinelli hasn’t been upgraded, then I don’t expect any other notable changes to the database either. 

  8. 1 minute ago, rdbayly said:

    They appeared out of nowhere and I jumped out of my seat!

    It's just a pity that the same doesn't happen as a result of attacking patterns in the ME* :brock:




    * Still enjoying it though 

    It was one of my main concerns. Now that it’s fix, I am really considering keeping my save, barring some massive data changes, come the full release. 

  9. 1 minute ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    In terms of attributes and player moves? No, due to the sheer number of them, its not feasible

    That’s what I figured. I’m not too concerned, but I am curious to see if Gabriel Martinelli gets any upgrades. In terms of competition rule changes and other related fixes, I assume that’ll be a bit easier to find listed somewhere. 

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