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Posts posted by Johnnym871

  1. 8 hours ago, XaW said:

    I see the point, but I wonder if SI really want to go down that route again? I mean, they would need to have much better AI, since the AI needs to be able to use the same tools as the user. Unless we _want_ the AI to cheat in order to be able to cope with users and their inputs? Or a much improved AI making the game severely harder for the average FM'er? I struggle to see how it would work otherwise.

    Have an option if you want to play with it or not?

  2. 7 hours ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

    You do have a choice. Don't buy it. People on here talk as if they are forced to buy FM every year. Honestly, I've beaten this drum many times, but if you don't enjoy something, why put yourself through the agony of continuing to buy/play it? It makes absolutely no sense. And the 'there no alternative' doesn't wash either. There's always an alternative. Do something else. 


    I currently have around 500 hours into this game, and it's one month from its release date. The most amount of hours I've ever put into a AAA game is Skyrim which I must have over 200 hours on, and that's been out nearly 10 years. So, yes, while FM doesn't have a AAA budget, the value for money in terms of the amount of hours you get from it is unbeatable. 

    The fact the game has been out for 47 days Means you would have had to play this game for 10.6 hours a day. The average job is 8 hours per day, and the average human sleeps for 8 hours a day. 24-16 gives you 8 hours free time. You're definitely afking these hours

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