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Posts posted by Tangerine_Army

  1. Stuck to my 4-3-1-2 as not got the players or money to change system.

    Just beat a solid Southampton side 5-0 , Hat-trick of headers from my CB from 2 free kicks near the half way line and a corner....  a out the box rocket from my LB with his 7 long shots and an actual goal from my AM who made a run for a change.


    Other than the AM goal very little to non-existent central play.


    Team dynamics are far to sensitive to how the team plays, 1 defeat and its like the world is ending

  2. what on earth has happened to defending.... they seem to be even more clueless now than ever. 

    Its either pass-back after pass-back to the goalkeeper when another pass is clearly on, taking 10 mins to decide what they are going to do so lose the ball resulting in a 1 on 1 or 3 players charge to the same player to close down leaving other players free making schoolboy football look high level, Balls to the back post where a winger has 10 yards of space to read the paper then pick his spot is still a massive issue


    Let me add goalkeepers are back to more statues also


  3. 2 hours ago, Miravlix said:

    It's not based on the attribute, the game thinks of "effort" put into training the second he start showing the upward trending arrows, he is putting in enough effort on that attribute and you no longer need to focus it.


    Most people think focusing an attribute means you can raise that attribute, but you don't get some 15 year old youngster to have 20 in dribbling at 26, by focusing the attribute, he will have 20 in dribbling at 26 no matter if you focus it or not,  the "focus" training seems fairly pointless and I just can't figure out if it does anything for most attributes.


    The game seems to create fast players, after some year, EVERY SINGLE match report mention how fast the other team is, so the game's default favors making everyone fast, so I'm not sure if my tendency to train u18 players in quickness is making any difference, but that is the only focus training I bother with, but I have no idea if I'm fooled because the game make them fast anyway.


    If that is the case then it needs to be worded differently as its clearly still a weakness regardless of effort being made in training.

    deffo agree that it seems pointless on the focus training as i can't say any improvements on any player on the focus points 

  4. Still far to many headers going over the bar

    Defenders wanting to take 45 mins to pass a ball in the box resulting in losing the ball and conceding a goal, adding that at the halfway line wanting to boot the ball back to the keeper when a simple sideways pass is on.

    1 on 1 shots are as good as passbacks to the keeper sometimes they are that weak

    Yellow cards on standard tackling still an issue, get stuck in, i dread to of that bloodbath

    narrow formations still very weak with most things going wide


    Also the training information is still laughable.... got a defender on quickness training but its now no longer a weakness with his stats at Acc 9 and Pace 10 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Sharkn20 said:

    I feel even the public Beta conversion rate is quite low, I got plenty of draws or 0-1 loses despite de facts that I am creating far more CCC and Set Pieces opportunities than my rivals. And not is not about tactics as am talking about 1vs1 in central plays or crosses from the wings...

    Agreed, especially compared to the opposition who seem to finish most chances

  6. thought i'd give it another go today.... Against Man city, great game to come back to with my Blackpool side, switched to a 4231 narrow and it worked very well trying to hit on the counter, keeper made some good saves which were 1 on 1's so expected but of course KDB scores a 35 yarder that floated in more than flew in then to top it off a ball through which my defender can simply get but instead just at the last minute decides to stop running so Sane can just get the ball instead and 2-0.


    simple thing just infuriate the life out of me with this ME... the long shot i can let slide a little as it was KDB but with it floating in just no... 2nd goal well thats just a shambles of the defensive state the ME is in



  7. first time back playing it today after a week break as i was finding it far to annoying to play.

    trying to play 4 3 1 2 is like eating soup with a fork.... it just doesn't work with zero middle play now unlike the previous patch

    1 on 1's - 0 goals in 15 1v1 chances, not asking to score each one but its more of a suprise when one will go in

    noticed time after time players make such stupid passes when an opposition player is stood right next to the player he's passing to.

    still far too many yellow cards for normal tackles, get stuck in is just comically stupid

    AM role makes you may aswell be down to 10 men


    thats enough for another week otherwise i'll put my head through the window


  8. 19 minutes ago, iAlwaysWin said:

    I just decided to opt out of the beta as the current official patch is still better even with the problems it has, am not really one for posting pkm's etc anyway so its not a loss to Si anyway, I was just hoping for a more enjoyable game experience which sadly it couldn't deliver, at least on the official patch central play is effective and strikers even with all the missed 1 on 1's can score on a regular basis.

    Same, gone back to the offical release, although not started playing again i couldn't cope with the beta anymore as narrow formations are just as ineffective as before. I could do with going back another patch

  9. Blackpool season 3 after back to back promotions and now a number of games in with the beta and while its good there is a reduction in clear cut chances 1 on 1s still a little iffy, while 40 yard thunderbolt shots much easier to score

    Goalkeepers have now become stupid again like last year,

    Anyone in the AM/AP/SS role is irrelevent still as no matter what tactic is used they do nothing,

    defenders still brain dead, heading the ball back into play when can leave it still heavily present and now 4 players want to run after the same player like schoolboys

    Encourage/Concentrate still have no effect other than annoy players.

    Goals in first min of each half still through the roof


    EDIT: I'll add passing seems worse now, so many passing errors

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