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Posts posted by johnsmith101

  1. I'm a noob, but here are my findings:

    if I have a quality team, I basically spam "get creative" no matter the score. it inspires the guys every single time (the effect wears off as the game goes on, but its easily the best shout by far imo)

    if I'm down against an inferior opponent I spam "demand more". it fires up the team (except the mentally weak).

    if I'm down and there is not much time left, "show some pashun" always does the trick. it seems like a more hardcore version of "demand more". cartoonhd

    "praise" is a tricky one, when up big it fires up the team, but for some reason I concede right afterwards most of the time. seems like it makes the team complacent 9 times out of 10. so I basically only use it when stomping lower league teams in the cup. imo it can make the difference between winning 4-0 and 6-1, but thats about it.

    I pretty much ignore "encourage", "concentrate" and "calm down". for some reason these are always either frustrating or overwhelming. "encourage" can work sometimes after going down early or a player getting tossed early though.

    "push forward".. meh, maybe for the last 5 minutes of a knock out game when going very attacking, but I feel this one got nerfed compared to fm18.

    "tighten up" basically makes your attackers contemplate suicide, but it can work when clinging on to a lead against a better opponent late in the game. get-9apps.com

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