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Kyle Brown

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Issue Comments posted by Kyle Brown

  1. Looks like it's an issue with your custom files, we don't believe this specific crash would occur if you play on the vanilla skin with no added on graphics. As it's a custom issue, we can't officially offer support I'm afraid due to licensing constraints. 

    If you remove all the files and the crash still happens, could you upload that crash dump and we'll take a further look.

  2. On 01/11/2023 at 02:17, mvreis said:

    Hi, I have been facing the same issue. I transferred my save from FM23 to FM24, and it crashes on a specific date. I've tried removing my custom graphics, but the issue persists. Any ideas on how to solve the problem?

    Could you raise this via a support ticket please, and we'll have someone look into it asap:


  3. Could you try the below please and let me know if there's any difference:

    - Open Steam and access your Games Library

    - Right-click on [Football Manager title] -> Properties -> General -> Set Launch Options

    - Type this in the box: --config very_low

    - Click on OK, close the window and launch FM through Steam


    And could you upload your save file to our cloud please, and let me know what it's called.

  4. Really sorry for the lack of update so far, we've been investigating behind the scenes but have struggled to recreate it with the same specs.

    Could you try the below please and letting us know if there's any difference?

    - Open Steam and access your Games Library

    - Right-click on [Football Manager title] -> Properties -> General -> Set Launch Options

    - Type this in the box: --config very_low

    - Click on OK, close the window and launch FM through Steam

  5. All the bugs you listed are under investigation as stated. The two week window for Early Access doesn't guarantee that any issues raised will be resolved for launch, but it gives us critical feedback and a jump start for our Dev Team to work on anything that may need changed or tweaked like above.

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