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Posts posted by achortagus

  1. Hello, i just discovered (although been playng for many years) that if you place a first team player in the B team, his wage doesn't count in the wage budget anymore, freeing it up. So i suppose this is an easy trick to get over the wage budget, or free up some wage budget if you keep him in B team.

    And as a bonus, if the player was unhappy for some reason, making others unhappy as well, when you place him in B team, everybody forgets he exsists.

    Is this how it is supposed to work?

    FYI, i am playing in German third league.

  2. For me also, league position was the most important every time. Didn't matter if i didn't follow style of play etc. Average happinnes was not A+ but my job was never on the line.

    They do get confused some times though. In my last season i got into CL group stage by winning the greek league, but they said that i failed my objective of reching the second qualifying round. Not knockout, but qualifying. Group stage comes after qualifying so I don't know what happened there. Thankfully I won the league again and ended up with an A.

  3. Hi, here is some info on my setup:

    I am managing Mannheim and have been in the Bundesliga for 4-5 seasons now. As you can understand, i dont have the sponsorship of the big clubs, so i can only rely on cheap-ish transfers (never have bought a player above 15 mil). So, signing prospects is my bread and butter. Especially under 18 so they can become home-grown.

    I constantly ask for more scouts. Currently have 22+1 chief scout. I try to sign scouts of different nationalities (so i can have knowledge of more nations). Same for other staff. Also my scouts are all 16+ on attribute judging.

    Regarding the assignments, in this years version, i think that they are not working pretty well. Scouts struggle to find good talents. My usual assignment uses filters bellow:

    - Age at most 18

    - Potential ability 5 stars

    - Current ability 1 star

    - Ongoing

    - Scout a region (i.e. South America East), or specific nation

    - Unlimited budget

    U can adjust filters above to search for first team players. I.e. no potential but current ability 3.5 stars, specific budget, or contract expiring in a year or something

    Of my 23 scouts, i have only 5-6 doing assignments. As I said, i dont find them effective and most of my scouting happens with methods bellow, which require scouts free of assignments:

    - Manually browsing National U23-U21-U18 etc teams of South America, top 5 North America, Top 5 Africa, Top 3 Asia, most of Europe without big 5 nations. Depending on the time you want to invest in this there are different methods. You can:

    A) mark all and scout for a week

    B) scout only under 17 of age

    C) scout young players in older squads. I.e. 17yo in under 23 or first team.

    D) hover to see stats before scouting

    E) scout only players with "Wanted" symbol

    F) whatever method seems best for you

    - Manually browsing clubs. Its similar to above with nations, but for the actual clubs of nations.

    - Scouting all players on the nextGen e-mail that you get once per year

    - Utilising Player Search. This is a big one. It requires good world knowledge and max scouting package if possible. You can use it in multiple ways:

    A) Create and save filter per role and position. You can add filter for lets say top 10 attributes for the role, the position you want, the max age etc. Some tips: play with the attributes. You can lower them, or you can lower the match required. Maybe you can find a better player with match 8/10 because you dont see their attributes. The rule is: increase match-->decrease attributes. Dicrease match--> increase attributes. Also, set positions as accomplished and not natural. And add more position. I.e. Search for accomplished at ML or AML or MR or AMR. All in one filter. This way you combine multiple positions in one filter.

    B) Search for players with max age of 18 with at least 1 international cap.

    C) Search for players under 18. Sort by value or something. Hover only over those who are wanted by big clubs. Then scout them.

    D) In player search add column for realease clauses. Then you can find gems with small release clauses.


    These are the most common methods that I use. Of course, there are multiple more. I.e. some people use the results in World-->Transfers-->Youth intake, which lists all you intakes form the world. It is effective, but we are talking about thousands of players per year.

    My general advise is to try and get your world knowledge up, as well as a nice big scouting package. This way your player search will have more players and their stats will be more visible. Affiliating clubs can also help with knowledge. After that scout every canidate for a week, and depending on first report, add them to shortlist for further scouting. You can have multiple shortlists to organize things.

    Having a lot of scouts really helps with that. In my case, i can scout more than 100 players in a single week.


  4. Interesting question. Lets see if some of the methods bellow would be considered uncommon:

    - In player search, filter players with max age of 18 and at least 1 international cap. (good world knowledge and packet needed)

    - Scout players from world-->transfers-->youth intake. (maybe add them to shortlist first to trim the garbage, because there are A LOT)

    - Scout players under 18 in search, wanted by big clubs, without even checking their stats. If i could actually filter only players wanted by some of the big clubs, would be great

    - On player search again, show clauses as column and sort by player value. You can find some good deals with small clauses.

  5. Wage demands vary though. 

    In my experience, when I am trying to sign a player with an expiring contract on 30/6, highest wage demands are around January. Then they slowly go down. And if the player is eventually released and becomes a free agent, his demands are way lower, and get lower as time passes by. Usually, lowest wage demands are in the end of the window.

    But then, by waiting, someone else could sign him. And if there are more clubs interested, his demands may actually rise. 

    I ususally scout the wanted player often (even if i know him 100%), to see the current wage demands. I can usually sign him around the average of what scout says.

    Also, i often give the player 20-30% of future transfer fees if I want to really lower his wage demands. I know that i can loose money this way, but if i am not planing to re-sale him, it doesn't hurt. 

    And if we are talking about buying someone, unsettling him can help you a lot. If you make him to want to leave his club, he will be willing to be paid less, in order to get out of there.

    Regarding renewal of contracts, i find it that lowest demands are usually around November.

  6. Many South American talents have a high release clause and a very low domestic release clause. Nevertheless, shortlist them. Often a domestic team will match the low domestic clause. You can then make the same or a bit higher offer and it will get accepted.

    Use reminders to praise (or warn about) form and training every month or so, and for many other things like initiating scouting for players with expiring contracts in one year

    Check transfer rumors in league details to steal those sweet AI transfers

    You can use more than one instances of "recover" training in congested fixtures.

    Tired of scouts recomending "C" players in scouting center? You can change that in the options

  7. 11 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    You're going to have to provide some further details on what possible way you envisage the game can accommodate varying tactical effectiveness, player morale and transfer negotiations for a feature request. 

    A tactics effectiveness is determined by the players you use against the opponent in the ME. You can have a horrible tactic be effective with the right players, so conceptually how does that work?

    I am not really a suporter of the multi-difficulty option, but some ideas could be the following:

    - Hidden ability of human players in team controlled by him. For example, player controls X team with 20 players of 140 CA. He sees 140, but their real ability and stats could be different behind the scene. On Easy mode, CA is bumped to 160 and on hard mode it is dropped to 120 or something like that. All this is not visible to the player, he sees 140. But in reallity, on easy mode, his team will be 160 and of course winning easier.

    - Then it could be made easier (or harder) for human players to make transfers. Clubs could be made prone to accept lower offers by human, and players to accept lower contracts.

    - Regens for human player could be buffed by increasing stats of facilities etc behind the scenes.

    In general, by playing with the real stats and numbers behind the scenes could be an effective way to use diffculty settings. Just an idea. Nothing more. I don't know if this is really feasable in the game.

  8. 20 minutes ago, Kyle Brown said:

    I don't have the PM? Could you just let me know the name of it here - don't worry, nobody else can access or see the save other than myself and the dev team.

    it is:

    Nikolas Stamboliev - Hansa Rostock (v02).fm

    I am running on:

    ryzen 1600, rx580 8gb, 16gb ram, win10 x64, latest drivers

    Hope you can fix it.

    Thanks again!

  9. Hello, pressing continue on a specific dates, just gets the game loading indefinitely.

    I have removed graphics and logos, deleted cache and preferences, verified integrity, completely emptied sports interactive folder in my documents.

    Nothing seems to work. What else can i do? It's a 10+ years save.


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