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Posts posted by DonalydD

  1. I believe this game has pre-determined match results because I believe that the way the in match algorithm adapts to changes in win/loss probability is based decisions made by the developers based on life philosophy.

    Basically before you start a game your chances or odds boil down to one number. How your actions before the match and during the match impact that number isn't something that anybody can define accurately because IRL none of us can go back in time and see 'what would have happened if you'd done X'. so the developers have made a decision on how much that number can change. I don't think the developers allow that number to change very much (based on my observation of re-playing the games I don't like the result of until I do like the result).

    But we'll never know how much that number can really change unless we can access parallel universes. Which we can't.

    Still makes me mad though.


  2. So Fiete Arp - 16 for important matches. Yes I've looked at the editor - but still, 16.

    So why does he keep ranking 5.9, 6.2, 6.4 etc in ... uhm... big matches - Utd (signed before I got the job) vs liverpool, vs euro oppo, vs arsenal (2nd and I'm in 3rd). 

    Bit of a load of BS? He hasn't had a rating over 6.4 in a big match since I took over - probably 20 games.

    And It's not my tactics, I've won 75%.


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