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Posts posted by BrianBrobbey

  1. Hey guys,


    I always tend to stick to wide formations, most notably a 433 since I just like the balance it provides. However, creating a 433 every time is getting a bit repetitive for me and I want to try something else. I'm currently starting my 8th season at Sociedad and I picked up some juicy regens along my journey, most notably in defense and midfield. For this reason, I opted for trying to do something else and create a wingerless formation in the form of either a 4312 (my first idea) before potentially settling on a 4132 which will provide me with a bit more defensive stability. 


    Now because I don't have experience with creating a narrow system I'm quite clueless where to start. Will it make sense to play a narrow system if I'm predicted to finish 3rd and maybe even compete for the title? Or will this just form congestion in midfield and in the opponents third since I can't / barely use the width of the pitch which limits space? I figured I might compensate for this by playing a lower line of engagement in order to create the space vertically instead of horizontally but I don't want to be left exposed at the back, having my wing backs tracking back all the time I lose the ball and with the absence of someone in the DM slot I figured I might be vulnerable when my guys are tracking back. So my question here is; play either possession based because of the numbers I have in midfield, or play counter attack to create the space otherwise created by wider formation but then vertically, with either a 4312 or a 4132. Given that this will be a logical thing to do if I'm one of the better teams. I have good passers all around my team with good mental attributes, my backs are also quite decent and I think they'll be able to cover the width (Renan Lodi, workrate but underwhelming but amazing player regardless and a two footed argentinian regen with amazing decisions and physicals), in other words, I don't think my players will be a problem, I think that how I set them up could potentially be a problem because of my inexperience with narrow/wingerless formations so therefore I'm looking for some insights. 


    Also, if I were to play the mcr and mcl both as MezS (which was my initial thought), would this limit my attacking pattern variability? I'd hate to become predictable especially with a narrow formation which would then be easy to mark and thus render ineffective. 


    So to reiterate; play either counter attacking or possession based, based on what would be the most viable given my team reputation and league prediction in combination with the fact that I do want to play a narrow formation which would limit wide space. Then from that point onwards ask the question whether I would opt for a narrow formation with either a 6 or a 10.  Any tips, articles or insights with regards to the creation of such a tactic would be welcomed. If someone would like more clarifications or have me post some of the regens I'm planning to use I would be more than happy to post them. 


    Edit; to give some more information. 


    For my prototype I created a 4132 with a halfback to allow my wing backs to bomb forward, a MezS, ApS, Car, DLFa, CFa. Attacking mentality, for forward passing, shorter and standard tempo, low crosses and standard width (attacking mentality), both counter and counter press, and for out of possession I haven't decided what to do yet, this decision could of course influence my in transition and in possession ti's. I played one friendly with this formation and the opponents heatmap was all over the flanks, while they barely attacked the box once they got down the flank but it was still a thing I kinda dreaded to see, this in combination with my low number of possession relative to theirs (±42% for me)

  2. 2 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Well, that's a typical example of a tactical mistake that many people keep making. You don't need to put all forwards on attack duties in order to make them goal-scoring threats. In fact, you should not do that, because it only makes your tactical setup disjointed and potentially unbalanced, which usually have an adverse effect both on attacking and defending. 

    Ahh yes, that's what I was afraid of, there's not really a rule of thumb with regards to balancing attacking, supporting and defending duties is there? It's all kinda context related?


    2 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    And even if you do put all forwards on attack duties, you need to set up their roles in such a way as to create different patterns of attacking movement and space creation. But then you also need to create that space up front they are supposed to attack, 

    That's why I put Martial on CF, since he has move into channels locked in, figure he'd create the chances for Rashford and Fekir in doing so.

    2 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    which means that you should be considerably less aggressive in your manner of defending in order to draw the opposition more into your half, rather than pinning them into their defensive shell. But with instructions such as high line of engagement, extreme pressing, prevent short GKD, tight marking and counter-press, you are actually doing the exact opposite. 

    So then I would either need to defend more reserved, something which I don't have a lot of experience with since I usually just do a type of Gegenpress variation, or attack in a more controlled and patient way in order to not form the cul-de-sac I'm dreading to create?


    Edit: I changed Fekir to IWs and Bissaka to to FBa and it went way smoother, don't want to cheer too soon but beat west brom 9-0 on the first game day.

  3. Hi guys,


    I really love playing fm and the hours I put into fm20 reflect that, I want to play with my own created tactics and I've had some success in doing so and gotten a lot of fun out of it. However from time to time this tactic creation also proves to be something which I haven't completely grasped yet, sometimes leaving me clueless in the process. I created this tactic but I'd like to learn from it from you guys as well, just to get some extra insights. Are there any things that stand out as something which could become a problem ? 

    My aim is to create fast and beautiful football since I have some really fast players with good flair, vision and passing. Also, most of my players have good workrate and determination so I want to press high. Dribbling is also a high stat throughout my attacking force, while my midfield is creative, good in passing and can also have a crack at goal from long range but I'm not too sure if I want to capitalize on this. I want my Attack to be the main goal scoring threat, hence why I put them on attacking duty, however I wouldn't mind if Fekir joined in creating chances. I want my midfield front 2 to be creating most of the assists, while Florentino Luis should be the lock holding it together and recycling possession. I always have some issues on deciding what to do with my backs and centerbacks, I usually just plan 6/7 friendlies and see which roles get the best grades after a game since everytime I try to think of something that's 'logical' they just get a 6.4 or 6.5. Also, I never really get the overlap shout, how does it combine with wingers that are cutting inside? Wouldn't this hold up play too much? That's what I'm afraid of, holding up play too much and then creating a cul de sac in the opponents defense, I like to keep things moving, fast and fluid, since my players are also fairly determined and intelligent. Is the tactic I put above somewhat a representation of what I'm trying to achieve?

    Also, how can I properly analyze my tactic in game? I play the entire pre-season in 2D, extensive highlights in order to determine weak spots and focus points but it just makes me tweak the tactic till it's something completely different from what I set out. Are there any guidelines or processes you have for yourself in creating and analyzing a tactic?  Finally, is there some sort of archive with articles on tactical creation? I already checked a lot of youtube, reddit, this forum and just articles in general, I got the basics but I just want to take the tactical aspect of my game to a bit of a higher level. 


    Any help would be greatly appreciated,



    Schermafbeelding 2020-06-07 om 22.39.06.png

  4. Hello guys,


    Recently I've started a save with RB Salzburg where I'm trying to make a 442 Diamond work (Either, 4312 or 41212) since the team does not have enough wingers. However, I can't seem to make it work because I have never played without wingers before.  I've looked online and read articles on Marco Rose's 4312 system at Salzburg but had difficulties translating this into fm19. Does anybody have some tips on making a 4312 or a variation therefore work, or can someone who has played with Salzburg in a wingerless formation share some insights on their tactic with me? Also, the team is as it is and I haven't made any signings yet. 


    This is what I've currently produced but I know it's far from functioning, especially regarding the roles. I don't know how to get them to create space in a cohesive matter and utilize it at the same time, while remaining somewhat solid at the back. The tactic I've put out resulted in a lot of draws, (0-0, 1-1, 2-2 mostly), also in a few wins but merely hard won 1-0's or 2-1's while most goals have come from standard situations or own goals. I do get a fair share of chances and tend to have the upper hand in possession but what's all that worth if I don't win convincingly. 



    Schermafbeelding 2019-09-20 om 22.39.36.png

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