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Issue Comments posted by FourFiveOne

  1. I have raised quite a big amount of 'issues' in the bug tracker for FM24 under the Research & Database section i must say, and some issues are quite concerning because they are important. Im talking about player heights being way off even from players at top clubs like Chelsea FC, declared nationalities for several players not being updated (Arbnor Muja, Rocky Bushiri, Joris Kayembe, etc.) player's playing positions missing, even Romeo Lavia missing his Belgium debut from March! According to a post from FM the game has like 1500 researchers or something.. so why cant those who are responsable to scout/follow x club in real life check once a year before the release of a new FM on player heights and information accuracy? And i even wonder if some update the player attributes of their team at all, because many players in real life known for certain specialities are lacking those specialities in FM while other players are overrated. I understand not every club or country has researchers, but Romeo Lavia lacking his Belgium debut from March is a big mistake (who is responsable for Belgium NT and the Belgian Leagues, watching and following those leagues!?) and player heights being wrong in big clubs like Chelsea (Madueke for example) & Man City (Palmer before he joined Chelsea) is just inacceptable.

    Yet i dont get a free copy of FM for raising all the research and database 'issues', do i. Those who took the responsability as a researcher and head researcher for FM need to do their job right, and if they cant do it properly or dont have the time, they should leave it to someone capable.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Yer Maw said:

    There is nothing right now to say he will never ever play for Belgium though as he is still eligible to. It breaks realism to complete remove that in option in game in this particular case.

    Are you even from Belgium? Because i am. Struijk is not even a topic in Belgium or for national team coach Domenico Tedesco, nor does Struijk talk about Belgium. That was all in the past. Struijk has no connection with Belgium apart from being born there, thats all. He made clear (check the article that i shared)  that he wants to play for the Netherlands, and like Jeroen said he'd probably pick Indonesia as second option because of his origin. Belgium/Tedesco also have other young CB's in the picking order like Zinho Vanheusden, Sebastiaan Bornauw, Ameen Al-Dakhil and Koni De Winter, so chances are incredibly slim that Struijk would be called up for Belgium anyway. So i disagree with you and i'll leave it at that. End of discussion.

  3. 8 hours ago, Yer Maw said:

    Until he plays a game for Netherlands he is still eligible to play for Belgium so therefore shouldn’t be marked as declared for nation until after that point.

    When a player clearly says that he wants to play for the Netherlands and even has been close to playing for them already it just not isnt realistic to see him play for Belgium. Nobody in Belgium thinks or believes Struijk will play for Belgium. It breaks the realism in FM in this particular case.

  4. You are right, this isnt a fault of the researchers but new information. However, where else can i report this information if its not the database & research section? I rather report it anyways just in case it goes unnoticed :) . Thank you

    4 minutes ago, CWaka said:


    this isn’t a data issue but a news infos. Don’t worry we check the actuality so it will be done.

    Thank you.


  5. I can confirm. Weird that the club name hasn't changed and that David Villa wasn't set as the owner as i reported this when it was official in real life (with proof). I guess the researchers dont give much importance to this as Benidorm isnt in a playable league, but still, they should apply changes and modify when there are reports. Hopefully it gets fixed rather sooner than later.

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