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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. One advice is about the "pass into space" instruction (i'm not really great at the game to talk about much else lol). If you're pressing as high as you are, you don't really have "space" to pass into. In my mind they condradict each other. Another thing. If you want to press that high, you may want to remove "prevent short gk" because you want them to have the ball in the defense when you try to press them.
  2. Do you play the highest lines with any team ? Like, if you play Real Madrid, it's more obvious to play higher lines, buy if you're playing a mid table or weaker team, would you still use it? And how do you use press? I'm finding really hard to find the correct pressing intensity for my team.
  3. I was playing this cup match, and it was 0-0, then the match showed me some highlights and when it returned to commentary it was......1-0 for them. I thought at first "hm...they scored while in commentary and it din't show, can happen". Then i go on to see when the goal was scored. 22' 1st half. Hm...no? It was 0-0 until now, i know for a fact, it WAS 0-0, then randomly they get a goal that supposedly was scored in the first half. I don't really care about losing the prestigious EA Cup of Ireland, but i'm not a fan of this happening like, ever.
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