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Posts posted by LuckyConquerer2

  1. On 02/11/2022 at 20:09, wearesporting said:

    Still available to preorder from what I can see.

    Looks like the OP will have to never use Sony again.

    Yeah, it was readded with the beta.

    On 03/11/2022 at 11:17, Desmond Richardson said:

    I just want to confirm that this has absolutely nothing to do with Microsoft and the full Microsoft version will be launched on 8th November.

    Any chance of the achievements being put live? No point in me playing the beta if I cannot make progress on them. I'm probably going to get a refund and use Game Pass.

  2. 12 hours ago, auch said:

    Would you play 10 games against me in draft and lose them to unlock draft rivalry Lucky?

    I have said many times, this thread is not for your version. I cannot play with you. I own the Xbox Edition and W10 Gamepass edition. I don't play on Steam or Epic.

  3. 13 minutes ago, auch said:

    I honestly did not know that this was an Xbox version site to be honest. But I cant register myself since it says that I need a gamer tag. I tried to add myself to the second site but it doesnt accept me :(.

    What version of Football Manager are you playing? If you do not have an Xbox Live account, I really do not understand why you are asking for help for achievements, because you must have a gamertag for that. This thread is not for you.

  4. 21 hours ago, auch said:

    But it is so weird man it doesnt accept my application. Well hmm are you interested to help me me unlock the draft rivalry achievement?  :)

    You said you don't have Xbox, so I don't understand why you are asking for help in a Xbox related version? Are you playing on Steam? That is not this thread. What is your gamertag, if you are playing the correct version?

    These are the two versions: https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Football-Manager-21/achievements


  5. 15 hours ago, auch said:

    Hi guys!

    First of all I just want to say that I am so desperate :(. :( I have this achievement called Draft rivalry which I know how to achieve. Its just that I dont have any friends who play FM21 and sometimes I see some player join my created draft but they sadly leave after 2-3 games. So my question is whether there is a player from here who could help to achieve this Draft rivalry achievement? All I have to do is to win 10 games against another player on fantasy draft. And I will of course help you to achieve it. I hope there is someone out there who can help me. What we can do is to win 5 games each and win quickly as possible. Or if you know an easier way to achieve it then please tell me that would be so kind.



    I recommend signing up to TrueAchievements.com and creating a gaming session. See https://www.trueachievements.com/n34907/xbox-gaming-sessions

  6. 6 hours ago, Tony Garvey said:

    Cheers. We are checking if this is right internally but glad you didn't get charged. Do reply if there's a further problem...


    Which achievement is this @Bonda Fett ? If 200 Club we are still looking into that one, apologies for the inconvenience

    Pretty sure Bonda is referring to 200 Club. Looking at the leaderboard, he does have enough points but no achievement. Two out of five people with 200+ points have unlocked it. This is a small sample but the data I can see at the moment.

  7. Also, I switched laptop and noticed there is no option to redownload the editor, I've been charged twice instead, I'll contact Microsoft to refund that but strange to see that.

    EDIT: Just checked my bank, have not been charged twice, yet. Game did say I needed to purchase it though.

  8. 6 hours ago, Tony Garvey said:

    Hey @LuckyConquerer2

    I was checking achievements yesterday and unlocked this - but for the Copa America. It took a while though. I thought it didn't trigger, but after playing on it appeared eventually. Maybe today, have a check in the Xbox companion app, just wondering if it has any progress there for you?

    Happy to look at the save if not.  I'd also need your achievements log - bear with me, this is in a hidden folder if you're in Windows:
    C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\Gamepass\Logs
    And the file I'd need is ACHIEVEMENTS_CHANNEL.txt

    That and the save can be uploaded here, just let me know the save's name

    I won the Euros with Italy now and it unlocked. The only difference was I took over after the first game of the Euros (with England). With Italy, I played all the qualifiers as well, that worked.

    I've uploaded the log but did not rename it. Did not upload the Freedom of the Country one as I unlocked it now.


    Anything else I can do?


  9. Hi.

    With the full game now on game pass, I have found an issue.

    The achievement "200 Club" for obtaining 200 match points in Fantasy Draft Online has failed to unlock for me. The leaderboard shows me at 808 (Gamertag is LuckyKant).


    The Xbox Companion App has the progress tracked at 99% for this achievement, as does TrueAchievements. https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Football-Manager-2021/achievements?gamerid=403897 It was being tracked all the way when I played vs other humans and vs AI in online draft. It has stopped at 99%, none of the games were on holiday. After speaking to someone who obtained it, I did what he did: 19 AI teams in online draft, went on holiday indefinitely, earned about 500 points. Not unlocked, all on one save file.

    This progress is cloud based, tied to your servers, right?

    Any way you can trigger this yourside? One person who did unlock it stated that it took to 275 points, another unlocked normally, at 200.

    I don't think you need a save file for this but can provide one if needed.


    Another problem is with Youssoufa Moukoko. When you select him for draft, you have to add his squad number every game, happened every draft.

  10. On 07/01/2021 at 15:21, Michael Mallia said:

    Hi @LuckyConquerer2, I only just noticed your enquiry regarding the 90% board confidence in the wage bill.

    Essentially this is linked to the Work within the wage budget objective in Club Vision, you will need to be 'On Course' to meet this objective. Though it doesn't state it in order to unlock the Achievement you will also need to have been in charge of the club for at least 120 days. 


    I can confirm this worked for me. Unlocked as soon as I signed into the game on Windows 10.


    Now I have completed all 6 games with achievements and currently only person to do that. https://www.trueachievements.com/series/Football-Manager/leaderboard

    Couple of mates reckon I should get an easter egg or something in this game, due to my obsession. Can I get a shoutout in the next game lol? Name the Hall of Fame achievement after me haha? That would be amazing,1st to complete 2019 and 2020, 2nd for 2021. Would have been first again if this achievement worked originally, was first to 995/1000 Gamerscore. I tweeted Miles as well, so happy to be at 6k GS and 100% complete. (My Twitter is @JamieBurtonUK).

    Thanks for fixing. Time to watch the documentary again.

  11. 12 minutes ago, EdL said:

    Yeah this is usually it the console needs time to upload the saves, unfortunately as far as I'm aware no where on the xbox does it make clear the progress of uploads, probably as its assumed it will generally be so quick as not to matter

    Pretty easy way to ensure no issues is to close the game on Xbox (full shutdown, not quick resume). Cloud saves will then get synced with seconds.

  12. 58 minutes ago, Stagman said:

    Can anyone out there please tell me why your not able to add another manager? On football manager 2008 was far easier to navigate through the UI and you could add up to 12 managers! Also an in game editor like in the pc version would be most welcome 

    get on it ASAP! 

    This version is based on Touch, so you cannot do it. All previous console versions were based on PC.

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