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Posts posted by Grifty

  1. 25 minutes ago, Captain Krakatoa said:

    Like is it normal to have 207MB size with that setup in only June 2022

    Due to the Youth Intake bug i forced to use many playable leagues rather advanced db and i'm planning to play a medium length game (try to get Man Utd job starting from 2nd tier of bundesliga).

    I'm afraid if the save file is going to be too big for my laptop to handle if i'm 207 MB in the end of my third season, it could be what, 700 MB in the 10th season?

    My save is saved to the cloud and after about 10 seasons it is 800 MBs and I have around 2/3s of the leagues you have loaded, about 100,000 players.

  2. 5 hours ago, rp1966 said:

    The 'Leagues in Focus' screen is one of my favourite ways of keeping track of FM's football world beyond the league I'm playing in and I wish they'd implement it in FMT as well.  From there I'll periodically click into the overview pages of leagues I have selected on that page and so will see the top performers at various points in the season, so even when newgens have taken over the world I still start to recognise the star players.  

    I also always have screen flow set to show results from Champions League, World Cup and Euros - again some names will keep showing up.


    I do this too. I also like the social media page as there is often comments about players performance or transfer rumours for random newgens in the game.

  3. 2 hours ago, Sharkn20 said:

    He will only influence the personalities, specially of one prospect who he will tell you inthe email of the intake. But that doesn't guarantee everyone being a perfeccionist. Also club reputation and youth facilities / coaching heavily influences the intake.

    I'm not expecting everyone to be a perfectionist. I'm not even expecting one to be a perfectionist, but I would expect less than 10/18 players to be unambitious.

    It was my understanding that club reputation and youth facilities / coaching would mainly affect the CA & PA of the intake, not their personalities? My club reputation is 3* but youth facilities are superb and coaching and recruitment are exceptional.

  4. 3 hours ago, XaW said:

    If I'm not mistaken a "Perfectionist" should have AMB 15-20 (going of memory here, could be 16-20), so his ambition should be high. If this is a one-off, it could be a poor luck, but if that happens regularly, there could be an issue to report here.

    Edit: Do note that he only _influences_ intakes, so you could have low ambition players anyway. What about the ones (if any) he says he influenced with his style? Those should probably not have a low ambition.

    I've noticed a lot of low determination, low self belief and unambitious personalities over the last few seasons, but I will give him a youth intake or two more to see if it was really a one off or not.

  5. I just want to  if this is due to my HOYD...

    So these are his stats + a perfectionist personality.


    This is the list of personalities from my latest youth intake.


    There's also another 7 that have come through that are in my reserves that he has produced. Is there a chance he has a low hidden attribute for ambition which is why this is happening? The best personalities he's produced are things like Loyal or Sporting and that's probably 3 players in 4 years.

    Am I best off binning him off for a different HOYD? Is there a way (without using editor) to 'scout' staff to review their hidden attributes?

  6. 21 minutes ago, jdubsnz said:

    Thanks all. Offering them out does get offers (but usually at a lower amount). I just don’t seem to get proactive offers from other clubs. Other ‘big clubs’ will be bidding for other players left right and centre, but if I don’t offer any players out I will likely go a whole window without fielding an offer for my players. This doesn’t seem that realistic - Arsenal are not that big of a club anymore, we would struggle to hold on to very good talent and clubs would at least test it out. Part of the challenge would be keeping players away from Liverpool, City, big European teams, etc

    That doesn't make sense if you've just win a double and then came 2nd. You should be basing it off what's happening in game rather than real life.

    Poor couple of season does not make Arsenal  not a big club. They are still a big club. They do not struggle to keep very good talent.

  7. 2 hours ago, rp1966 said:

    All the best journeyman saves include a few sackings - followed by joining  clubs you'd never have chosen yourself.


    This is a great point. I did my first Journeyman in FM20 and it started off with 2 sackings and a relegation in the first season! 1 season! It just made it feel all the more rewarding when I finally got to the club/found a tactic that clicked.

  8. On 26/12/2020 at 00:55, LyghtWayve said:

    So, my Stoke experiment is going badly.  Seven games in I have 4 points and am plummeting to the bottom of the table.  We are on a new winless streak.  Team morale is in the dumps.  I better understand my mistakes and see why I lost some games.  Despite our record, we have been playing better.

    However, is it too late to turn things around?  Am I about to get fired?  Have you ever turned things around after starting so badly?

    For some context, I chose Stoke as my team for the save.

    I need more context!

  9. I've just checked the Euro cups to see what the dominance is there;

    Champions Cup: Liverpool x 3, Barcelona x 1, Roma x 1, B Dortmund x 1, PSG x 1 and Real Madrid x 1

    Euro Cup: Ajax x 1, Newcastle x 1, Schalke x 1, Lyon x 2, Man City x 1, B Dortmund x 1 and Hertha x 1

    Euro II: Atalanta x 1, Newcastle x 1, Schalke x 1, Valencia x 1, Arsenal x 1, Fiorentina x 1 and Villareal x 1

    So there's quite a few different teams from the top 5 winning which I like. Seems quite fair across the board.

  10. I'm managing Brommapojkarna in Sweden who start of with what is very good coaching and youth recruitment for their level and while I don't limit myself to youth only challenges, I do focus on trying to promote using those facilities where possible. After a few years of Euro II qualification + a few relative big sales of players I've been able to bump both recruitment and coaching to 'Exceptional', my youth facilities to 'Great' and my training facilities to 'Excellent'. My HOYD is pretty good I think, and his favoured formation is similar (but not identical) to what i play.


    I am yet to get a 'Golden Generation' tag, however every season I get that it's a good group of players, at least 2 5* potential players and currently 7 of my first team (of 22 players) would class as graduating from my academy while I've been at the club.

    My personal feeling is that players playing well increases development faster to reach the potential, so I prefer to leave players in my u19 team to play than come up to the bench of the reserves or 1st team. Because of this my u19 league record since I've started is played 143, won 124 and scored 664 goals. Probably 3 of them could be on the bench in my first team, maybe starting some games, but they'd probably only score a 6.8 average. I'd prefer them to play in the u19s until they are 19 getting an average rating of 7.8 than get 15 appearances in the first team scoring 6.8. Then either a seaosn on loan elsewhere or brought into the 1st team as cover.

    I rambled on a bit and actually missed the point of the OP but there we go!

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