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Posts posted by Shunta

  1. 6 hours ago, knap said:


    Just my typing should be 352

    Thats fine mate, my typings not up to scratch at the best of times. Once typed an email to a chick i worked with 20 years ago wanting to say "theres no one in this world i could HATE anymore than you" and somehow put "theres no one in this world i could HAVE anymore than you"

    Bloody married to it now. 

  2. Double Barrelled question here Knap or anyone in the know, ive just downloaded FM22 from Steam and its showing the 22.3 version.

    Q1 -Does 22.4 update appear after sometime, or is it something i have to update manually via Steam?

    Q2 - ive downloaded a bunch of 22.4 Tactics from this thread, are they going to work on 22.3 or am i best to go and find the 22.3 versions?



  3. 6 hours ago, knap said:



    Top - You can use Lpool results for top. I tend to go for Beowulf P107 but Preachin Bllues has done well with Barcelona.

    Sub - I would try the above tactic or Wulf 4132 P106 (Both are top tactics with MR H Testing)


    MID - As above - Also as a guide use Google docs sort for options. Also consider Home Away tactics.

    Underdog - From Norwich tests 343IF, although the other tactics tested have done well.

    Thanks chief, Kia Ora!

  4. 1 hour ago, knap said:

    I can't find any posted screenshots- when you are next online, I will fire up FM08 and take screenshots for you.

    If you could do that, you have no idea how thankful i would be. 

    I have read the forums here, fmscout and sortitoutsi for tactics and i keep coming back to how good argus 18.2.2 p102 and pilgrimage 18.3.3 p104 are but with out the player instructions, i dont feel im doing them the credit they deserve. 

    Thankyou Knap.

  5. Knap im not trying to be a pain but ive spent the last 2 days trying to find the individual player/position instructions for each position (sit narrow, mark tighter, cross from byline, dribble more, shoot less often etc) for Argus 18.2.2 p102 and Pilgrimage 18.3.3 p104 without any luck. Im on FM18 Touch so have put in the Team Tactic and Team Instructions Manually.

    Initially i wasnt going to ask if you could screen shot or type them out as id imagine you get asked alot but at risk of spending more hours hunting with no luck and more matches played with not the full tactic setup, ive signed up here so i could ask you to do that? I would genuinely be very thankful.

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