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Posts posted by Loda

  1. 34 minutes ago, sidslayer said:

    Thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain and the more info the better! As stated I’m an FM modding noob, bar the basics, although I have some experience with other titles.

    The floating folder was what I was missing. I’ve been editing the paper files in the match folder!

    Good to know what panel controls it.


    Yup, no worries - initially I thought it would be in there too. I have a feeling that was where it used to be but could be wrong. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, sidslayer said:

    Thank you!

    Apologies. I’m not on pc atm. 
    match console panel, the graphic, top line?


    Yes what do you need clarifying, I've stated the panel it can be found in (match console panel obtainable via the resource manager extraction in case you wish to investigate). And I've stated the graphic location (boxes/floating/standard/paper).

    I've also stated exactly where the graphic is read from within the aforementioned panel, i.e. line 1. This is for info. purposes. (You could just list another directory in its place if you already have a graphic you want to use elsewhere and don't want to copy it, you have several options tbh.)

    But for all extensive purposes the panel info. is only for exactly that, info. I find it's better to give too much than not enough though... 


    If you just want to make the change and you aren't interested in behind the scenes, just making the graphic I've stated more transparent will do.

    It sounds like you should already have most of the base graphics if you've extracted the toolkit, i.e. sitoolkit\skins\fm-widgets\graphics\boxes\floating\standard so you should already have the basis for everything you need already if my memory serves me correctly. 

  3. You'd need to find where that page is reading that directory - just not sure it's possible to find that to edit. Can't remember any precedent either tbh. The Match Pitch panel screams to me that it's still hard-coded (it was in previous years when I've moved the pitch around to accommodate titlebars). 

    If that's the right graphic and nothing has changed this year though that's something, presumably the graphic could be edited at the very least to something other than grey.. 

  4. 34 minutes ago, OlivierL said:

    skin looks great, i don't have the stadium pictures, should i download something extra ?

    Small stadium pack in fmscout's download area. 


    It's mentioned there will be updates to this skin and I strongly suspect an instant result button will be added in one of the later editions too btw just like last year. Just give it time. 

  5. If yours are relying on the selector panel for the appearance you might have to go into each of the 'options panel' linked within and remove the container title from each one. More hassle if yours is organised that way but not particularly difficult. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Alexpuk2002 said:

    I am creating a skin for FM20 and have used the FM19 Resource Archiver to extract the panels and skins etc.

    I have transferred over the player profile from the FM19 EVO Skin and have tweaked it a little to how I like it. The one thing I have noticed now is that bordered boxes now have titles on them similar to subsection boxes. Is there a way to remove the titles? Below is a screenshot of the issue, I have put a red box around one of the panels that is acting in this way.


    FM19 selector panels are causing a duplication. Deleting the container class within the relevant selector panel has solved my issues.

    For example within player overview small selector panel remove the first container class on the line with id="SUBP". It'll be something like class="subsection_box" or possibly it's just a bordered_box. Just the class and appearance, keep the actual container. 

  7. Any third party graphic packs added separately over-ride those within the game (if added correctly, i.e graphics folder within sports interactive folder, in documents). I see no reason why this would change with a licensed addition.

    It does beg the question of why you'd purchase such an edition if you intend to replace the elements which differentiate it from the original but as I understand the price of these editions are the same I guess you're not losing anything. (I would advise against it if the price is more though or anything is missing compared to the standard edition of the game as graphics packs can be obtained easily and freely online.)



    Here's a thread for more info. also.


  8. 22 minutes ago, lionel messi said:

    I have set a transfer window as how it is in the Vanarama Leagues for the lower Leagues.

    June until end of March.

    Loan Rules set to how they are in the Vanarama Leagues.

    Does anyone know where the match rules are to set a maximum of 5 on loan players in the matchday squad?

    When i have done this i will release a updated file.

    Match-day loan limits can be added in the same place; fixture rules.

    Screenshot (806).png

  9. 16 minutes ago, lionel messi said:

    Football Manager does in fact have these rules correct, Vanarama National League can have up to 6 long-term loans not 8 like you have indicated and there is no age restrictions also.

    Ok I'll have to look into whatever it is that's contradicting the handbook I presented. Less work though so good. 


    By not mentioning the rest I'm assuming that's all right.


  10. 2 hours ago, lionel messi said:

    I have not added in any transfer/loan rules other than a wage limit from Level 7-10

    What are the transfer/loan rules at these levels?

    That was my question :lol: but...

    • I've been sitting on the rules from Prem to Conf. for a while as that was all I could find... I had another look and I think FM has it wrong. Vanarama National can have up to 8 long-term loans (but 4 must be 23yrs old or under). VNS/VNN can only have 4 long-term loans (think in-game it's 6).  (SEE: 6.6.2 in the attached pdf)
    • 5 loan limit in match-day squad for all leagues down to step 6 it seems (SEE: 6.4.8 in attached pdf). Does FM have this right for the Vanarama leagues?




    Back on topic, you encouraged me to look into step 7 again and I found the Isthmian rules (http://www.isthmian.co.uk/downloads/rules). I'm pretty sure this relates to all of the Isthmian Leagues (i.e. all 4, 1 at step 7, 3 at step 8 - and therefore also likely to be applicable to the rest of Evo-Stik Leagues at step 7 & 8). Trying to find any info. any further down the pyramid could be difficult.

    • A 5 loan match-day limit (SEE: 6.4.8 within the document of the web-link above) is applicable here too.
    • Whilst there is a long-term loan limit of 6. I was expecting  some limit tbh hence my enquiries. Having tried my best to fill out the squads at step 7 in the editor, no team has more than 4/5 long-term loans atm I can confidently say.  (SEE: 6.6.3 within the document of the web-link above)


    Short-term loan limit of 12 seems pretty universal, as do the majority of the rules. Both documents are very similar. 




    So there's a bit of info. on the loan situation. Potentially step 5-8 need amending. My hunch these or similar loan limits probably extend even further. I personally can't believe any team can have and/or play an unlimited number of loanees. Personally I'd apply the limits as low as possible. 

    I made similar edits last year but can't quite remember the details. You probably know better than me but I'm sure there was a rule section somewhere. I'm currently finishing reviewing the VNS but once I'm done I could attempt it but might need some pointers.





  11. On 23/03/2019 at 18:57, lionel messi said:

    It is possible to do but you would probally also have to change all the cups they are in too and it could mess it up if its not set right

    Good point, that's a lot more hassle than I originally imagined.

    Whilst I have your ear, are you familiar with the loan rules below the Vanarama leagues. Are there long-term, loan limits/match-day loan limits? No worries if not.  

  12. Great work with the step 3/4 play-off picture. Really impressive, especially the step 4 p/off group.

    Just some minor feedback of sorts only involving the step 3 play-off finals, the rest is spot on. These are to be decided by geographical location I believe. So I slightly altered your file so the Southern Prem South winner plays the Isthmian Prem winner. Southern South versus Southern Centre increases the possibility of 2 Northern-ish or 2 Southern sides being promoted. I can understand the logic of keeping the Southern divisions together and there's certainly nothing in stone as to what the allocations will be (not that I could find anyway). Just law of averages there tends to be more Southern teams in the Isthmian Leagues than the Central. I think the whole motivation of the reorganisation was to keep things a bit more compact.

  13. 8 hours ago, Dan BHTFC said:

    You can have players on dual registration in Non-League if the club is in a different league, you can't really do this in the database so unlimited loans are the nearest thing 

    True, I can see the logic in your compromise - am I right in thinking the loan limits do exist IRL though ignoring the dual reg. issue? 

    I ask only for my own reference, I might add it myself (if I can remember how). I can understand why you wouldn't to. 



  14. Are there any loan limits, in terms of long-term loans & match-day limits, which apply below the VNN/VNS? 

    I can't seem to find any info. for this, this low in the pyramid. Neither this or @lionel messi's mod. place any such limitations which means you could field a squad of loanees.


    I've tried to fill out the squads at step 3 and I'm pretty sure I haven't come across any side which has more than 5 long-terms (that doesn't take into account the first half of the season though and potential long-term, 'half season loans' up to January. Just squads as they are now). Maybe this is coincidental and there aren't any limits but personally I'd be surprised and thought it was worth questioning.


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