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Posts posted by AverageJoe

  1. I have a question about b team coaches, because I am currently managing Athletic Bilbao, and I have a problem with hiring coaches for the B team and seeing their assignments. Is it not possible to sign them or what? Also, when I try to place advert for them, It said that it is advertised already, but no one is hired. Can You guys help me if there is something to be done? 

  2. Hi guys, I have been playing Fm more lately because of this stupid virus, like the most of us probably, and because of that, I have been losing my hair and patience at times, while I am not an expert at the game, I think that I am okay at it, and because of that I hit the wall sometime so I come here to read about other people problems and sometime post myself, wanting help. I do not want download tactics, I want to have something of my own, with some help of course. So here is my tactic ( i have probably wrote more than I should in my opening):



          IW-s                                           IW-s

    DM-d            SV-s

         WB-s       CD-d           CD-d       WB-s


    Mentality: Positive

    In Possession: Fairly Narrow, Shorter passing, Overlap left and right, Play out of defence, Work ball into box

    In Transition: Counter, Regroup

    Out of Possession: Defend wider, Higher D-line, Offside trap

    My IWs, Ap and Dlf all have close down more.

    And my wingbacks have stay wider ticked.

    Also, AP have roam from position and move into channels.

    Now my problem is, too many balls over the top and too much long shots.

    My TI are not strictly those, I change them in the game if needed.

    So what am I asking you guys? Is my tactic well balanced, is it making sense for kinda possesion orientated tactic, are instruction all right, are they too aggresive or too passive. 

    I hope you guys can help me. 

    Be safe and cheers.

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