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Posts posted by davenumber40

  1. I'm really struggling with sorting out my defense as well. I watched some streams the other day and it was definitely a theme. 

    From what I can tell in my save the defense is pushing way to high up the pitch even in a lower block, low line of engagement and a cautious mentality. I noticed my back 4 standing on the halfway line with this set up. DM's are also push too high up. I'm using an anchorman and even with a cautious mentality he is almost arriving late in the box. 

  2. Apologies if this has already been discussed, I couldn't find it and I thought this was the place to ask. Has anyone noticed heavy repetition of personalities in the intake? I have a fairly professional HOYD and basic youth recruitment. In my first intake I had 6 unambitious and 6 low determination out of 16 players. Maybe it's my recruitment but I don't think I've ever seen personalities this bad across the board in an intake. My plan was to play a youth heavy save but I want to make sure there isn't an issue before I get too far into it. 

  3. 17 hours ago, Pompeyboyz said:

    I've been running a test during the day while working and added what I think is proof of the bug.  I think it affects ReGens and NewGens only though so if you and @Moonshine have players added to your teams at the start, they will be the ones to see it most.  How's the only real player you started with looking now?

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but I've looked around for details on the bug and couldn't find it. Could someone give me a quick description? it sounds like it's an issue with youth not developing? I'm getting ready to start a youth save and may hold off depending on how bad it is. 


    Great work as always Nakamura. I really enjoy following all your threads.

  4. On 26/10/2021 at 03:46, phnompenhandy said:

    Dunno if anyone is still reading this thread. My last campaign was with Dan's file in FM19 (although through last winter into this spring) where I took a team from L13 into the Premier League, for the first time ever. However, after incremental improvements of one league place per season, I got bored and packed it in.

    Now I'm back, with FM21, with a Cornish village in L14. Here's my problem - I only have a first team squad. I've put all my players outside my regular starting XI in the U23 squad for them to play friendlies and get fit/match fit, but I can't find any way to arrange matches. The schedule tab doesn't have a tab for U23 or U18. I've tried assigning my assman, but that doesn't produce any fixtures either. Is there something I'm missing?



    EDIT: Hold up  - I found it in the Development Centre. Sheesh.

    Sounds like you may have found it but if you don't have the normal U23 and U18 buttons on the menu bar to the left it's because of the delegation settings. There's one of the items that when you take responsibility for it, the menu bar icon pops up on the left. Maybe training?

    This was confusing for everyone so you're not alone. 

  5. On 21/10/2021 at 15:08, XaW said:

    Woop! Loading up now!

    I think you can remove the stuff about Spain and Portugal. Also, Latvia is added this year, but only one tier, so they are not eligible this year.

    I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet but after the first season Latvia expands to 10 clubs. The 10th place club gets relegated and the 9th place club goes into a relegation playoff. The second tier is unplayable. 

    So I think this league would count under the rules.  FWIW I think a couple clubs were relegated as a sanction so they may come up pretty strong. 

  6. 20 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

    I'm not sure about that. I use an inverted wingback in the FBR position. My academy intake kid in my U18 squad trains and plays as such and is developing very nicely as an IWB rather than simply as a fullback. It may well be that it's the training rather than the playing that is the main factor there.

    On the other hand, I've had forwards from my intake who are naturally target men, which I don't use in my tactics. After three years they are decent at the roles my first team strikers use, but are still judged to be best as target men.


    My guess here is that it's the training and not the match experience since it's always stressed that training is more important to U18's. I've considered dropping matches all together but it feels gamey to me and the matches give position familiarity for players when I'm changing their position. 

    19 hours ago, NotSoSpecialOne said:

    Depends on how much you micromanage your youth team. Do you manage both the general training schedule and their individual training? I have a hunch that a staff member responsible for setting up general training will try to include some sessions in the schedule based on your perceived style. So if you're hands off in that department it could make a difference on what tactic is used. Not sure what influences a staff members' decision with setting individual training but I wouldn't be surprised if the tactic used factored in, to an extent.

    But I stress this is just a hunch and I could very well be wrong.


    I do handle team and individual training. 

  7. There's no role familiarity, only position familiarity. So does it matter which tactic you select for your youth team beyond a shape?

    I've seen people complain that you can't pick a specific tactic for your youth side, only pick a generic shape or the currently selected tactic for the senior team. If you rotate between a couple tactics depending on the opposition, this is a constant headache if you micromanage your youth side. 

    But now I'm wondering if it makes any difference which tactic the youth use in matches as long as players get position familiarity in the position you want them to play. 



  8. We were not at the end of the season it was March and we had 6 matches left. I should have saved at that point for the ticket but didn't. 

    I didn't state my issue very clearly. Had he just left the club, I could understand. He wanted a meeting because he thought he was not at our standard and wanted to leave. I chose the meeting option 'I understand, I'll let you move on but you'll need to wait until the end of the season.' He said 'great thanks for undertsanding' and was happy in the post meeting summary. 

    As soon as I left the meeting he was released by the club. I'm assuming this was based on my promise to release him in the meeting at the end of the season but it was inconsistent with the actual discussion. I didn't mind losing the player but felt pulled out of the game by the interaction.

    Thank you for taking the time to look at this. I know it's probably a rare issue.

  9. I had a player on a non-contract approach me for a meeting because he was starting to think he wasn't good enough.  In the discussion options I agreed to let him go but at the end of the season. The player agreed and was happy with the outcome. As soon as the meeting was over the player was released. 


    I think it's unrealistic that a player would leave without an offer midseason, even if he thought he wasn't good enough for the standard. 

  10. 19 hours ago, OlivierL said:

    It is double. i used (IDF) and it was very handy to use in filters etc


    22 hours ago, Tilling said:

    I've done a save with Palermo using only Sicilian players in FM20, which was 12 season to win the Serie A, and a save with Ibiza using only players from the Balearic Isles (still play it every now and then, into my fifth year and in the Spanish second division, Spain's a bit of a weird place to manage in though). It's definitely doable, but biggest recommendation I would make is to decide your region and then to go into the editor and change the name to something like, for example, 'Barcelona (Catalonia)'. Thus when you type into the Place of Birth search in the game, you can filter just by (Catalonia) - cuts down loads of time!

    Thank you both. This has given me a lot to think about. 

  11. Slightly off topic question but this is the place for people serious about youth saves. 


    Has anyone done a save or seen a good example of something like the Lisbon Lions challenge? This is a challenge that isn't strictly youth only but all players must be from a local area (say within 30 miles of Glasgow). I'm thinking about doing a variation on this in FM22. I think it would give the opportunity to do a little scouting for talent but still be highly restrictive. 

  12. 20 minutes ago, sovy666 said:

    I've already tried CCQ but it happens just what you say, every now and then he's too advanced and leaves room for a counter or he's not in a good position to recycle the ball. Maybe I could try alternating CM and CCQ depending on the situation and see if there are improvements.

    That's what I would do. Leave your tactic as is but make the adjustment if your struggling and need a goal.

  13. If your team is performing well, you may just leave it. Two things to look for in the match engine: is he being man marked or does the opposition have a crowded midfield in games where he isn't performing well. This is the downside to a 442. Youre giving up numbers in the central midfield in exchange for 2 strikers and to create overloads out wide. 

    If he is being marked out, the role itself won't change that. Personally I would try ticking roam from position in the individual player instructions if you think he can't find any space. Watch it carefully because the downside would be he is out of position in attacking to defending transitions. 

  14. One thing I've noticed with my 442 is that my creator tends to have lower ratings when I face teams with 3 in the midfield. You might try to let him roam to try and find space or drag defenders out of the way. Or focus play down the flanks. When you think about it, this is a natural issue with a 442.

    If you want to go outside the box, maybe move one of you attackers inside (CMA) and use a wide playmaker.

  15. Does low match sharpness work in a similar way to inconsistency? I believe an inconsistent player will have technical and mental ratings take a hit in matches when their inconsistency occurs (for lack of a better word). Does low match sharpness reduce those same ratings ?

    I know this is a really basic question but I've never thought about the similarity before. Sorry I know I'm stretching the definition of tactic and training questions but I feel like this is a quick hit. 

  16. On 27/04/2021 at 15:09, lionel messi said:

    Has anyone managed to take a team from Level 11 to Level 8 or beyond using my database?

    Was it possible to attract players at level 8 because i am having real trouble getting players to join me at levels 8 & 7.

    They always say my team dont match their ambitions or my team are not reputable enough.

    I cant even attract any players from the level below.

    Im sure it has not been like this on past FM's.

    I'm playing youth only, currently in tier 9. I will say my players aren't getting poached the way I'm used to. I have good players on non-contract deals and they are turning teams down left and right. 

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