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Posts posted by Delial

  1. Il y a 17 heures, masno a dit :

    That squad is not my best one, is simply the one that would play the next game, as my first squad is tired AF. Usually I play Vitinha up top, as he is scoring for fun, Harit on the left side as usual, and he is surprisingly one of my best players. Mbemba is my right FB, and usually the best defensive player that I have. About the 2 BPD, it was my solution for this game in specific, that I needed creativity from my defenders to find players uptop. And I also use Smith Rowe in the right, as a Creative player, as I tested other faster players there, but didn't have much a return.


    And yeah, Marseille this year is impossible, sometimes. I had a great start of season, but now is like I am going down super hard. I really was trying to look if something in my tactics are crazy wrong, because one thing is my squad being bad since the beginning, the other is my squad shows great football against some clubs, and then not playing against others.

    Yes OK right, this line up is better indeed.
    As previous people said, did you try to micro manage players ? 
    But to be honest, I don't really how to make things work with Marseille on first season. Just... bite the bullet and try to make it until summer mercato to get rid of dead woods and do a proper scouting session. 


  2. Several things here :

    First and foremost, I spent the last two weeks trying to succeed with Marseille. Twice, it ended up at me being sacked off before the end of the first season. The board gives you around 50M to spent right before January mercato and, both times I bought good and reliable players in order to really upgrade the team and make it fit way more to the style of play I was reaching for. Despite good performances from some players (Aubameyang scoring for fun...), I always ended losing 1-4 at home against Nantes or Lorient. So, my take here is that Marseille squad sucks a lot during the first season (once again, FM sticks a lot to IRL hehehe). If someone manage to suck it up for the first season, you can get rid of dead woods and look for a brighter future!

    However, regarding your tactic, if nothing seems to be wrong with roles and Ti's, I see several issues. First, trying to play high and intense press with Correa (workrate of 7), Harit and Pellistri is very ambitious. Or suicidal. In my remain, Pellistri is more a target man type rather than a winger. Ounahi has poor finishing so CM(A) might not be the best role for him (switch him and Smith Rowe, it should be better). Mbemba lacks of composure to play as a single pivot. By playing 2 BPD (especially those two) you take a lot of risks. And Kurzawa is a very mediocre left back. So playing as an right inverted FB is not the right fit IMHO.

    Good luck with your save, you have a lot of courage to try to make Marseille succeed this year!

  3. Hi again guys (and thanks for your last answers!),

    Let me know if my question requires a new topic.

    I started to play with offensive mentality and I really liked how my players are agressive with and without the ball (espacially without).
    But my defence was ******. Do you have any advice on how to balance things using offensive mentality but still being pretty sound in defence?

    Thank you !

  4. Hi guys,

    I need your help to find the perfect striker : which role/mentality to give to my striker, which PI's should I give him and which attributes are important, in order to make my player lead the frontline, plays on DCs' shoulders, sometimes play back to the goal, hold up ball, play simple pass, and sometimes make runs behind the defensive line. I also want him to press a lot the backline and to be my main goal threat. I don't really want him to roam or the be a playmaker but to be a focal point in attack,help retain possession whenever it's necessary and to be very agressive in front of the goal.

    I mostly play high press/high line and possession football.

    Thanks a lot guys!

  5. I take the opportunity of this thread to talk about training in FM24.

    I feel like the mechanics changed from FM23, right?
    In 23, I used the Experience Based Training Schedule and, for most of my players/teams, it worked like a charm to help players grow.

    But I do feel it's not that efficient in FM24. It could be a good thing because, Experience Based training schedule could be considered as cheating but, I must admit that I'm a bit lost in regard of players growth. Feel me, I play with Ajax and decided to go all in on their homegrown players so, their progression really matters and I can't really afford to just buy another player if mine don't developp as much as I want/need.

  6. Le 29/10/2023 à 14:41, dannyfc a dit :

    I don't buy that, I still think it's far too easy to maintain and ultra higher pressing style over the course of the season without being penalised by jadedness or injuries. I would like to see SI make the effectiveness of pressing much more dependent on player attributes and training sessions that specifically practice the traps in-week. It should be a style you can impress over time, rather than simply slap on to any team at any level and get results from.

    As a tangent to that I feel tactical familiarity itself is far too easy to build and maintain and should be largely governed by the focus of your training sessions. (i.e. set-pieces, defensive organisation, transitions, pressing, etc) 

    I agree with that.

    I have a friend who is building tactics that don't make any sense, but he always push everything at maximum, pressing, counter press, tempo etc... And he always have better results than I do. Most of them are unreallistic. I'm not jealous, but it's a bit discouraging when you try to replicate more nuanced realistic football.
    But thanks @Cloud9, I will try to apply some of your advice.

  7. From my experience, CWB are basically wingers in the FB/WB stratas. I never saw a CWB underlap and overlap at the same ratio. They mostly overlap like classic WB but are mostly more attacking.

    Anyway, I recently played a lot with FB(a) and, paired with a W(s/a) before him, you can catch some exquisite highlights where the winger stay really wide and the FB underlap in the half space. That's for the attacking part of the play. They don't invert during the build up phase. They will stay a bit narrower if you ask them to, but not like an IWB (who doesn't really work in FM23 compared to FM22).

  8. Definitely not an expert, but a huge OM fan since...forever ?!

    Nice work on Tudor, btw !
    After watching last Marseille's official games, I think I can come up with something about the way they're playing.

    Anyway, I'd try to begin with something like that for Marcelino's team.



    PI's :

    SK : None

    (R) CWB(s) ; Cross More Often

    (R) BPD(c) : Stay wide - Dribble More

    (L) CD(st) : None

    (L) FB(s) : Get Further Forward - Cross from byline

    (R) DLP(d) : None

    (L) BWM(s) : None

    (R) W(a) : Shoot More Often

    (C) SS(a) : Roam From Position

    (L) IW(s) : Roam From Position - Sit Narrower - Hold Up Ball

    (C) DLF(a) : Roam From Position - Shoot More Often


    This would be my start with the tactic. This one is when Aubameyang/Vitinha(PF(a)) and Ndiaye are on the pitch. If Vitinha and Aubam are together, I'd go with a flat 442, same roles, excepting I'd go with Vitinha as a PF(a) and Aubam as a CF(s).

    What do you think?


  9. I tested a lot of different settings in order to emulate what RDZ is making at Brighton, with the actual Brighton players. And, IMO, this is the point where we reach the limit of the ME. I manage to have a lot of possession but players aren't good enough to make it work. I had to be a bit more direct to win some games and not being relegated at the end of the first season!
    I feel like it's a current ME problem. I often find it hard to play a high pressing build from the back style of play when you a bit of an underdog (Brighton is clearly not the worst team of PL but it's still far from the best ones too).

    I find it hard not to sacrifice one RDZ principles, or two, when facing BIG 6 teams. Am I the only one to feel like that?

  10. I understand how much this game could be frustrating.

    I consider myself as a player who spent a lot of times reading this forum, other websites about FM or football in general. I train U10 and U14 and I don't want to brag but I get much better results with the kids I manage rather than 5-fives stars team in the game haha !

    Sometimes, I really play "by the book" and it doesn't work. At all. And I talk with a good friend who doesn't really care about the theory and always play with unreal tactics (I mean, the last one was SK(A) - WB(A) - BPD(D) - BPD(S) - WB(A) - REG(S) - CM(A) - CM(A) - IF(S) - AF(A) - IF(S) with litteraly 80% of the TI's ticked and went unbeatten for 2 seasons in a row without buying Haaland or Mbappe).

    But I agree that the more simple you go, the better it is. My "sick of this game I want to win games" tactic is the very simple 451 swiss-knife tactic by @crusadertsar and it is with this very tactic that I got the best of my resultats those last 2 years. Just frustrating that building a team by myself isn't that successful.

  11. Il y a 2 heures, mss100 a dit :

    That tactic is good. can't see any reason why it wouldn't still work. The only problem is... that striker doesn't seem that good. He's not bad, but I can see why he misses chances; one in off his bum and you'll be fine.



    I play something similar as Atleti; Mitrovic is v good in this system.

    Thanks a lot. Yeah, I often have too high expectations on my young prospects. I'll try to get players a bit more experienced.

    Do you use any PIs for your tactic?

  12. il y a 7 minutes, enigmatic a dit :

    It's pretty normal for underdog teams to have a harder second half of the season when teams stop treating them like they're easy to beat and adopt tactics that retain possession more and protect against the counter attack better.

    Your formation looks particularly likely for that to happen since it's well set up for catching opponents out (three players against two on the break) but not particularly great for breaking down an organised defence because there's only three players likely to threaten the penalty area (and your forwards are probably not better than their defenders)

    Yeah I took that into account but the true is that I dominate most of my games. I mean, I have possession (not too much) and a lot of scoring chances. Like I said, my team is playing well but suddenly, strikers won't score.

    I'm not that of an underdog anymore because I play with West Ham for 3 seasons now and manage to get Europa League or Europa Conference everytime so, it's not a surprise anymore that I can beat bigger teams haha.

  13. Thanks a lot @Rashidi, always a pleasure to receive from the bests ;)

    I'm playing on FM22. When you're talking about additional focus, is it from the individual training sessions. If so, I admit that I add additional focus to all of my players in order to make them progress on very specific attributes but as I mostly play with teams playing european competitions, I often play 2 games per week. So I will remove the additional focus because maybe, my issue comes from here.

    Beside that, can you check the training schedule I uploaded upper and tell if it's a balanced one?

  14. Hi guys,

    Thanks for feedback!
    I tried my best to be the more "positive" I could be during press conference and team talks but I admit that every 5 games or so, I ask more of players who didn't performed very well since my last individual talk. But I'll try to stick more to your advice.

    One thing that I noticed and that worries me a lot is that not only my players don't improve but they even regress ! And it bothers me a lot because I built my own training schedules, following what guys like @Rashidi said on his YT channel. So, I must have understand something very wrong because I buy young players with good potential in order to make them better but if I just screw their carreers (and also mine!), I should change what I'm doing.

    Anyway, if you have any advice regarding training schedules in order to make my players progress, I'd be so glad!

  15. Hi everybody,

    I'm having troubles at scoring goals since... yeah around 15 games.
    What's frustrating is that I started season very well with a tactic I work on for month and when things started to click, it was awesome, we were playing very well and were scoring a lot of goals. But then it started to decrease slowly. My best scoarer scored 17 goals during first half of the season but... only 4 during the last 20 games. He is young, so maybe he is starting to be a bit jaded but I do a lot of rotation so...

    Enough talk, here's my tactic. I'm inspired by the work of Graham Potter at Brighton and Franck Haise at RC Lens.
    The main one : 3421. The AM(s) is the "passing" one, the AM(A) is the "runner" one. Both are asked to stay wider to occupy half spaces.


    The "attack" tactic :


    Then my last games, so you can see my performance's decay.



    Here's the profile of my best striker :


    And here's my training schedules :



    The fact is that I'm dominating games, creating at least 5 or 6 good chances (IMHO) per game, but they do not want to score. My team is predicted to end up around the 10th but we are now very close to the top 5, thanks to our very good results at the begining of the season. We are underperforming goals according to our XGs and also, we should be at the 5th place according to our Xpoints.

    If anyone has ideas how to help my team to score goals again, it would be awesome. Thanks a lot !


  16. @Cleonj Just finished to read the book : what a great job! Ballsy to have chose the Brazilian Box to illustrate some of the most basic principles of the game, but definitely a wise choice.

    Did you see that your AF and your DLF would be probably more suited to the role of each other's regarding their attributes haha!? Maybe I missed something in the reading, but I found it funny! (even though obviously, things seem to work well for this tactic).

  17. Il y a 4 heures, teej9 a dit :

    I love the idea of this thread, but it just does not work. At the end of the day, I always have better results playing a high press attacking tactic. I score more, concede less and win more. No matter what team, no matter what the squad strength. I like fiddling like this, but never got good results, it was consistently boring awful football. I do love the attacking role breakdown, that is awesome. Thanks for the detailed write up!

    I understand because I already had the same frustration seeing one of my friend building a tactic that cannot be real (a midfield trio Mez(a)/B2B/Mez(a)) and winning CL on Season 1 while I was trying to build a team that could be consistent IRL and not getting any big results.

    BUT!  I feel that the challenge in FM could be to build a tactic that could be used IRL and to get results with it. It's not easy, and we can be quickly tempted to switch to the good old gegenpressing pre-set. But for instance, I never used the "more urgent" or "much more urgent" pressing TI for any of my team. Split block can work for high and middle block and it's biggest pleasure to see something work without playing the same tactic as most of the people.

    There's a theory that says that in order to be good at something, you must spend 10 000 hours studying and practicing it... You know what comes next!

  18. il y a 39 minutes, crusadertsar a dit :

    Yeah sorry about the long hiatus guys :( I am feeling a bit less depressed, even though the situation in my country has not changed much. I aim to go back to it eventually. Right now I actually resumed writing about my other topic, the pragmatic 4-2-3-1. So expect more updates, eventually. After I finish with that I hope to tackle my favourite 4-3-3 again.

    The most important is that you and your family are well mate, take care ;)

  19. il y a 20 minutes, Jaydenoren a dit :

    its very hard for me because all of my full backs get forward whenever possible and I want to build the tactic around giving Bellingham the freedom to get into the box to score goals, which is also why I want to use reyna out wide.

    Regarding your wingbacks, you can set one on a simple FB(S). He will give support but won't get too far upfront and help maintain a certain balance.
    If you want Bellingham to be a goal threat, you can set your midfield - attack like this :

    DM = Bennacer - DLP(D)
    LCM = Fischer - B2B
    RCM =
    Bellingham - CM(A) with Roam From Position, Move Into Channels, Dribble More, Take More Risks, Shoot More Often

    LW - Reyna - IW(S/A)
    RW - Chukwueze - W(S)
    STC - Moukoko - DLF(A) with Roam From Position (will help to create space for Bellingham)

    With that same set-up, I won CL with Marseille. Moukoko was my DLF(A) and best scorer. Zaniolo was my CM(A) and finished the season with 20 goals/20 assists et won the Ballon d'Or!

    Enjoy !

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